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Why the constant attack on reality

They do it because if you stop believing in objective reality, you become like a small child, incapable of being able to tell fact from fiction.

And they have pretty much succeeded at this point, given how many people already believe at least some of these things I listed before.

Now, of course, there is the real hardcore push:

Artificial “intelligence” and virtual reality.

They have already been running deepfakes of Biden, Zelensky and others and that technology has existed for more than a decade. Now they are releasing it into the mainstream and as a result you can no longer believe video evidence or any photograph.

Between AI “creating” more and more human-realistic videos as a result of a mere command prompt, and people getting hooked up for many hours a day to “enhanced” or “virtual” reality headsets, soon, the very idea that there even is such a thing as objective, hard, equal-for-everyone-whether-you-like-it-or-not reality will be seem as antiquated, racist, evil, and homophobic bigotry.

And by that point the next depopulation murder juice might be delivered anally by a transgender in clown clothing and people will still be lining up around the block, pushing their children forward first.

So that’s what all the “new” tech is helping bring in. And the masses will follow. They will bend and submit and doom themselves and their progeny to slavery and eventually extinction.

It’s already happened. All the lies are out and has any single person responsible for any of the massive crimes been arrested?

Hunter Biden could probably rape a baby in times square and he wouldn’t even get a disturbance of the peace ticket. In fact it might become the new video for an AI designed rap song, with the drooling masses cheering him on.

That is where it is going. Allowing it to continue or not is up to every single one of us.

And there are only two sides and no fences.

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