For the Blackpillers

Blackpillers come in many forms and some would not even consider themselves as such, Vaxx Sabbath from Gab is one such creature. This is an old post of his but I had saved it for wider comment. Then… well… cutting wood for winter or something got in the way for a few months or a year. So here it is now.

It is basically true, but Trevor is right too. Although I don’t think Chris Langan would create anything in a lab.

Besides which, Vaxx Sabbath forgets or is ignorant of another thing:
He erroneously makes the mistake of thinking all decent things that were created by rocket scientists happened as a result of their ability to function in a well-ordered society.

It’s a lie.

Schwartchild figured out black holes while in the trenches of WW1.

Tesla electrified the world after working as a labourer for 3 years after Edison ripped him off. He also invented the lightbulb before Edison, wireless before Marconi and wireless power and flying drums which were “lost” after he died.

Einstein plagiarised anything of value from others, Roman concrete was lost to the Visigoth invasions and so on.

In short, it is more likely a Random Guy Farming to Survive figures out how to invent free energy batteries after shovelling pigshit while he work at a desk at 2 am, by candlelight, between preparing for a few hour sleep and building a bunker to use when the powers that be finally come for him and/or that doubles as a mass grave to hide the tax collector corpses in.

The point is… most rocket scientists have to survive AND build rockets.

See also Werner Von Braun and the Nazi scientists who DID build anti-g devices. They had to fight most of the entire world, and certainly that part of it controlled by the Rothschilds banking system to get a shot at it. And not exactly by pristine means. And no, that’s not an endorsement of Nazism, just a factual observation.

As an aside, pointing out such inconsistencies in his thinking is why Vaxx Sabbath blocked me long ago. The trouble is that even those who consider themselves “erudite” simply get offended when their logical fallacies are dragged into the sunlight.

Only a group of men willing and able to face reality as it is, and also willing and able to work co-operatively together regardless of personal differences, can achieve a change in the current state of affairs. And it has to start local.

So, like it or not, unless you happen to have millions burning holes in your pockets and you want to finance a bunch of works on my farm and nearby lands, it starts with shovelling said pigshit. Assuming you are lucky enough to start out with pigs.

Gran that shovel and start working, buddy.

    2 Responses to “For the Blackpillers”

    1. John Samson says:

      It’s eye-opening. [error in logic] -> [rethinking conclusions] is the basis of sapience. There’s no productive thought without it.

      Aristotle’s comment in the Rhetoric about people being unable to be instructed is an iron law for the majority. Literally can’t develop over time through reason and evidence. At all. They follow emotional pulses and uptake directions that resonate emotionally. The more intelligent ones can hold a lot. They’re tricky that way. But there’s no organic coherence. Just feel right pulses that they identify with. No wonder you and your logic got the heave ho.

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