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The New UK PM

Aside from immediately expressing his pro now-illegitimate-by-any-measure “president” Zelensky of Ukraine stance, and being married into the tribe currently genociding a whole people, this Stirling individual has something potentially far more disturbing in his closet.

From a Telegram channel:

New UK PM accused of protecting rampant pedophile Jimmy Savile

Keir Starmer is facing renewed speculation that he engineered the obstruction of a probe into Jimmy Savile’s industrial-scale sex crimes when he was head of the Crown Prosecution Service. The 2007 investigation was reportedly killed two years later without an explanation under Starmer’s watch, although CPS sources claim Starmer himself did not know the move to kill the probe. All the CPS files on the Savile investigation were then destroyed in October 2010 when Starmer was still head of the service.

No word from him yet on the subject, as far as I can tell. I wonder why-ever that would be.

Out of simple curiosity, it would be interesting to know if he knew any of the Epstein clients?

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