Uncomfortable Facts

This video is from a news broadcast from 1981.

Now, ask yourself, what in God’s name is a CONTAINER FULL OF DEAD BABIES and baby parts that add up to an estimated 17,000 bodies doing anywhere on earth? WHO did that? And why?

Well, I have some theories, and none of them are anything other than nightmare fuel. Here is a possible reason.

And do you really think ANY of this has in any way stopped? We know it has not, because Veritas demonstrated it with amble undercover videos of people from Planned Parenthood outright admitting to selling baby parts and making a business out of it, as well as a very high up ex- personnel, detailing how they went into schools to promote sex in teenagers and the use of a very weak contraceptive pill, which would fail if it was taken even slightly late one day and so on. The purpose being to increase the number of abortions of babies. This is on record, it is not an opinion or a conspiracy theory. Look it up. Then go ahead and explain to me how ANY of it isn’t absolutely, completely, Satanic. Go on, I’ll wait.

    5 Responses to “Uncomfortable Facts”

    1. Nate says:

      What bothers me the most is not recognizing that this level of evil is present, but that it always has been and most people are blind, or indifferent to it.

      • G says:

        Indeed, but the devil is the prince of lies after all, and the average human is currently probably unable to drive stick or tie shoelaces.

    2. Michael Mars says:

      the human species needs to be nuked. let God recognize his own and protect them.

    3. Nate says:

      Been thinking about this post. I would have been a kid when this happened and I have no recollection of this being reported. But among my peer group, we had a morbid sense of humor even then. I remember tons of Challenger jokes after it blew up. But I also remember a series of “grosser than gross” jokes that revolved around a truckload of dead babies. I wonder if this was an almost subliminal thing for many of us, who only understand it now.

      • G says:

        Bingo. Same thing with the Satanic abuse which was ridiculed and made fun of…. and then things like the Franklin scandal comes out years later.

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