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I’ve been saying it for years

Seems like a mild touch of autism is indeed the next positive step in human evolution.

Consider that people with Asperger’s or mild autism are in the main:

  • Far more objective
  • Logical
  • Far less likely to lie
  • Almost unable to emotionally manipulate
  • Generally more trusting
  • More direct
  • More overall honest
  • What they say is what they believe generally speaking, there is hardly ever any hidden agenda

Now also consider where Neanderthal DNA is found most often and where it is not and then consider this.

Here is the primary source so you can check it for methodology etc, as you should anyway, since “science” today is less reliable than a coin flip.

Coincidentally, this topic is pretty much one of the plotlines in my Overlords of Mars Series, which you can now get the complete set in one volume:

Nazi Moon. In paper format on Amazon too.

As has happened a lot with my science fiction works, it often turns out it’s a lot more science than fiction. I also recently received an email by a reader who is really quite well entrenched in the film industry, though he probably flies under the radar there, who told me he thinks Nazi Moon is one of the best sci-fi he’s ever read. I have corresponded with him for a while so I trust he is a genuine person and not just some random fan, and his email meant a lot because he’s an honest intelligent and what I consider normal guy, which is exactly the (shrinking) demographic I try to write for.

I am terrible at marketing myself, always have been, so if his sentiment is shared by other readers, I would ask you please post some reviews. Either at the ebook store or even better, on Amazon. Even if you bought the book direct from my estore, you can still write amazon reviews. Just state you bought it somewhere other than amazon.

Anyway, it’s always interesting when my theories gain traction in the real world too.

I’m still waiting on the other theory I placed in the OOM series concerning eye colouration to get some delving into.

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