Cutting Wood

Finally fixed the gasket that was completely worn out on the chainsaw, so I will be cutting wood most of this week. Late in the season already and I have about 8 tons or so to go.

At about 50kg per wheelbarrow load, that’s another 160 wheelbarrow loads, so I will be busy for a while.

What I still don’t get is how the original gasket, between the engine and the exhaust got so badly corroded that it literally fell apart. I mean, it’s made of metal. Anyway, I adapted two other metal sheets to fit over the same area and the chainsaw starts up again, so I hope it lasts for the job required of it.

I’ll post a picture if I get the 10 tons I need for winter.

    2 Responses to “Cutting Wood”

    1. Anglo Denier says:

      Given the time constraints you’re under, hopefully your replacement gasket holds long enough to get the job done for this season.

      Rust will always be a threat when working with exhaust systems, the high temperature and contaminants accelerate the reaction at a rate you’ll rarely see elsewhere. Car manufacturers use stainless since it’s highly resistant to both, but that may not be appropriate for a chainsaw.

      • G says:

        Except it’s now been raining for 3 straight days with no let-up for the whole week being shown. So I may have missed the boat entirely, which is bad news.

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