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In Preparation for TMOS Part 6

I strongly suggest that, women especially, look at this 15 minute video from a woman that has interviewed 1000 women.

Pay attention especially between minutes 5 and 12 or so.

I found it interesting that she said people want other people to convert to their religion (after minute 10). I think she is mostly right. And I also think that the perspective for Sedevacantist is slightly different.

Yes we do want people to see the truth, but I personally do NOT want random people becoming Catholic. I am not aware of any Sede that does either. And when I say Sede I always mean actual Catholics. Because as a matter of dogmatic principle, Catholicism makes it absolutely clear that the only conversion to Catholicism that is valid is one that is entirely voluntary.

Specifically, in order to go from whatever one was, to proper Catholic, inevitably tends to mean a process of rather in-depth study of the history of the Church, the various dogmas of Catholicism when compared to reality as we find it and other beliefs we may have had and so on.

Her final conclusion that marriage only has about a 10% chance of working out is not something I looked into, and she may well be right, nevertheless, I still think that marriage is worth doing. I do agree that women used to stay in marriage in the past due to mostly external factors, and if we take that as the method of measurement then 10% may be optimistically high. But then, I have been saying women need to catch up and evolve some rationality, logic and emotional self-discipline for decades. Those who manage it, and who go on to get married and create numerous families, will be the ones that —along with the men who also evolved beyond mere brute force as the way to control their surrounding— create the next generation of worthwhile humans.

Aside from simply the fact it is the highest form of absolute truth I have yet encountered in human affairs, viewed from an autistic level of objectivity, because I did not start out with any kind of dog in the fight, this is also why real Catholicism makes so much sense. It is based on objective reason that absolutely reflects objective reality, regardless of how we feel about it, and the women in it are amongst the most capable, intelligent and rational I have ever met in my over half-century on this Earth.

And we Catholics certainly don’t shy away from the whole making a bunch of children and sticking with your wife/husband for life while you raise them, and beyond it too.

So, no, I don’t want people to become Catholic for any reason other than the real one: Because it makes sense and model reality accurately and they see and experience that in their own lives.

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