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Meanwhile in England…

Hot on the failure to do a single thing about Pakistani rape gangs, the British police has however put a stop to this dangerous criminal by putting him behind bars for using a weapon of mass destruction in public as a fidget toy…

I kid you not. It was bought as an actual fidget toy.

Sgt Spellman of the Patrol Investigations Unit said “We take a zero tolerance to bladed articles in public, and Bray has fallen afoul of this. “It is possible to find fidget toys that aren’t six-inch blades. It is possible not to walk down the street holding them out in front of you. “With a bit more self-awareness, Bray could have avoided contact with us completely.”

Aren’t you impressed? Sgt. Spellman sounds like a regular dirty Harry doesn’t he? Taking vicious criminal masterminds like fidgetmaster there off the dangerous British streets. Except I think Spellman’s first name is probably Richard.

    One Response to “Meanwhile in England…”

    1. Coronald McDonald says:

      And yet that gay blade Chucky was seen publicly…

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