Blog Stats Progress

As I said at the start of this year, the realistic but ambitious target was 100k visitors with 300k views.

At the end of month 5 the figures are:

28,717 visitors and 98,681 views so roughly a third of the aimed for results with just over 40% of the time spent.

If the trend from last year holds, the target will not be achieved, but it’s not yet completely out of reach. It was also discovered that in the main my blog is not being indexed at all by google. The reason is as yet unclear, and may not be intentional shadowbanning, though I certainly wouldn’t put it past them. The point is that almost the entirety of the traffic achieved is by old fashioned word of mouth, so although the non-indexing certainly affects the numbers, the good thing about what numbers there are is that these are likely more invested readers, which is precisely who I try to write for. After all, from esoteric writings on the Maxwell equations to the female socio-sexual hierarchy to predicting the way the current WWIII is heading and continuing advice on how to survive it, along with whatever other topic or humorous thing takes my fancy, makes for a pretty eclectic crowd.

At any rate, thanks for reading here and thanks for any support you have given by buying any of my books or supporting any of the things I get up to. In an increasingly fractured world, your support of like-minded people is becoming of paramount importance. I certainly go out of my way to support and make friends with people who are helpful not just to me, but towards the basic principles by which I believe the future increasingly needs to be faced with.

So, please keep using that share button at the bottom of each post and make your family and friends aware of the ideas, concepts and information you find useful. Thank you.

    2 Responses to “Blog Stats Progress”

    1. Sasha Melnik says:

      Hello Kurgan,

      I’ve noticed some counter-trends in traffic – I think Goog is trending these sorts of sites to flat or reduce (depending on the would-be source traffic – it’s all percentiles..) – since the start of the year I’ve seen half the regular referers from Goog.

      – I expect we get increasingly algo-hammered in search as we go deeper into the US uniparty cycle –

      What matters to me more is direct visitors and/or references from sites within the network rather than at the gateways.

      FYI my own stats this month ending are 26K unique visitors (that is, (unique IP per day) totaled for the month) – but I think only 5K unique users per month are actual human beings.

      I’m curious to know what level of refers you get from my own site since I do no active tracking – I know who comes via passive analysis, but I don’t know where they go (as designed).



      • G says:

        Hi Sasha, generally your site is the highest referrer to me except when one of my posts gets picked up by some more popular site, but those spikes are noticeably different. Hard to say with precision but maybe up to half could be from your site. Your site is an awesome resource by the way, and in a very synchronous manner your comment is what I saw as I was coming to type out my latest post called the Power of One. Keep at it. we all need to make the Lagos irrelevant because people find us organically and keep coming back here by choice and conscious action. This is the way. The online version of meeting in real life, sort of attitude.

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