Digging down on the Who

…of the Trump whodunnit.

First the moneymen…

So… which firm…?

From @AltSkull48 on Telegram:

Austin Private Wealth is claiming their mass short of DJT stock the day before the assassination attempt was a “clerical error” lmao.

Seeing as it closed $30.88 on July, this “clerical error” meant a potential $370,522,944 loss.

“Oop guys!! Our bad!! We didn’t actually mean to place that bet coincidentally right before an assassination attempt on the President’s life.”

Thankfully, they got it fixed so they weren’t on the hook for all that cash when the stock didn’t crash the next day. 👍🏻👍🏻 Whew!

Btw, here is a list of the groups that Austin Private Wealth donates to. Notice anything?


ADL Austin

Shalom Austin

Jewish Community Center

Camp Young Judaea

Congregation Beth Israel

Austin Jewish Academy


h/t: Ashley Woods

And then some of the more “involved” boots on the ground:

Who is she?

Well, it’s not the mainstream media I am getting this from, right, because we know ONLY they are telling the truth, right? But…

I’m sure it’s just another coincidence though.

And either they or her or her retarded ancestors (probably from the Italian south) spelt that surname wrong, it’s DiGiuseppe, not that misspelt abomination.

There really are just SO MANY coincidences.

Also, aren’t you glad the SEC is so so forgiving? I am sure if you or I made a 300 million dollar bet that didn’t pan out they would realise we “made a clerical error” too.

Oh and the 20 year-old “lone shooter” who had zero social media presence happened to have not one, not two, but…

And would you believe it… some dirty, dirty, anti-semites seem to think that…

It’s just all too much isn’t it?

Why, it’s enough to make you be “appalled”, maybe even to make you get to “can’t even” territory.

    2 Responses to “Digging down on the Who”

    1. Nara says:

      Also, if she’s really of European stock, it’s probably Jeanine. Unless you’re illiterate, or want to make a subconscious limk to mujahedeen. (Just showing off my linguistic knowledge here 😉

    2. Adam says:

      Being able to take back your bad investment screams volumes. Though, I shouldn’t be surprised at this point.

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