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The Kardashians for Men

It’s the Whatever Podcast. They get enough hits I don’t need to link to it.

I have a shameful confession to make: I have now watched probably 5 or 6 hours total of that show, basically pieces of shows, and some shorts and all I can say is that not a single second of it was in any way educational or meaningful.

Not a single novel idea or perspective that I didn’t already have, or rejected, has in any way changed or shifted at all.

All that happened is that I was somewhat entertained by how Andrew Wilson generally manages to not have his brain leak out his ears as he patiently walks feminists through the most basic steps of nursery level logic.

The only other thing that I learnt is that the show’s host is rather bitter and I am willing to bet not very successful (by his own metric certainly) in his dating life.

Oh, and I suppose my contempt for humanity in general, has mildly increased as a result of the absolute theft of oxygen so many of the women on the podcast are committing on a second by second basis.

In order to save a few trillion of your brain cells from undergoing the irreversible demise I subjected mine to for the sake of science, allow me to make an incomplete list here-below, of women you must simply immediately turn around from and walk away. Do not say anything, do not engage, and never contact them again (and doubly so if you live in the USA) if they say ANY of the following:

* I’m a feminist

* We live in a patriarchy (and that is a negative thing)

* The patriarchy oppresses women

* I don’t want children

* I am pro-choice

* I am not religious

* Cannot answer the question “What is a woman?” In one or two extremely direct and simple sentences, such as: An adult female human.

And in fact, unless they are a proper Catholic, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to marry a woman. Literally none.

The ONLY marriage that is valid is the one between a man and a woman that both parties agree is indissoluble until death.

Specifically, in order to make this as simple and direct as possible, let’s be clear that the ONLY religion that does NOT permit divorce is Catholicism, and even then, we are talking ONLY about real Catholicism, which today is found only among Catholics known as Sedevacantist.

And the MAIN purpose of marriage (though not the only one) is to make and raise children, therefore, unless the prospective husband or wife is a practicing and believer of Sedevacantist Catholicism, there is no reason whatsoever that you ever need to enter into some fake, diluted, dissoluble, travesty of “marriage” that will also open most men up to divorce and all its attendant damage.

If men simply and clearly adopted this stance, along with the really quite simple and authorative belief in the only Christianity that ever existed legitimately, all of the West’s problems would be resolved.

It really is that simple. And would take no more than a few years to change the zeitgeist of the entire West. If only 20% of men became Sedes in the USA, today, within 5 years the entire country would be rid of almost all nonsensical wokeness.

Because truth, inevitably wins.

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