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State Actor Tries to Wipe Out This Blog

So, in the early hours of this morning the site was completely corrupted and left open to anyone that simply navigate to the blog.

We quickly realised this had happened, along with receiving various email by concerned readers (thank you) so if you tried to navigate to the site today and just had a weird view of it or it was just a blank empty screen, now you know why.

The attack was definitely not the work of script-kiddies or even just your basic Russian hackers I had to deal with years ago, that were mostly busy trying to sell viagra and porn.

This was a multi-pronged attack that was several months in the planning and execution. And frankly, it may be that we discovered the hack more due to a user error of the guy doing it, than anything else.

So, CIA/NSA/FBI/Pedovore in charge, you really need to disembowel the agent that failed and make him eat his own entrails. It’s the freemason thing to do, and I fully support you doing it.

The attack was also purely malicious, and had no intent we could see beyond that, and it would not make sense for a random malicious hacker to plan this over months just for the sake of causing damage to the site without so much as a hackboi666 wuz here tag.

We knew this would happen eventually, even if for the moment we seem to have resolved the situation. It was definitely a very complex attack with multiple backdoors, and while we think we have plugged them all in, it’s hard to be sure given that this site now has 15 years of data on it.

Time will tell I suppose.

In the meantime comments have been disabled as that was at least one of the attack vectors. The Categories links also are disabled now work at the moment but I can’t yet add categories to posts currently. These will be up in due course and we will announce it when fixed. It also appears users of Firefox may not be able to get the site but that may be fixed now; other browsers seem fine.

We’d appreciate any error reports you may find or issues you come across. Please email me with any of these.

In the meantime, it is rather interesting to see what some of the attacks were.

As I say they were multiple and the damage and files changed huge, but one of the interesting things is that they took the trouble to ensure that the “Related Posts” function would NOT list anything related to the categories of Catholicism, Christianity, Sedeprivationism and Sedevacantism, and it would also not share anything with those tags or the tags of Antipope, Bergoglio.

In any event, as a response to the scum that is clearly disturbed by what I post enough to have caught their attention despite my not using SEO and having a relatively small readership when compared to bigger sites, I would sure appreciate it if you all use the share button at the bottom on all the posts (uh…actually that’s disabled too right now, but you can still send links I guess, we will fix this ASAP) you like and send them on to your friends and family.

I know I am not everyone’s cup of tea, but since being shot at means you’re over the target, I’d say my posts are definitely upsetting the right “people”.

I think more specifically, my posts exposing the usual suspects/tribe, as, if you recall, one such post was mysteriously “disappeared” a while back.

but also all the TMOS posts, taken in order, are, I think proving a real counter to Clown World in more ways than they like and in a subtler and I think more effective fashion.

So… once more friends, help share this blog with as many people as you can. It might be a small thing, but many such small actions over time create a big effect.

And always remember: Deus Gloria and Deus Vult.

All Glory to God, and His Will be Done.

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