Cleaning Up the Damage and Psyops

UPDATE: Well, it’s Monday, and Dean (I like to call him Dean) of the CIA/NSA/FBI is back at work I guess. Because THIS post was truncated half-way cutting out more than half, which is also rather malicious in that if I didn’t check I would think the post is up but readers would assume it’s ended rather abruptly and in a spot that makes it look like I sold out. He definitely thinks like a petty government employee. Some of you may still have the original post on your browser in full if you do not refresh. if you do, copy it and email it to me please.

As mentioned yesterday when the blog was restored, the attack on my site was something that was done over a period of months and the infiltration was extensive.

We are still fixing a few things, like the way that each post looks if you click on it individually, as well as trying to see if we can add the share button under each post not only when you click on an individual post, but have it visible also from the main feed under each post.

There are obviously also some security things happening behind the scenes.

As we continue to resolve the issues, some rather interesting things are coming to light about the attack:

1. The focus here was to ensuring any post related to Sedevacantism or proper Catholicism exposing all the fake “Pope” since 1958 to the present were in essence not linked, and not presenting alternate and related posts on the same subject.

2. Ditto anything relating to Bergoglio and the antipapacy.

3. And of course, the exposure of really important things like who controls the financial system of the entire planet, what the Bank of International Settlement is and does and who owns it, the genocide in Gaza, the now proven medical fact that the covid bioengineered “virus” was designed to not affect those who present genetically as Ashkenazi Jews, anywhere near as much as it was designed to cause harm to people of a Viking-like disposition (the original Crusaders and a class I and my wife and children belong to) and the fact that the genetic serum murder juice was probably bioengineered similarly, so as to not be anywhere near as lethal to a certain ethnicity. You know, stuff like the at was attacked more directly.

4. It has now come to light that at least some self-confessed Israeli actors have possibly been directly contacting and attempting to mildly intimidate Sedevacantists going to mass. These are professional people of a very honest and unthreatening type being approached by vague strangers making very personal queries that show the “random stranger” knows a lot about them, before informing them they are Israelis and the people being interfered with or delayed are now “allowed” to go to Mass.

I am not surprised by the attack on my site, nor the (for now) subtle-ish intimidation of proper Catholics just going about their business and attending Holy Mass.

Most people are unaware that I have been under some level of psyop activity since I wrote The Face on Mars. It was pretty intense at the time and then tapered off for a bit with various spikes in activity over the intervening almost 30 years. It spiked up a little when I wrote the Systema book but not much and again when I wrote Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church.

It ranged from having my phone tapped (confirmed by professionals who worked in the South African Secret Service, though they were more upset by the fact they didn’t know who was doing it) to various digital infiltrations (my phone and emails were hacked as were those of women I was seeing, family members and so on) and quite serious interference with communications as well as direct threats to people who were associating with me at the time.

But I have lived an “interesting life” —in the Chinese sense of the word— and pissed off several people who definitely have the means to cause the same sort of harm. Usually because such wealthy individuals behaved badly with someone I cared about or in generic terms and had to face either some consequences or a rather serious me discussing the possibility of their helping to clean out a toilet bowl with their face if they did not alter course.

The point is that such people invariably fold under pressure of the low-technology kind.

I also pissed off some people that are certainly not shy to get deeply involved in that kind of low-tech philosophy of life, and they had somewhat more direct responses, like sending armed men to my place of residence, but neither kind of pressure has really affected my course in life in terms of how I will behave, even if it certainly has affected me in various ways, primarily financially, and by being kept out of any positions that would gather much influence very widely.

But to be fair, I was never really interested in the latter, and in the former only insofar as being able to live well and provide for my loved ones. But life is brutal and for all I know I’ll be “droned” or “accidented” or “infarcted”, or “cancered” or whatever, at some point for my trouble, and if so, so be it. I never lost sleep over it when I was not a believer, and I certainly am not losing sleep over it even more, now that I am Catholic. I doubt I’ll be “suicided” other than perhaps as a direct warning that it wasn’t a suicide, because anyone that knows me is aware that just isn’t an option for me.

And for all I know, one of the factions somewhere may even help “elevate” me at some point, if so, behind the scenes and without my direct knowledge, because I certainly have been

(this is where he cut off the rest of the post. Interesting place no? I have re-written the rest of the post below, so it will differ from what you may have read earlier, but the “approached multiple times” was part of the original. By cutting it off here it made it look as if I had been secretly “paid” which I assure you is not the case. But hey… if the elites want to give me a ton of cash by say buying up millions of my books, I’m just fine with that, and it would probably keep me busy and less dangerous than if they keep pissing me off).

approached multiple times with rather large cash offers which were rejected by me, not because I am a Saint, but rather because there isn’t an amount of money I will compromise my integrity for. Again, not because I am such a good or pious Catholic, or have such outstanding moral fibre, but just because there are certain lines I will not cross, for my own peace of mind, regardless of what anyone else thinks, or thinks is reasonable or not.

