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You can no longer believe your eyes

When I was about 10 or 12 I had a weird dream that I still recall. This was before The Terminator and the Matrix so I could not have been influenced by it. What had actually sparked off the dream I think was the plastic model of a single action colt that I had put together, which was actually oversized when compared to the real gun it modelled. I loved that thing for some reason.

And bear with me, I know how tiring it is to read other people’s weird dreams, but I promise this has a point.

The dream was that people were being replaced with replicas that looked just like them, but were in fact robots. And they would carry on pretending to be the real person until some critical moment, when they would turn and try and kill you. At this point, in the dream, their eyes would suddenly grow red and they would become homicidal. They were stronger than humans and pretty impervious to firearms… except… the large single action handgun I had in the dream, which was an actual gun and fired proper bullets. Even then, one shot would not be enough to kill them, but just slow them down and incapacitate them a bit. it would take multiple shot to cause enough damage to them to get away.

The dream was long, convoluted and exhausting, because the only way to be sure someone close to you was not going to be replaced was to not fall asleep. As soon as you slept, when you woke up again, you could not be sure who had been replaced.

It was definitely a weird dream but VERY detailed, which is why I recall it so clearly, and there is one more reason. About a decade later, when the Terminator film had definitely come out by then, maybe even a sequel or two, I had a “sequel” to that dream. I know how weird and unrealistic this sounds, but it’s an absolute fact. Nor is this unique for me. The entire Nazi Moon Trilogy was sparked off by a dream I had in my 20s, and then two more dreams that related to it too, each dream inspired one of the three books. But back to this specific one…

In part II of the terminator like dream it was much further on that the first dream, that is years had passed and the weapons were better, and there was some kind of human resistance and we all had very cool and sexy looking black uniforms a little reminiscent of the black widow costume in the Marvel films for women, and a similar if more masculine version for men.

This of you who have read my Systema book will be aware of the reality of a certain level of precognition among humans, or at least for certain humans at certain times. Now, I am NOT suggesting that we are about to enter the Terminator era… at least not yet… but… it is a distinct possibility that we might soon be.

Agent 13 has a long post (as is his usual way) describing how TikTok videos challenges are being used to model human movements for both AI and already currently for robots.

Just look at the two videos below.

They may not YET be able to fool you, but do you really think this technology is not going to absolutely skyrocket in the next 10 years?

You may want to stock up on single action revolvers in .454 Cassul.

I know I’d buy one right away if I could spare the money right now. I’m not sure the .357 Magnum is enough for the Robot Wars.

More importantly, and more pressing, we have now entered the era I predicted and was well aware of already 30 years ago:

You simply cannot believe ANY video or photograph anymore. And this is no small thing. It has reduced the already vanishing ability of people to be able to distinguish objective reality from the fake, insane, absurd, manufactured artificial nonsense, like men being pregnant, to the point where anyone younger than I am is unlikely to even understand or believe in that concept they are so very hard trying to remove from our very consciousness: Objective Reality.

Seriously. Look it up if you don’t know what I mean by those two words. it’s important. Far more than you can possibly imagine.

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