Men vs. Women – Take 2

Below are the poll results of those that have voted so far (poll remains open so go vote if you want).

What I would like, is if the 14 people who voted no, could each provide at least ONE example of something that generally women are better than men at.

So far, one man suggested two things:

1. Living longer than men (which they generally do by ensuring it’s men that do all the riskier jobs, so it’s true, but certainly doesn’t speak well of equality, if you believed in that fiction).

2. Dancing. It’s arguable, as one would have to consider in which respect, because if it were reduced to technical aspects, perhaps men would win, out of sheer physicality. I have no idea, but I suspect that’s how it would likely go due to men’s generally much stronger bodies, and this capacity for more perfect physical movements overall. Nevertheless, from an aesthetic perspective, i certainly can’t argue the point. I definitely prefer to see a woman dancing than a man. Of course that’s probably true of most straight men, but I would add that even at a purely objective standard of beauty, women would win with regard to the aesthetics of dancing.

I prefer the readers provide any other items, as I will have part 6 of the TMOS series up in a while, and it may surprise a lot of readers given the general misconceptions that many have with regard to me and my beliefs, or even stated positions on any given topic. Part 6 deals with the individuality of the woman.

    17 Responses to “Men vs. Women – Take 2”

    1. Potato Salad says:

      I’ve heard that because their wider hips provide them greater stability they are potentially, with the proper training, superior long range shots.

    2. WhatsinaName says:

      God made woman for a reason. Men are more functional in many ways. A family req. both, thus women add something that men lake beyond CB. Maybe the answer is Beauty, as the poets have it. Probably women have greater potential as an helpmeet. What that is needs some more thought.

    3. Karoline says:

      – Patience in facing and mastering the daily routine of a family.

      Long version:
      I am a mother of three and doing the daily housework, managing kids, cooking etc. is definitely the woman’s domain. I have yet to see a man who could handle this for years (some even for days, haha 🙂 ) without freaking out. Men would be better though in taking the family to live the adventurous life, like on a boat or in the wild. Of course there are exceptions and having a family is a task for a couple and grandparents and a lot of other people. But just handling and standing the daily routine, cleaning the floor for the 10th time a day and be prepared to clean an 11th time is something the women can handle better, psychologically.

      • G says:

        Indeed. Adding that to the list. Well done.

      • AEF (previously A.) says:

        I’d place my vote here, too. I clean/pick up/organize throughout my day sometimes without even realizing I’m doing it.

        Men don’t seem as phased by visual clutter, which is fine. They have bigger worries to manage.

        • Carrie says:

          I agree with this, as well. Was going to list it as “multi-tasking” when thinking about all the things that women can seemingly manage in the home at one time. It might flummox men.

          But they are [should be] busy doing other things, that play to their strengths.
          [AEF’s point is valid. Your interpretation of it less so. Especially given your lengthy exposes on the other comments that betray your psychology quite a lot. Women are not better at “multi-tasking” which is why spaceshuttle captains, fighter pilots, formula one drivers are almost exclusively men. Women are generally psychologically better at repetitive (but varied) routine tasks. And it is directly related to child-rearing at young ages.]

    4. A says:

      I was a Yes vote.

      There is a stereotype that women are better at cooking and keeping a house clean. That may be true on a societal scale but anecdotally I have not seen that in the current generation of women. Maybe the prior generation.

      I think I am also confusing preference with ability. For example, I think men are just as good if not better at canning food, but it’s much more likely that it’ll be a group of women who take a weekend to can passata.

      Candidly the only thing I can think of as a possibility is Interior Decorating. But even that is debatable.

      Overall, the stereotypes in my head and all the examples I can think of as possibilities all revolve around the home. But tell a woman that she belongs in the kitchen and watch heads explode, even if you mean it as a compliment.

