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Milo the Freemason opens with Satanic gatekeeping

As we all know, the homosexual freemason is in a spiralling descent of irrelevancy, something I predicted years ago, before I knew or realised he was sponsored financially by the usual suspects to gatekeep young people from becoming proper Catholics (1958 sedevacantists) and divert them instead to the fake “Catholic Church” of the Pedophiles in the Vatican.

About six months ago he was just under 25k followers on Telegram despite his renewed YE24 nonsense. Today he’s dropped just under 22k so he lost about 500 followers a month. His comments are near zero, as before.

Today he opened with an absolutely and wholly protestant based attack on Catholicism.

Keep in mind he has been promoting throughout 2023 the completely retarded level of “conspiracy theory” such as the Flat Earth.

This is his comment on 1.1.24

Something that will characterize 2024 is that people will say they believe all kinds of wacky shit. Sometimes they will be telling the truth, but other times they will have chosen to believe something for expediency or political advantage. 2024 is year zero of the post-fact universe. And this is good, because although we all must ultimately seek truth, beauty and goodness, 2024 and the years that follow will begin to unravel the poisonous legacy of the Enlightenment. 2024 is the year ordinary people begin to choose faith over reason again. That is a step in the right direction for their souls and for all civilization.

As anyone actually Catholic knows, faith and reason work TOGETHER for actual Catholics.

The very concept that one needs to somehow abandon reason to have faith, is, of course, the very CORE of Protestantism, beginning with their fake Messiah Luther, who, stated, Satanically, that “reason is the whore of the devil”.

Of course, it is the very essence of Catholicism that because God has logic, in fact, the very concept of God entails Logos, it must follow that the Universe and much of God’s creation is entirely understandable by the use of reason. It is this very fact that led Catholic monks to invent the proper scientific method and discover a huge number of natural properties of our reality.

The enemy and his minions, like gay Milo, of course, would love nothing better than to have an ever increasingly large number of enstupidated, drooling cretins, that think the Earth is flat, the Moon is a lamp, math is racist, and boys and girls are interchangeable at will.

This nefarious faggot, is quite clearly trying to lead souls to Hell while pretending the whole time to be “Catholic”. Just like his earlier mentor, gay Gary Voris, on whom Milo has now also turned, as he does. Which is no loss. Pit vipers backstabbing each other, metaphorically or sexually is all fine with me.

Yeah, yeah, the charitable Catholics would advise praying for their souls, but I’m more of a storm their keeps and salt their lands, crusader type. The pious among you can pray over their carcasses once they are completely rotted away by their own vices, for my part, I will continue to shine focussed sunlight on these moral vampires until the end of my days.

Those of you so inclined, feel free to spread this post far and wide. These creatures need to be exposed wherever and whenever we find them.

Justice demands it.

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