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On the HAARP Event

For anyone still unaware that the hurricane that flooded the mountains (yeah!) was meant to flush out the pesky locals that would not let the mining company called Piedmont from mining the lithium found in that region specifically, which was being blocked from the invasive mining by the local people, I received this email, which I have permission to post along with its links.

gave away a couple more copies of ‘Believe’ but I think people just want something to read more than being really interested in where they stand.  We’re in good shape other than the front porch and part of the front of the house needing replaced. A guy is starting on it next week so all is good. Water was 24 feet for a day or two just below us on the main road. A storage lot of empty tractor trailer trailers had them floating around and a couple of trucks burned due to some sort of short when they got submerged but it didn’t spread beyond that pair. Water that usually flows down the far side of a nearby mountain was blocked by mudslides and fallen trees so it came down our side and did a lot of damage to roads and railroad tracks. We were really blessed to get power back in just two days but it was out again for another three days after the first restoration then came back along with internet and cell service. 
People don’t realize what 30″ of rain hitting after four days that dropped 11″ prior to the storm hitting can do. Water didn’t flow faster where it cut a channel, it created torrents that carried vehicles and houses along with it. The main road is dry again so the 24 feet we had is all drained to the French Broad and it’s now all about finding bodies and helping people get by. FEMA folks arrived in groups of four or five to look things over about day five, then some help from the Fedz arrived over the next few days but the only real help has been from local folks and nearby States sending help. So far, the Feds just have tank trucks of clean water, some fuel trucks, and here and there MREs to pass out. Meanwhile charities and companies have been providing hot meals, temporary housing including some local hotels putting families up at no charge, and lots of restaurants that can get resupplied giving out free meals.
Here are a couple links of the situation by people either I or a family member knows so they’re trustworthy without BS or spin. Dunno why I added all the personal stuff to just telling you your book is getting out there but hey, I felt chatty today

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