    5. C.T. says:

      I’m not really sure what your object is here. Are you really saying that women are only useful as baby incubators? Are men and women supposed to be competitors? Why would you start this discussion at all?
      [Do you always find it difficult to follow simple instructions? And is reading comprehension hard for you? I made it clear there would be a Part 6 of TMOS, dealing only with women and this is obviously gathering data from people who voted. What I am doing, or why, is clearly not part of the request for comments I made. No one is forcing you to participate, but if you do, follow the instructions.]

      If I recall correctly, men and women fall on different bell curves. The female curve is higher and narrower, i.e. a higher percentage of them are midwits. The male curve is lower and flatter, thus more geniuses and grugs are men.

      Women do tend to excel men at discerning subtleties, in color, scent, emotions, etc., thus they are better at things like matching clothing, detecting spoiled milk, and waging social wars. Men are much more likely to have an actual disability there: colorblindness is sex-linked, and social obtuseness is a stereotype for a reason.
      [depends on the “utility” value you place on such things. By and large the “subtleties” women are more aware of are generally irrelevant in the greater scheme of things. The subtleties men are aware of tend to be things like if you’re about to get mugged, or whether the guy driving next to you on the highway is drunk.]

      Women are generally more in tune with others’ emotions and needs. They are in fact more nurturing, and your statistics actually support this: a greater capacity for personal cruelty is the flipside of their greater capacity for nurturing.
      [Please take a course on logic. Your two sentences here are: 1. wrong and 2. wrong and also nonsensically wrong. Three for tow is kind of “impressive” but not in a good way.]

      Dancing, drawing, and music were typical female social accomplishments, when Miss Austen was working on her two inch square of ivory. Probably no one is interested enough to gather the stats, but more girls than boys are interested and talented in these artsy things, while the few-but-greater number of men with genius are more likely to pursue them aggressively to the point of achieving excellence and fame.
      [Your complete lack of evidence on this is noted. And when measured, objectively almost all great artists are male. The percentage of females that become relevant, much less famous on merit is a tiny fraction, and they certainly have usually had a lot more leisure time than men historically speaking.]

      Men have more testosterone, which causes them to be bigger, stronger, hairier, and more aggressive and competitive. Women are better at being complaisant, soft, gentle, and appealing.

      And, in other obvious news, women are best at remembering forever, and dishing up their revenge cold, after you have mostly forgotten.
      [again, depends on what you consider relevant, and in any case, this is simply a function of being physically weaker and thus using alternative means to “win”]

    6. Adam says:

      I’m probably banned but here goes. I’m speaking generally so of course this is not always the case.
      [You are not banned, but your idiotic/drunk-text style messages simply get deleted. You are aware of this as you acknowledged it before.]

      Women are better than men at finding fault in (or with) men. They are also usually better at seeing potential talent in children.
      [I disagree entirely with the second half. Women are generally less observant than men who actually care about a child. As for “finding fault” that would be true IF they were actually faults instead of things she doesn’t like]

      Women are naturally better teachers than men, most of the time.
      [Maybe for little kids. Not at anything technical like engineering, surgery, etc.]

      Women are usually more loyal to their parents and close families than men.
      [I don’t think this is true. What is your evidence?]

      Women are better multi-taskers
      [not in my experience. They tend to screw 5 things up at once instead of do one correctly. Again, it depends on what specifically you mean, and what type of tasks you are referring to.]

      Women are definitely better secretaries. As they can keep track and scrutinize fine details (often useless) but better non the less.
      [They are more frequently secretaries, but I would not assume they are better. Again, evidence?]

      Women tolerate pain better than men. This is because they are dillusional. And their nervous system is not wired correctly.
      [This is true in some respects but not in others]

      Women’s instincts are different than men, they can anticipate certain types of difficulties better than men. Don’t ask me to clarify, I don’t care that much nor want to think about this BS.
      [Then why comment?]

      In many ways Women can naturally help a man better than another man can.
      [at what?]

      Women can usually inflict mental torment upon men better than men can. As well women can hold grudges regarding small stupid points better than men.

