Men vs Women

I’m just curious what the readership here thinks.

Other than childbirth and breastfeeding, are men just generally better than women at everything?

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    6 Responses to “Men vs Women”

    1. Cooper says:

      No, but say 90% of things would be yes.

    2. Cooper says:

      A few things come to mind like dancing, drawing and life expectancy. Maybe protecting young kids in a certain sense (like preserving their innocence). I think that they are beetter at very long distance running as well, not sure.
      On an individual level there is probably guys that could do better in all those categories.
      And well, I don’tknow how usefull most of those things are either.

      • G says:

        Granted on life expectancy on the raw numbers. Though one could argue that it’s higher for women because men take all the risks and do all the dangerous jobs. And I’m fairly sure if women had to fill in the work-force in the same proportions at the same jobs men do, that longer life expectancy would vanish within the week.

        Most painters, sketchers and comic book artist, with about only one exception that comes to mind, are men.

        Not sure on the dancing, but I’ll grant it on aesthetics, since it is more pleasant to watch a woman dance than a man… but then, I am straight, so it probably has more to do with that than technical performance, but fair enough, I think that’s aa valid one, from a beauty perspective at least, which is objective after all.

        But I would be willing to bet women simply will not compare to men on ANY physical activity, from a technical or pragmatic perspective, certainly including long distance running, but possibly dancing as well.

        As on protecting kids…. not in a pragmatic sense. In fact women both abuse and kill children at a higher rate than men, putting the lie to the idea they are better “nurturers”; and the stats from single parent households where the parent is a woman compared to a man are brutal.
        So that leaves “in a certain sense (like preserving their innocence).” But I am not sure what that is or how you would define it, and I think there would be a fine line between that and simply deceiving your children beyond what is healthy, but I could grant it for the argument.

    3. Cooper says:

      I mostly agree with what you said. What I mean about women protecting kids, and this would be in a married household, is that women will tend to over protect and men will tend to expose their children to life. I think that in the range of 0-5 the womans role is healthy and then the man tends to expose them to the world once they are a little older. And full disclosure, I have no kids yet and I doubt it’s as black and white as I make it out to be.
      And for the drawing, sure proffesionals tend to be more men, but take a random guy vs gal off the street and I would bet on the gal. Maybe that because I just draw horribly.

      I did like the question. My first thought was yes men are better and my gut told me that was probably a bit bold so I said no. But when it gets down to it, it was hard to find good examples.

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