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The Devil is in the Details

And in the gay freemason Milo too.

He posted this:

Which is typical of him. Pretend to be suffering through Bergoglio’s daily Satanry while still accepting his as Pope, because Gay Freemason Milo is oh so pious.


Here’s the detail though:

While Catherine of Siena is indeed a canonised Saint, and in fact, together with Francis of Assisi is also patron Saint of Italy, she was declared a doctor of the Church by fake Pope Montini.

Now, don’t get me wrong, far be it from me to criticise a lady that was an infinitely better Catholic than I will ever be, however, Saint though she is, and an important one, she was most assuredly not a doctor of the Church. Why? Because anything and everything that a fake, impostor Pope does is null and void and never to be considered legitimate.

The upshot of this, is that even if Catherine of Siena did say such words, they obviously were not sound doctrine, or indeed doctrine of any sort. It was, in all likelihood, a hyperbolic statement made to counter some criticism of a Pope during her lifetime.

And even if not, it remains not doctrine of any kind, as actual doctors of the Church, common sense, and Catholic dogma make all perfectly clear.

So what Milo is trying to do here is what Freemason impostor, fake Catholics always do, they appeal to your charity, your forgiving nature, your piousness, in order to use it as leverage to somehow legitimise that pedophile protector, gay and fake Satanist, Bergoglio; as though he were Pope.

He isn’t. Never was. Never will be. Just like Ratzinger wasn’t or Wotjla, or Lucani, or Montini, or Roncalli. Fake Popes one and all.

So, pray for Catherine of Siena, and ask for her prayers for you too, but fee free to ignore that nonsensical and toxic sentence they allege she said. It’s patent nonsense and goes against Church dogma, reality, common sense, and the Bible.

After all, Milo is getting desperate for relevance, his followers keep dropping, and he now posts mostly about his cat. In time, she may well be found feasting on his bloated corpse when he eventually croaks, alone and irrelevant.

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