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The ShadoHand Saga Ends

Sadly, there will not be any more ShadoHand posts here for the foreseeable future. The man is clearly not right in the head and while I am not above making fun of idiots, and retards (comparatively to me, in the vernacular use of the word, not say people with Down’s Syndrome, with whom I generally have zero issues and get along fine with), and those mentally ill in a way that they try and foster on the rest of us as being normal, my current evaluation (such as it can be from interacting online via hyperbolic messaging) is that ShadoHand is someone that is probably relatively harmless (as far as I can tell) who suffers from various delusions of grandeur (or even adequacy) and probably has some imbalance. Whether the result of drug use, congenitive issues, damage from psychiatrists or whatever, I cannot hazard to guess, but it is time to let him try and find his way without further exposure by me beyond this last passage that attached his last three comments, which have not, and will not be responded to, as neither will any further he may send.

Farewell ShadoHand. I hope you sort yourself out and are able to have a healthy, happy, and productive life. Above all, I hope you find some serenity and peace.

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