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Wherein Andrew Wilson Admits Catholicism is the Original Christianity

Andrew Wilson is one of the most prominent political commentators on the internet. His own site The Crucible is I think referred to as the bloodsport of the internet in terms of logical arguments.

Andrew is a regular guest on the Whatever podcast, where he inevitably intellectually curb stomps a bunch of thots for entertainment purposes and, one hopes, trying to raise the general tone of degeneracy from the very bottom of the sewer to maybe floating atop it.

He is also an Eastern Orthodox and refers to his Christian Ethics often as the baseline foundation for his argument.

He is a very decent debater, and one of the very few people on the internet that argues correctly and intellectually honestly, so basically he’s like a species of internet denizen that is as rare as a living example of a T-Rex.

Despite this, he did make a truly moronic statement in a clip of a podcast I saw, where he claimed that “The Catholic Church agrees with us [The Eastern Orthodox] but we don’t agre with them.”

Prompted by this absolutely false assertion, I went on one of his livestreams and gave him a superchat to ask if he was willing to argue Sedevacantist Catholicism vs. Eastern Orthodoxy.

His response was a long and drawn out “Nooooo!” And I think he assumed I was your garden variety monomaniac autist that would be about as entertaining to argue with as watching paint dry.

And in fairness, argument of theological minutiae, are not too often very interesting, although, the videos were I bury Jay Dyer under his own lies are some of the most popular, so, what do I know.

At any rate, my contention here is that officially, Andrew Wilson ran away from the potential debate like scared little girl.

I did a stream where I mentioned this here. I mention this from about 4 minutes in.

But then, this super-chat of mine obviously weighing heavily on his corrupt, schismatic conscience, he had a feudal slip. That’s not a typo. The feud between the schismatics of the East and the pure, true and good Catholics of the West has been ongoing for nearly a thousand years. You know, except when they periodically agree with us, like at the concil of Florence Andrew, remember that one, where you guys all agreed WE were right? Officially? yeah!

But then, as is typical of the Orthobros, they turn around and backstab, renege and basically go back on their word.

Anyway, on that stream of mine a guy left a comment:

I’ve never heard of any censure from any valid priest against lay-people expressing and defending their Church’s validity to schismatic, but I suppose it’s normal for the schismatics to want to avoid truth-tellers like roaches scatter from sunlight.

And there is more disturbing news that makes me wonder if elbrad02 is not really Andrew in a sock-puppet costume trying to give further reasons to avoid the truth, and it is this:

If this is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, because I know chadbh, then this post has just gone from 80% trolling in good nature to 50% trolling and the 30% drop in respect is if he really is friends with a demonstrable liar, quote-miner, deceiver, and fraud as Vajay Drier is.

I mean, look, don’t get me wrong, I have been friends with actual criminals, I have known the odd murderer or prostitute, and so on, but pathological liars… no. I can’t stand that shit.

In fairness I think Andrew himself is probably mostly or even almost wholly honest, so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Anyway, that’s the tag line: Andrew Wilson cowardly runs away from debate with Sedevacantist Kurgan.

Weak, very weak.

And we all know why, including him:

And I know, I know, he’s say he misspoke, and this is all just a cynical ploy to raise my audience, and so on, and sure, it would be nice if I got a bunch more subscribers since the shadowbanning has been in effect for a long time I think, but none of that is an actual argument against the position I hold that Catholicism is the only Christianity, now, is it, Andrew?

No, no, it isn’t.

And Feudian slips are still indicators of the truth, Andrew. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

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