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The Great Divide

What Victor Orban said in his interview (see last post) is really the main dividing line between what I would consider to be the enemy (knowingly or not) and those that could either be allies or at least well-marked enemies that are probably fine just being in their own space with a nice big wall between us.

That is, the ego-driven on one side, and those driven by concepts more important to them than themselves, be it God, family, nation or a mixture of those.

The difference between these two sides is that regardless of the words, supposed reasons, theoretical ideologies that the ego-driven spout, including how they try to couch everything in their apparent need to “help” others, be they rapefugees, leprous murderers, abandoned and trafficked children (which would likely not have been, absent their international meddling) starving locusts, or whatever else, the reality is that these people are doing what they do because ultimately they want to be the centre of attention. It’s all about them. Their “victimhood” (by proxy when not directly), their drama, them, them, them.

So in that respect, once you recognise their core value (me, me, me, I, I, I) they really are a monolithic horde of zombies. And like zombies they will cause harm and damage in multiple ways, but ultimately it all boils down to them wanting to eat (destroy) you, by whatever means they can.

The other side is more akin to a bunch of disparate nomadic tribes. Some will be about God first (and then which God?) but these are relatively few, regardless of religion. Most, remember, even if “believers”, are unwilling to die for their supposed religious beliefs. And those that are willing can usually include a smaller percentage of what may be called the unhinged (suicide bombers, super fundamentalist “baptists”, etc). That said, true believers, even if opposing religions, like Islam and Catholicism, can at least live fairly decently as neighbouring nations, as long as each side is uncompromising in their intolerance. Of the other within their borders. Should Europe become suddenly properly Catholic again, no mosques or synagogues or temples to Buddha should remain, and those of those heathen religions would have to sojourn here as polite guests or suffer the consequences; just as a Catholic in Saudi Arabia would need to do.

In practical terms this means that one side is a monolithic wave of enemies, while the other side is a bunch of disparate smaller tribes that work with each other only incidentally. Those whose primary purpose is their own family are unlikely to make long-lasting alliances with anyone else that are of a very strong character, and so on.

I realised a perhaps even simpler divide between people, long ago, those who strive for, look for, and love, the truth, reality, objective facts, and those who do not.

It is no surprise that those who do not, at their core, have another interest: themselves.

Invariably, the preference of a lie over the truth is tied to their belief in some personal reason or gain that they expect or perceive either is, or will be, theirs. In short, they are the same ego-driven zombies.

The main complaint that “right wingers” never band together like the “lefties” do, is simply an unintelligent observation. Firstly it has nothing to do with left-right politics. In fact, though either side might tout some political ideology, the reality is that the real divide is composed of two parameters, and really only these:

1. Their respective ability to be able to perceive objective reality, and,

2. Their ability or desire to align with reality versus their need to satisfy their own ego.

Those with a high ability in 1 that choose ego in 2 are knowing and intentional deceivers, tyrants, narcissists and so on, essentially evil people.

Those with a low ability in 1 are the most numerous of all, and made largely unable by the education policies, entertainment choices, and general news media perpetrated on us by the evil ones that are, mostly at the helm of all politics, all legal systems, all entertainment and all news media.

Of that large crowd, those who choose ego do so largely unconsciously. A few might wake up when suitably rude shocks from reality happen to them, but even then, they will be mostly shell-shocked, and unable to be of much use to themselves or others.

The remainder, who, despite being unable to see reality as it is very well, nevertheless put other things above their ego are for the most part deceived, and usually suffering, (mostly) innocents. I do feel sorry for them, more so than the unconscious zombies, but in general terms they are NPCs. Villagers that you, as a noble warrior are ultimately wanting to protect, but they are generally not much help. They may be personally helpful, but may also be personally unhelpful. Either way, they are not going to be of much use other than when you have already achieved enough for them to become a critical mass behind you that helps by sheer weight of numbers.

Lastly, we have what I hope is a decent percentage of the readers here, those with a high ability to perceive reality, who also choose things higher and more important than their ego. These could be labelled as at least potentially, the good guys.

The problem is that all human beings are in some degree of error, so none of us perceives reality exactly as it is. We all, indeed, see through a glass darkly, and yet, we should also not let this detail get in the way of our convictions; at least not until we see through a glass slightly less dark.

So, while I was assured and confident in my beliefs even when not a Catholic, I can say with some certainty that I was able, even then, to associate with people of an honest character, because regardless of their beliefs, and how wrong they may have appeared to me, they clearly valued truth above lies. Honesty above ego. And that was enough for me to consider them people I could work or fight alongside of.

Which is not to say you need to compromise your own beliefs at all.

I went from a generally Zen Agnostic, practical person to a hardcore Catholic (sedevacantist) somewhat less “practical” (from the perspective of my old self) and more centred internally than I have ever been.

Which, in real terms, is, even by my old perspective, an improvement, because my internal centre was extremely solid even then. Since I acted in concert with what I perceived was reality and the truth to the best of my ability, without much ego at all involved, I was always solid internally. My newfound additional information about reality has absolutely increased my objective perception of that reality and hence of ultimate truth. In short, I see through a glass far less dark than I did before, and as such, my internal centre has only increased in strength and solidity. I was a rock before, but now I’m a mountain.

And while my personal “tribe” of Sedevacantists might not be a huge one, they are, without a doubt, the most solid people I have yet met.

And given my and their ability to see things as they are, while on one side we are less tolerant of the lies and their perpetrators, we also are far more charitable of those who are perhaps less capable of that perception, but still striving for truth. And as such, the alliances we can form are many, all while remaining totally immovable in our core.

In short, try to see reality as it is. Let the truth be your guide, not your ego, but rather, increase your ability to do logic and reason, so that you may better evaluate facts and events, and let that guide your search for truth. As long as the truth matters to you more than your ego, you’re on the right path, and eventually, if you seek it, you will find it.

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