      Women will deal with BS from a guy they like better then men.
      [I wouldn’t know, as I am not gay, and I have no data on it, but I might take your word on it.]

      I could go on.
      [and yet…]

      • Carrie says:

        I think Adam brings up some good and valid points.
        [What you think, or Adam for that matter, is not relevant. What observed reality shows is. And that means generally speaking large number sets of the same data. None of Adam’s points that were criticised have any kind of verifiable accuracy. They are just his opinions backed up by… nothing.]

        Yet Mr. Filotto wishes to make them all wrong, and almost out-of-hand refute them all, in the face of a “lack of hard evidence.”

        Is Adam’s life experince not evidence enough?
        [No. For multiple reasons. Adam may be an idiot. Adam may be drunk while he writes. Adam’s special ™ weird life experience may have zero bearing on the overall general reality that applies to 80% of the bell curve. Again, dear, try to keep up: On this blog and on this question especially, absolutely NO ONE cares about your super-special opinion. No one. The point here is to provide meaningful information to help others more accurately navigate REALITY. Not your opinion, not theirs, not mine. But the actual, observable, objective universe we all live in, whether you realise it or not.]

        I am totally OK with being wrotng. I am wrong about many things, every day of my life.
        [I very much doubt you are ok with it at all. I accept the second sentence though.]

        But your request for hard evidence, proof, etc., seems to me to be a bit unrealistic, simply because I think you might end up throwing out any “hard evidence” that might be presented to support the commenter’s point.
        [Again, what you think is mostly stupid. And entirely irrelevant. I didn’t ask Adam to provide stochastic tables of data. I asked him to provide ANY kind of generic information to support his generally completely wrong opinions. And unlike you, dear, who have demonstrated with your third comment here just how IMPORTANT you think your opinions are, I, operate as a matter of routine on dialectic. Adam was asked to provide ANY evidence as a gentle way to help him consider the OPINIONS he was trying to pass off as OBSERVATIONS of general reality in the context of actual reality. The fact you missed this goes to once more, show you simply are incapable of paying attention to anything other than your own rambling fantasy of what you THINK happened that runs constantly in your head. And this is in writing. God spare any man that has to deal with this verbally.]

        Which is fine, because this is YOUR blog, and you get to do what you want with it. And think how you want.

        It just seems a bit foolish to throw out all of Adam’s points, almost out-of-hand. Oh well.
        [Your concern trolling and underhanded (and false) criticism is noted. Now try to stop the runaway train of fantasy that runs constantly in your head, sit down, and pay attention. You may even learn something. I know, I know, I am a rose-tinted glasses wild optimist, but hey, that’s just how I roll.]

        I could go on, but won’t.
        [And yet…]

        I still appreciate your blog and all the things that you write about, notice in the world, and value your commentary about The Church, as well.
        [Nice little “but we can still be friends” little rejoinder at the end to avoid the kind of response you in fact got here, as you always will from me when you act as you did, and also, to make you seem as the “nice one” in the exchange. Unfortunately for you, I don’t care at all about appearing as the “nice one” not in real life and certainly not in my writing. I care about the truth; the highest expression possible of it. Your comments were solipsistic, inaccurate and missed the point almost entirely, because all you are focussed on is your emotions as you skim-read until offended. It’s not an unusual reaction, it’s certainly typical of most humans and more so of women, and I certainly am the type to push those buttons, because truth above pretty much everything else, as far as I am concerned. Those who can appreciate that perspective can withstand the “rudeness” and see it for what it is in the context in which it is expressed. Those who cannot… well, it’s a big internet and no one forces anyone to be here specifically.]

    7. BeatYourHeadIn says:

      With out referring to any study or data, my gut feeling is women are equal to at least but likely surpassing men in quality of ancillary or support healthcare for the ill in a hospital setting. Keyword: ancillary. I am not claiming they make better doctors.

      Any data to prove my gut feeling wrong would be accepted, of course. I’m not dying on any hill, as it were.

