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The Neverending Gamma

You know this story will never, ever, ever, end. The heat death of the universe is more likely than a Gamma just shutting up and going away forever. Yes, you guessed it, today must be special retard day.

ShadoHand, the furious intel is back.

I honestly can’t be bothered to dissect him as I did Ken. I’t just going to be more of a mercy killing style drive by. And his future comments might well be spammed.

And yes, you mentally ill retard. It is absolutely and perfectly fine to institutionalise people who have such severe mental illness or defect that they prove a danger to themselves or others. And while I do not agree with using them for medical experiments, as unfortunately they have been, historically, nor the use of the kind of drugs they are given, I do absolutely believe many can be helped, as Milton Erickson demonstrated for years in man cases.

You will also note this guy is a tad unbalanced (in case the previous, what half-dozen posts weren’t enough proof) where he:

  • Accuses me of wanting to institutionalise people at will, without any process for it (where he came up with that he only knows).
  • He equates drug taking as though it was a known Satanic ritual. I mean, drugs, even psych drugs are all pretty bad and the Pharma companies are certainly evil, but I’m fairly sure the people doling out drugs to mental patients aren’t (in the main) performing specific black masses.
  • Makes some nonsense up about Catholicism being incompatible with mental institutions, which is nonsense, since the Catholic Church has always tended to the care of the mentally ill from the very earliest times. And in fact, before anyone can even THINK of talking about exorcisms or possession, a full examination of the patient/victim must be had by both qualified doctors and specially trained clergy to first of all establish that the person is not merely disturbed, rather than wrestling with demons, so, no, you absolute freak, the Catholic way is most certainly NOT the abolition of mental asylums. As for your claim of psychiatric abuse, it is absolutely clear that you are not neurotypical by any stretch of the imagination, so I fully believe you absolutely need some psychiatric help, which is also why this is likely the last time you will feature on this blog and will henceforth, in all likelihood, be relegated to spam. Your entertainment and teaching moment value has rapidly depreciated.

I hope tomorrow brings a better quality of commenters. One lives in such faint hopes…

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