Andrew Wilson “Ex” Freemason

Well, the more you know…

…the more the algorithms start to make sense.

Regular readers will be familiar with my having exposed Milo Yank-my-Pole-us for being an absolute and definite Freemason on a sequence of blogposts showing that he is absolute fake, and was funded by the usual suspects while pretending to be a “Catholic” (well, Freemason light, anyway, because Novus Orco). Milo of course bravely ran for the hills when presented with the opportunity to respond to the expose and his star has waned a little ever since. And his telegram chat is wholly dead with only just under 19.5k “followers” left which as I explained before, appear to be composed entirely of bots now since there is no engagement from neither him nor anyone when he very occasionally posts once every few weeks or months. Of course, he’s back on X with supposedly 280k followers, so that will be his excuse, though it seems to mostly be attacks on what I can only presume is the definitely homosexual Nick Fuentes, who I can also only presume must have rejected Milo’s advances, probably in preference for yet another definitely gay Indian-Pakistani looking guy who was a gay predator of Fuentes’ Groyper followers whose name escapes me right now, Alexander Akbar, or something, he looks like a brown barracuda.


Moving away from gay freemasons, let’s look at more heterosexual ones, because it looks like Andrew Wilson is also a Freemason.

And if that’s the case, which the email I received with captured tweets and various commentary around the web (including reddit, which I admit is mostly a gag-worthy corner of the internet) I can absolutely guarantee that Andrew will do just as Milo did and make sure he will NEVER debate me anywhere. But my general shadow-banning may well increase. Which in fairness, I don’t care about too much. This blog doesn’t even have SEO work on it done, the only way it spreads is organically by readers pushing the share button and sending it on to friends or family I guess. Still, readership is slowly but steadily increasing.

But back to Andrew…

The thing about being an ex-satanist is that… well… just like an ex-heretic, there is no real way you can possibly ever trust them again, because they did work for the prince of lies. And while occasional genuine change of heart is definitely possible, it can never be 100% confirmed, which is why ex-heretics, quite reasonably in Catholic Dogma, will NEVER be accepted as having authority over anyone, and will NEVER be looked at as anyone that anyone should pay attention to. And further, that they should spend the rest of their days in penance for their sin of heresy.

Ditto ex-Satanists (assuming they even are “Ex”) like Andrew Wilson.

In fact, if the reports are correct, we have several red flags already:

  • Apparently Andrew is buddies with pathological liar, non-christian of any kind, fame-whore and intellectual retarded autist Vajay Dried (Jay Dyer) who genuinely can’t speak three sentences without saying four lies, as has been amply demonstrated for 3 hours in a row here, with excruciatingly weaponised autism on literally every lie he speaks, and a shorter version here. this does not bode well for any veracity he may have concerning his supposed religious beliefs.
  • Andrew has admitted his Ex-Freemason status himself.
  • And he was defending Freemasonry against someone who apparently wrote a book about having infiltrated the freemason for the purpose of exposing them (I am not sure who the author is supposed to be or what his name is). He apparently also got in touch with his ex-lodge master to confirm if the author was ever in the lodge. Which would indicate he is still at minimum in good rapport with them, which would NOT be the case, if he were an actual Christian. I suppose you could argue being as he is not a Sedevacantist Catholic he is NOT an actual Christian anyway, so the Freemasons may well go ahead and keep promoting him, because why not? Anything that deviates from the truth ultimately will end up serving them, on a shorter or longer timeline. But not that in any case Andrew was trying to DEFEND Freemasonry.
  • Not knowing what the Hagia Sophia is, is kind of… well… telling, to put it mildly.

So, in conclusion, don’t expect Andrew to ever show up for a debate against me.

    2 Responses to “Andrew Wilson “Ex” Freemason”

    1. Anthony says:

      I never liked any of the online Orthobros despite being convinced that Orthodoxy is the truth. Very similar to how you think emo jones, taylor marshall are all grifters. I never liked Andrew Wilson or his wife. Not knowing what the Hagia Sofia is, is indeed telling. The only real Orthodox public figure that has a serious faith in my opinion is Roosh and now he lives a private life. The only Orthodox who I would go to for knowledge is either Jose or Kade from Social Galactic. After that, actual Greeks, Serbians, and Russians who embody the full mindset from birth.

      • G says:

        Indeed. You are inching closer to the truth. Heh.
        I don’t share your view on Kade, though I forget the exact reason I seem to recall thinking his views were mostly irrelevant.
        Jose is good, but of course… you’re still not at the core; still… light years closer than Prots and GriftChurchains of any denomination.

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