The point is that as Adam Piggott pointed out in relation to this attack, I have used my name and face for over 30 years now to say what I want to say. And while I undoubtedly have irritated many in doing this, possibly because I am not a complete idiot and I understand that certain technologies are dangerous and should not be given to everyone without any oversight, I seem to still be alive. Probably also due to the fact that I generally am happy to stay in my lane and not cause too much trouble, as long as I am left reasonably alone and able to live decently, may have been somewhat protective.

But if you poke me, well, then, as I wrote in BELIEVE! since my duty as a Catholic is to spread the light of God, that can be done by setting fire to enemy encampments. So every time I receive such attacks, guess what… I’m going to get busy doing my best to spread the gospel and related topics even more.

That old adage that “the best defence is a good offence” is not always right, but it certainly has a lot to be said for, especially when the attacks are from the indemoniated and their little servants.

It is important too that you do so boldly and without fear. Because for one, fear, on some level is ALWAYS an illusion, and secondly, even if it is somewhat justified, giving in to fear is never the Way. As Catholics we are not given to a spirit of fear. Nor do we need hope either.

If I end up dead for my troubles, well, everyone dies at some point. And I never lost sleep over the potential damage they can do to me when I wasn’t a believer, I certainly am not going to lose any sleep over it now that I am.

You can break me. You can kill me. But you can never defeat me.

Those who understand that apparent paradoxical sentence don’t need it explained, and those who don’t understand it cannot ever have it explained to them either, so you either know, or you don’t.

And if you are one of those who does, then join us. Create your own groups and communities, or join ours. And if you are not, then get out of the way.

This post, this blog, and even me, may be gone tomorrow, but nothing can stop the indomitable spirit of men who have no fear of the enemy and will continue to act justly and push back at the evil in this world.

They have spent 4 years trying to ensure people no longer meet up face to face and get organised to build things that will resist the Satanic agenda they are ramping up daily. So, reader… what are you going to do?

After I had written the original version of this post, I went for a coffee at the local bar and a conversation was struck up with a group of strangers that laughed when I posted out that a patron that had just left looked like the doppelgänger of Benjamin Netanyahu. I told them I was very briefly worried. if Bibi was in our little village then things were really bad. they all immediately concurred and said it was best for him and his kind to stay far away from us, and that led into talk about the covid scamdemic, the forced LGBT-Pedo agenda and so on, and I didn’t hold back. I stated my views direct, openly and unambiguously, and said if anyone was offended they could keep away from me, which would make us both happy.

Not a single one of them objected. Not even mildly with a disapproving look. In fact, the women especially, were nodding in enthusiastic agreement with me.

And that has been my experience throughout. I have yet to get a single person objecting to my views when I express them directly and openly.

We are the majority. And we are all equally sick of the bullshit narratives we are being fed. But most have been cowed into self-censorship by vociferous scum that has got hold of some power due to our own weakness, laziness and inaction. But when thousands and millions of us decide we had enough, they simply can’t do anything about it. So, stop being afraid.

I may get droned. Maybe you too. But they can’t drone all of us. The maths just doesn’t work. And you can sense it, can’t you? They are starting to get scared. And they absolutely ARE given to a spirit of fear. They literally signed a pact with the devil in many cases. But I sure didn’t. And neither did you. So, act accordingly.

    4 Responses to “Cleaning Up the Damage and Psyops”

    1. Holz says:

      Did read the cut up post, did not think of it as ‘selling out’, mostly because someone with your personality would rather feed themselves to rabid gutter rats than end a post on an unfinished sentence.
      In conclusion, Dean is not very thorough. Maybe the coffee machine in Langley broke.

      • G says:

        Dean used to be a fed on alt-dot forums to do with antigravity and UFOs in the early to mid 1990s and was a regular in an IRC chat forum maintained by a guy from Malta.
        He wasn’t very effective or good at his disinformation, but we all respected his dedication. he posted relentlessly 9-5 Monday to Friday. I accused him of chain-smoking in a dingy fed office once, but he countered that smoking in federal buildings was prohibited. Which I was sure he would know. I doubt Dean would have been this sloppy. But maybe after 30 years he’s finally deciding to switch sides!

        • Holz says:

          Smoking is prohibited everywhere these days. Notably, the designers of the B-747, B-52, and YB-49 all chain smoked in their engineering offices. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that engineers are retarded now.

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