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Told ya

I certainly was not aware of this when I wrote the Rise of the Patriarchy style post yesterday that is certainly due, but it sort of makes my point better in one tweet than I can in I a thousand words. And notice… teenagers.

The return of a hardcore patriarchy is inevitable. And the younger generation is going to be the one doing the grunt work. And when a whole generation starts to simply use force in order to return things to a semblance of justice, sanity, rule of law, logic and so on, guess what: no government on Earth can stop it, and the more force they try to use to kill such a movement, the more the result will be the opposite.

Generation Alpha is going to be a very interesting generation. They are being bombarded from birth with absurd lies and if my generation does their job (we can’t rely on millennials to do anything as they are the younger incarnation of boomers to a large extent) which simply entails giving them the unvarnished truth about any specific topic, and teaching them how to do math, and logic and learn to think objectively about things while controlling their emotions, so as to use them instead of be used by them, well… in that case I think at least half of them will love objective truth with a burning fire not seen since the Crusades.

With any luck it will also be backed up by the ultimate Truth of all, real Catholicism. And we know from history that the harder you come down on Catholics, the more they grow and become larger in number and power.

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