Why I don’t care what any “experts” think 99.99% of the times.

Vox put up an interesting post concerning two venerable historians of war, who were both flat out wrong in their early prediction of the outcome of the Russia vs Gay Earth current WWIII. He praised their ability to change their minds based on the more recently available facts though, and I agree that is a commendable trait, because it is so rare in human beings.

The point, however, is that these two elderly gentlemen have spent the greater part of their lives studying war and conflict and both have issued admittedly interesting books on the subjects (though ultimately relatively theoretical-based), but they could not see how things would play out, which I did less than a month out from the start of the SMO.

I also outdid Pepe at predicting and understanding things when that is literally his whole job, and can do math better than Karl too, as well as understand Canon Law better than one of the few validly ordained Bishops left.

Now, I KNOW that sounds like me just being an arrogant, prideful ass. I get it, and if that is the level at which you get stuck on this, so be it, enjoy the rest of the wide internet.

But if we can just drop the rhetoric and the false humility (false humility is not a virtue), and if you permit me to simply be brutally direct and dialectic, the simple fact is that this sort of experience, that is, being better than supposedly world-class “experts” on their subject of professional study, is not a rare occurrence in my life. In fact it’s been the generally speaking result I will tend to get far more frequently than not.

Again, probably because it’s difficult to imagine that being true of anyone —-that they are able to be intellectually ahead of many “experts” in that many separate subjects, it is natural to think I am just being an arrogant (lying) fool, or perhaps am not right in the head (ShadoHand style).

Nevertheless, play pretend with me for a bit; even if you don’t believe it, pretend it’s all true, and try and imagine yourself in that position. Do you really think you would feel pride?

Because I assure I do not.

Frustration, disappointment, disillusionment, a general sense of mild sadness and possibly loneliness (if I were prone to it, which I generally am not) is what you really would experience.

And aside from this post, it’s not like I make an especial effort to be “noticed” for anything I do.

But the simple fact is that I simply figure things out based on various pattern recognition parameters and my curiosity. The understanding is the thing for me, I don’t really care or put much stock in the “glory” of it. A fat load of cash for it would be nice, but I don’t see anyone handing me out a few millions just because of my ideas and concepts. Still, if you’re out there, anonymous billionaire, I’m right here!

The point for yourself should be to test and check whether things are as you’ve been told they are for decades and verify them first. Nor do I believe a word the MSM says.

It’s usually not as complicated as you think it is to reason things out for yourself.

And it is always better to make screw ups based on your own errors rather than someone else’s.

And the experts are not as expert as you may think.

    3 Responses to “Why I don’t care what any “experts” think 99.99% of the times.”

    1. Alex Graves says:

      Giuseppe, excellent analysis on all fronts. As third generation Italian American I have come to realize that violence and a conservative Catholicism is the natural state for Italians, although most Italian Americans are in denial about this and are very often democrats, ignoring all social ills and hoping for fair elections! I look forward to your analysis of the French and German election results. Alex

      • G says:

        Not much to analyse. They are voting for the lesser evil and assuming those votes are even real, the usual suspects are giving the foaming masses some supposed “relief”. Meloni came to power on the promise of stopping illegal immigration, and we have had an increase of it since she got in. They will say anything to get in and then once in power they follow what they are told to do by their puppet-masters. Nevertheless, if the people are starting to wake up, it opens a possibility of entryism. Two can play the infiltration game. To a certain extent, Putin’s career is a masterful example of this.

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