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I was wrong about Biden

I’m a big enough man to admit when I was wrong.

I fully expected the child-sniffing, father of a pedophile, and probable pedophile himself, what with the galloping dementia and low bladder control, to defecate on stage as he almost certainly did on D-Day on stage next to Macron, who probably got excited by the event what with his likely proclivities for trannie-teachers playing mommie.

But I was wrong. Biden did not defecate on himself at the debate with Trump, even if metaphorically he certainly shat the bed.

My opinion on the matter is that they probably packed him full of drugs up there and then inserted a giant butt-plug to let the cocktail of stimulants keep him almost conscious for the duration.

Obviously these are just my opinions, I have no evidence per se (for which I thank God), but I think it might be hard for anyone to come up with alternate reasonable explanations.

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