The Hoe Math guy can’t do math

Here is his whiny post.

The boy obviously hasn’t got his numbers right in more than one way. So allow me to explain why he is wrong and voting is still something you should do.

And keep in mind I am a life-long non-voter who only recently changed his mind on the subject, so no, I am not some boomer that ever believed in the system at any point in time, nor do I believe in it now, at all. Never have and unless I become Emperor of Earth I never will. And even then… underlings… you can’t trust them.

Anyway, here is why you should vote:

1. Not all is yet lost. Vote in everything you can and put yourself forward in everything you can. Yes the big game is unlikely to change but start at the PTA meeting, home owners association, local library, whatever you can get. And vote even in the big game. Not because you will win there but because it:

2. Forces even MORE people to become aware of the reality of things.

3. Make the other side work harder at the fraud and in some ways that breaks some of his slaves too.

4. It increases your response-ability. It forces you to get just that little bit more involved in things. And morale matters.

Yes, it’s likely true we will almost certainly not be able to vote our way out of this, but voting makes everyone more perfectly aware of who the real enemies are, and when the time comes, they will be first on the list of more people. And even the ones that get away need to be remembered and eventually hunted down. The destroyers need to be exposed and known and the more people are aware of exactly who they are and what they do, the better. There aren’t really that many of them.

    2 Responses to “The Hoe Math guy can’t do math”

    1. Kristor says:

      You have your differences with the Orthosphere – not altogether unjustly – but in this we are agreed. Whatever any of us can do, we should do. Heaven will sort it all out.

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