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The man is not wrong

Which means the only way to overcome this state of affairs is as follows:

1. Create an insular community that only allows members in it and absolutely excludes people who do not subscribe to the same baseline principles. Creating your own “cult” based on things you personally like is not going to work and will not create anything lasting in time. If you want to actually create something that has a history of having worked longer than any other organisation or ideology than any in known human history, the only contender in the ring is Catholicism. Nothing else comes even remotely close. And while, yes, the current state of Catholicism is much reduced and confined to Sedevacantism, it is also on the rise and it is the ONLY philosophy that rejects both the mechanisation of human beings as well as the religion and philosophies of all those who would enslave mankind. Catholicism has always excluded all its enemies and all other religions from its ranks.

2. Grow that community by making many children.

3. Make that community as insulated and self-sufficient as possible, and gradually change the demographics, policies, and politics of your local region. Fortify those local regions to be resistant to the larger “national” narrative that is invariably allied with the enemies of mankind.

4. Defend yourself, your children and Catholic tradition and reality in every way at every attack, and be absolutely unrelenting.

5. Repeat all of the above. Wherever your or your progeny goes and form alliances with other Sedevacantist Catholic groups.

You may not like the above solution for any number of reasons, but it is objectively, factually, and absolutely, the very best chance European people will get.

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