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The Ongoing WWIII Fatigue

UPDATE: Apparently Iran may have launched a missile strike on Israel. We’ll see how much this brings us closer to a hot WWIII.

UPDATE 2: If true, Iran apparently declared war on Israel. If so, the tipping point I discussed below might be reached a little sooner. And I am not sure this doesn’t have some ties to the imminent US election, even if I can’t say how, precisely.

Israel is genociding Palestinians and now starting to cleanse at least 5km of Lebanon, with absolutely zero pushback from anyone that is of any effect whatsoever.

Cocaine Dwarf in Ukiland is back page news along with the other worn out coke-whores, although Ukis are still getting turned into field fertilisers, and it looks like it’s speeding up a bit too.

And just like the rest of the world, the likelihood is that unless you are getting droned yourself, the average reaction is “meh, pass the salt; and by the way, did you notice how much salt costs today?!”

That is definitely not a good thing, but… it may be a necessary stage.

The zeitgeist is definitely shifting. It’s not yet quite visible yet, but it may be hading there. People had enough of the tranny bullshit, the LGBT-Pedo bullshit, the completely corrupt politicians at every level, the farce that is the supposed justice system, and even the most brain damaged are now starting to realise that Covid was a mass-murder attempt, because it’s finally starting to leak out even in the mainstream news, even if they bought into it and don’t want to think about it. Woke shows are bombing and losing money like a burst dam, and at least a few people are starting to say things out loud or push back against the absolutely false and retarded narratives they are trying to gaslight you with since birth.

Would anyone here trust a politician to not lie every time they speak? Or leave one of your children with any of them for 15 minutes?

And I think for every one of us who never was quiet about the lies, and now the others who are at least grumbling about them a little bit in their real life interactions, there are a 100 scared and weak rabbits just waiting to see if the momentum shifts enough to be able to join the ones that are now calling bullshit on all the nonsense.

Now, if and when that vast, mostly still silent, mass of people ever gets uncomfortable enough, what they will do at first is mild civil disobedience, and at this point the mass media will go into damage control. We have seen this quite recently in the UK where it seems to have pacified the natives to some extent, but it’s hard to say if the undercurrent is boiling over silently or not. Certainly, as far as I can tell, more and more normal people are starting to question the narratives, and sooner or later something else will spark things in their personal lives. Eventually, it is quite likely that a few or several of these individual things might become a tipping point. If and when they do, the next step will be some crowds demonstrating in the street, but we already know this will achieve absolutely nothing either. The false wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc as well as the whole Covid Mass-Murder scenario have demonstrated that in spades.

At that point, if the discontent continues to grow (as it inevitably must, because the pedovores in charge simply cannot let go of their stranglehold on the masses) there will be only three paths left:

  1. The Pedovores win, people submit en mass, they become the neutered cattle the Pedovores consider them and essentially will be little different from livestock, except with potentially worse lives, brief as they may be.
  2. The Populace tries to revert things by taking over local elections, local academia, and start to produce a legal, somewhat gradual/slow, but effective pushback, or,
  3. There is a violent revolution that involves at least some regime change, but probably not a total overhaul of the top players. The Pedovores will remain nominally in charge but slink back into the shadows and begin to immediately corrupt the new power-monger that replaced their latest puppets. In fact, some of the replacements will already be their puppets and have been financed to “win” the crowns they will adorn as the “saviours”. it would be a set-back for the Pedovores, but they are nothing if not patient. They have been working at this for literally centuries, and they will just try to move a bit slower again while adapting to whatever emerges from the ashes of the “democratic” West.

I think option 2 is the leas likely, although would be the most favourable. Especially if the people doing the take-overs are absolute zealots on things like honour, justice, truth, and… you know it, actual Catholicism.

Absent that glue of firm and genuine absolute faith in your religion, and one (the only one) that is based in actual (good) reality, your organisations will remain infiltrated. Or become it. Even the original Catholic Church was, but it took about 200 years of extremely patient and gradual subterfuge to do so. If enough actual Catholics come together, the reversal can happen in a weeks. Certainly within a year.

Imagine a block of proper Catholic voting in one way at a local election of a little village. And then removing from office any “stragglers” of the globohomo agenda. And then imagine them actually using the funds they get to improve things and isolate the liars and other nonsense even more. And it spreading to the local schools, to the local libraries, to the local sports centres, and so on.

The reversal would be very fast, because once you see through the lies and the systematic network of them… it gets hard to place that sack cloth over your head again.

So… in your individual, small, personal way, keep pushing back. keep dropping seeds. Keep exposing the absurd. Keep ridiculing the nonsense. Keep calling out the communists, pedophiles, would-be mass-murderers and their lies. Read the room and drop everything from tiny but powerful seeds to live hand-grenades in the discussions and zeitgeist of your conversations and even actions.

I don’t know a single person that has even had a hint of wish to see the complete trainwreck that is the Rings of Power on Amazon Prime for example. Not even as hate-watching fuel. It’s true what they say, it’s not even hate that shows the most contempt for something. Its indifference. And I think a lot of people have reached that.

The next step is irritation that sparks action. I hope you are there now and take those actions to transition out of Clown World into a new era of wonder and actual freedom. If not, the next step after that is likely revolution. And if it is to be revolution, it will be brutal, messy and not result in a real lasting improvement unless a spearhead of absolute zealots really do cut off the Dragon’s head and then imperiously establish a full blown Inquisition. And not a mild and weak, Lilly-livered Inquisition like the Spanish one with their 163 pedophiles executed in over a century. A proper one, where that kind of person’s DNA becomes extinct.

Time will tell which of the three options each nation and people goes for.

I sincerely hope it’s option 2, but you should all prepare in case it’s option 3.

And if it’s option 1 too. You should prepare your soul to meet your creator then. Let those who have a brain to see, use it.

One thing above all, however, remember:

We are not given to a spirit of fear.

Nec Spe, Nec Metu.

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