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The Coming Chaos

Simplicius has an excellent post on the inner workings of Mordor. And if you live in or near Mordor, it behoves you to read the whole thing. It really spells out in plain and simple language what some of us have known in the broader sense about the USA for decades, but also details the effects of the real vermin that infests that country.

Todd Starnes: 

Something smells. 

Why would President Biden announce such a momentous and historic decision on a Sunday afternoon on a social media platform? The letter he posted was not written on White House stationary. And his signature appeared to be photoshopped. Also, Biden’s signature was underlined and typically he does not underline his name. 

His staff only found out once the message had been posted on X. And Cabinet members were notified by the Chief of Staff — not Biden. 

The last time the public saw Biden he feebly walked down the stairs of Air Force One and had to be physically assisted into the presidential limo. He has not been seen in public since. 

How do we know Biden wrote that letter? And how do we know that Biden posted the letter on his X page? There wasn’t even an official White House photograph of the moment. 

His brother, Frank Biden, told CBS News that health “absolutely” was the deciding factor in the decision. And then he told CBS “Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time he has left.” 

Is President Biden still alive? Is he awake and alert? Is he in command of his faculties? With respect, we need to see proof of life.

It’s clear there is far more going on under the hood than meets the eye. 

Firstly, it all ties into the Trump assassination attempt and ongoing Congressional testimony of Director of Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle. The testimony has revealed there are likely a lot of things being hidden from the public about the would-be assassin Thomas Crooks and his potential dealings with the FBI. 

Tellingly, Cheatle refused to answer if Crooks was “acting alone”:

An investigation by Heritage foundation showed that a digital device visiting Crooks’ home multiple times has been geo-located to the vicinity of an FBI office in Washington DC in late June. 

The regime is being laid bare before our eyes. What are the chances that literally only a week or two after the failed assassination of his chief rival, the “most popular president in history” (80+ million votes!) unceremoniously drops out—and now there’s even talk of an imminent resignation from the presidency. Things are off the Richter scale of uncanniness.

That’s right peasants, in the interest of saving demonocracy, the illusion of democracy has now been done entirely away with to ensure you get the demon you deserve in place.

I of course have been saying for about 35 years that the only way to get rid of parasitic, vampiric, infesting, toxic, thieving vermin, is to simply eradicate it. And as I am, of course, dealing with brambles on a massive scale, I have taken to heart the kind note that a reader suggested with regard to a specific type of Spanish Scythe.

And while, I am far away from Mordor, it is well known, that servants of Sauron, in the form of Nazgul, are spread throughout all of the Earth, and they run the lands for him all over our accursed Earth.

But that is why I concentrate on eradicating the vile devil-spawned infesting things. And after, I shall build walls. Long, beautiful walls with look-out towers, so we can see any invading orcs from afar.

And when the Nazgul send their orcs, we will be ready.

I strongly suggest if you live in or near Mordor that you prepare accordingly, as I have advised for at least three years on this blog. Ge tout of the worst orc-infested areas, build communities of Men (Catholics) or whatever other tribe you belong to, Hobbits, Elves, Half-elves, whatever (Heretics and Heathens) to prepare and be ready to push back at the orc-hordes (SJWs, Feminists, Communists, LGBT-Pedoists, “Pagans”, “Wiccans”, Gatekeepers, Frauds, Impostors (Novus Ordo fake “Catholic” Clergy), Pro-abortionists, Freemason, Rosicrucians, Satanists, etc. after all, their name is Legion).

It is the only way. it has always been this way. Such is the battle between Evil and Good.

So take heart, make ready, grow your communities, your food, your clean water, your energy indipendence, and sharped your Two-Handed swords, war-hammers, Bastard Swords, Long Swords, Short Swords, Daggers, Arrows tips and bolts, balance your maces and flails, train your warhorses and raise your male children as warriors and your female children as feminine maidens that are nevertheless able to stab usurpers in the neck with their painted and pretty steel needles doubling as hair-arranging “pins”.

The wave of Mordor’s Chaos will surge over all lands soon enough.

So prepare, Western man. Prepare and be of a glad heart and raised Spirit.

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