    8. Carrie says:

      One other thing that women [generally] do better than men: LISTEN.
      [Absolutely NOT the case. Women are practically deaf when it comes to this.]

      And I DO NOT mean “listen” as in “listen to gather information and facts, in order to solve a problem.”
      [Indeed. They really can’t do that at all for the most part.]

      I mean “listen” as in “being present with another person, when s/he has feelings to share, and / or just needs to ‘talk it through.'”

      More often than not, women intuitively know when to listen in order to “be present” with another person.
      [This is absolute nonsense. Women categorically do NOT know how to listen. What they do is THINK they are listening because while the other person is peaking they are running their own solipsistic “film” in their head of what good a friend they are. All you need to do to verify this is watch two women talking AT each other about a subject they are passionate about. If you mute them and watch it as a silent film it would look like they are in total agreement and connecting with each other. Switch the audio back on and you will realise that they are talking almost entirely past each other and the perception they are not is only held together by the thinnest of thread of the topic being somewhat similar. But because neither is listening to the other, and only her own blathering, the enthusiasm each displays is vaguely interpreted as “understanding”. This is so prevalent that when you find a woman actually capable of listening for real it’s shocking to the point you might see if you suddenly glimpsed a unicorn.
      As a general rule women do not listen at all. They take one or two words from what you are saying and then invent a whole story of their own making that somehow loosely incorporates those words somehow in their own made-up-on-the-spot fantasy concerning what they imagine you actually said.]

      Men? Not so much.
      [Again. Totally wrong. What men do NOT listen to, for the sake of their own sanity, and all that is good and decent in the world, is your incessant nagging, your totally irrelevant narrative/commentary on some absolutely trivial piece of information no one in the present situation cares about or is even relevant to anyone outside of your skull.]

      Men’s brains are wired to “listen to gather facts and solve the problem being presented.”
      [Also known as: Dealing with reality.]

      Which is great, because that is mostly their doman.
      [indeed it is]

      But every so often, it’s necessary to “listen to be present to another person” without “fixing the problem.” That can be where arguments begin, between the sexes.
      [No. It is never necessary to listen to nonsense/non-sequiturs/solipsistic rubbish that has no bearing on reality. That’s what you have girlfriends for. So you can whine at them about your imagined issues and they can whine back to you about theirs, while neither of you hears a damn thing other than your own voice and you can both walk away satisfied you have “such a great friend”. Who, by the way, would skin you alive in a heartbeat to bed your husband if she deems he was a better guy to be with than her own.]

      So – it’s a “hot tip” for women to say {before complaining or even simply telling a story” “I just need you to listen. No need to problem-solve here, dear.” And it is also a “hot tip” for the men to take that tip on-board, and just listen. Even if they want to blurt out and “fix the problem,” often they can end up the “star of the show” by simply saying “I understand” and giving their woman a hug.
      [No. As usual, this is terrible advice given by a typical woman about how to behave with a woman. Following it will only lead to her eventually completely losing any attraction she may ever have had for you. It trains you to be a useless man and waste time wallowing in the pointless solipsism of a woman. Correct advice is to cut such whining short by asking if there is an issue to fix here or not. And raising your daughters, from a very young age, to learn to manage their emotions and solipsistic tendencies. The most awesome women I have ever met, from young girls to grandmothers, without fail, had a father that taught them to do this. And it shows. When you come across a woman that actually has the capacity to listen as well as behave logically, you have met your unicorn. If you are seeing her romantically wife her up.]

      Just sayin’…..
      [Yes, you are. Just yap-yapping away while adding nothing useful to the conversation, but it sure does make you feel pleased with yourself, don’t it?]

      So: LISTENING (to be present, and not to solve a problem.) That is what women do, intuitively better than men.
      [Again, “listening to be present” is a completely idiotic thing to do and helps no one, solves nothing and is actually, strictly speaking, deceitful. But I agree women are “better” at it.]

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