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Go-Bag Request

Discussing the intensifying of WWIII lately, friend who has a mostly nomadic lifestyle asked if I would do a go-bag post.

He is single, male, has no children and can work from essentially anywhere and is under 30 and enjoying being able to more or less go where he wants when he wants.

His situation may also apply to most young single men that have no real deep attachments or much of a family or extended family, which in today’s world unfortunately is possibly even a majority of young men. At least the ones who are an only child. But it may also apply to a couple of brothers or maybe a couple or even a small group of single male friends.

Anyway, it is not unusual for single young men to not worry too much about anything until bombs start to drop. Even so, with very little effort, it’s possible to put yourself in a much better position than almost all your peers even if you had to start your journey as an escape from a zombie apocalypse hot zone like say London or New York.

So here it is:

  • If you live at all in a country where it is legal for you to own a handgun, you should already own and be familiar with using one. If you are not, make that your priority. Your handgun is your primary defence weapon and method of preventing your becoming a victim in extreme situations. Become PROFICIENT in its use. This is not optional. If you are going to own a gun and not be proficient with its use and its use under stressful conditions, statistics make it absolutely crystal clear you are better off not having it, because the likelihood is you will be harmed by your own gun. Either because you do something dumb, or because you let someone else get control of it.
  • You should have at a minimum the following in a go bag:
    • Multi-tool/knife (ideally both)
    • Medi-kit with at least some gauze, disinfectant, emergency steri-strip and different sized plasters. Meds for fever symptoms (paracetamol, iboprufen) if available some general purpose antibiotics though you should know what for, water purification tablets, kinetic tape and also stretchy sticky tape/bandage like elastoplat brand (if they still make it). Powder/cream for burns. Toothbrush/paste and emergency tooth filling kit. Fishing line and hooks, needles and thread. Paracord.
    • At least a few energy bars and some drinking water.
    • Paper style topographical maps of your immediate area and/or any place you would aim to go to for long term survival.
    • Compass (unless you know how to navigate by starlight) and/or analogue watch with hand dials (you can use it to navigate).
    • Small hand-crank powered flashlight that also can be used to charge communication device like smartphone or small portable computer.
  • You may want to NOT have any smartphone depending on the situation. If there is more than one of you, an inexpensive set of walkie-talkies can be very useful.
  • At least one roll of toilet paper or some tissues.
  • Space blanket
  • Lighter
  • Change of underwear and socks
  • Any specific thing you may need, eg:
    • Eyeglasses or contact lenses
    • Diabetic or other medication
    • Specific drug/medicine you require
  • If you have space, some relevant clothing for the relevant season
  • Small towel
  • Instant Coffee
  • Metal cup/cooking pot combo
  • Never ending match/flint/magnesium firestarter.

If you also plan to be in the wilderness then you probably need a tent or lean to, a sleeping bag and small gas stove and a trenching tool.

It will take you a day or two if you are starting today to get a backpack and put these things in it.

It’s a very low level of effort for potential maximum gain in a real fast SHTF situation.

You can also have 2 go bags, a little one as above and a second larger one with more stuff like clothes, camping gear, food, etc in case you get a chance to take both and shove them in the car on your back, whatever.

I hope this very obvious and basic set of information is at least inspirational.

And of course, for the more serious minded, get land somewhere rural, build a community of like minded people etc. etc. all the stuff I have blogged in various ways multiple times on this blog.

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