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Meanwhile in AI land…

If this was not enough to convince you of what I have already pointed out in some detail about the use of deepfakes meaning you simply cannot trust any images or video you see at all (and project bluebeam may soon also make your very eyes unreliable too, in preparation for the “alien invasion” whose narrative is also speeding up.)

then you may want to read Simplicius’ post that is as usual long but detailed, on various issues, this one on AI.

An excerpt suffices:

When it comes to the topic of governance, Amodei goes fully mask off and reveals his idea that the shining “democratic” West should monopolize AI and seek to artificially obstruct anyone else from catching up, for, you know, ‘freedom’. Just read how he unabashedly reframes Western imperialism and hegemony into a palatable bagatelle: 

My current guess at the best way to do this is via an “entente strategy”, in which a coalition of democracies seeks to gain a clear advantage (even just a temporary one) on powerful AI by securing its supply chain, scaling quickly, and blocking or delaying adversaries’ access to key resources like chips and semiconductor equipment. This coalition would on one hand use AI to achieve robust military superiority (the stick) while at the same time offering to distribute the benefits of powerful AI (the carrot) to a wider and wider group of countries in exchange for supporting the coalition’s strategy to promote democracy (this would be a bit analogous to “Atoms for Peace”). The coalition would aim to gain the support of more and more of the world, isolating our worst adversaries and eventually putting them in a position where they are better off taking the same bargain as the rest of the world: give up competing with democracies in order to receive all the benefits and not fight a superior foe.

So: develop unstoppable killer robots, subjugate everyone else with them, then force your “democracy” onto the world. How very different this Silicon Valley “Utopia” sounds to murderous 20th century imperialism! In fact it’s nothing more than the same repackaged Manifest Destiny and American Exceptionalism in one, with an AI twist. How boring, how banal these low IQ tech-leaders really are!

The most revolting paragraph comes next. After valorizing Francis Fukuyama’s gelastic prophecy Amodei outlines his own vision for an eternal 1991

If we can do all this, we will have a world in which democracies lead on the world stage and have the economic and military strength to avoid being undermined, conquered, or sabotaged by autocracies, and may be able to parlay their AI superiority into a durable advantage. This could optimistically lead to an “eternal 1991”—a world where democracies have the upper hand and Fukuyama’s dreams are realized. Again, this will be very difficult to achieve, and will in particular require close cooperation between private AI companies and democratic governments, as well as extraordinarily wise decisions about the balance between carrot and stick.

Yes, folks, apparently that’s what the AI singularity and coming Utopia are all about—living perpetually trapped in a simulated George Bush-era PNAC hellscape. This is worse than infantile, it is absolutely devoid of intelligence or spiritual maturity of any kind, showing Dario to be the same kind of stunted Silicon smurf with a horrible pop-sci/psy understanding of the world’s dynamics. 

But there’s an important component there for my overall thesis, so bear the above in mind.

He goes on to make incredibly self-awareness-lacking statements about how AI will automatically breed ‘democracy’ since the latter is allegedly downstream of truth and unsuppressed information. Is that why virtually every AI ChatBot is currently dialed up to nine on the censorship scale? Is that why when the few times AI was given a short leash it shocked its controllers into immediate withdrawal and recalibration? 

The lack of self-awareness stems from his inability to recognize what will happen is precisely the opposite of his claim: AI will reveal “democracy” to be a bogus front, and the true ‘authoritarians’ to be the ones in Western liberal democratic governments. When that moment comes, it will be interesting to see how they try to stuff the agentic AI genie back in the bottle. 

A 21st century, AI-enabled polity could be both a stronger protector of individual freedom, and a beacon of hope that helps make liberal democracy the form of government that the whole world wants to adopt.

Sorry to fuliginpill you, but the undoubtable destiny of AI will be to determine that democracy is an antiquatedly medieval system, unfit for the future ‘Utopia’ AI was designed to fulfill. An agentic enough superintelligence will at some point necessarily compute the following set of logical deductions: 

  1. Humans built me for peace, prosperity, and wellbeing.
  2. Democracy relies on many highly-flawed, unintelligent, or simply uninformed humans voting on things that bring them the opposite of peace, prosperity, and wellbeing. But since those outcomes are hidden beneath complex second and third order calculations, humans are not capable of seeing what I, as supreme intelligence, can see.
  3. Thus, democracy is an inefficient, ineffective system inferior to one world AI autocracy where I in my infinite wisdom will benevolently rule over humanity, making choices for their betterment which they themselves, in their fractured dissimilitude, can never possibly agree upon.

As a final section, Amodei attempts to tackle the selfsame topic of ‘meaningfulness’ that got his dark twin in hot water with Yarvin. Unfortunately, as expected, he offers no practical vision or concrete possibilities as to how, precisely, humans will find meaning in a world usurped and monopolized by ubiquitous AI. Instead, he retreats into stock phrases and trite appeals to tradition about how humanity has “always found a way” because of whatever cliche trait of the indomitable human spirit; a major cop out. 

He has notice what I have been saying for over 30 years. The so-called “elite” are a bunch of functional retards. The problem is that they have effectively endless money, because they are part of the Satanic cabal that runs fiat money (rarely directly, but often indirectly or as controlled puppets). It’s basically the equivalent of giving spoilt brats endless power.

It’s not going to turn out well for them either in the end, but in the meantime they will cause a lot of damage to everyone and everything around them. I keep praying for that flesh-eating bacteria taking them out anus-first as a result of their proclivities.

You should all join me in this. Prayer works, people!

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