About Violence…

Remember this post? About how violence is always the ultimate arbiter of disputes?

Or this one? Where the very first point is the same?

Again, you think I’m just talking rubbish do you? Well, let’s see, with a tiny, individual scale example, never mind the more obvious large scale ones.

This freak, posted this about a 3 month old baby:

Imagine the mentality of someone who does that. Who does? Well, this guy:

His name is Jaime Caravaca, and as a good online autist discovered…

Caravaca is a sephardic name. Funny since it means either dear or expensive (Cara) cow (Vaca), and he certainly does look like it.

Anyway, the baby’s father, went to one if his shows and explained etiquette and decorum to him in an international language, to avoid any confusion, although he speaks fluent Spanish/Portuguese anyway and at the end is telling him to “say it to my face now, go on.”

Notice also that the man is absolutely not deranged, not in a rage, and he in fact explains calmly to the security guys why he is there and what he is doing, while also apologising to the crowd for the unfortunate lesson in basic manners he was absolutely forced to deliver during the show. Notice he does this in the middle of the two educative events he delivers to Mr. ExpensiveCow, demonstrating a commendable discipline over his emotions throughout.

Enjoy the educational video below but carry on reading afterwards too.

Now, those of you inclined to think the usual horse-shit that “freedom of speech” and “words will never hurt me but sticks and stones” etc would have us live in a world were that fat fuck goes around behaving that way and we are supposed to all bow our heads and let it happen, or shrug, or even clap and laugh along with it.

Instead let’s look at the results:

Isn’t it amazing? Less than one minute of reality, no permanent injuries or damage done to anyone and lo and behold, the freak learns exactly how to get back in his closet and stay there. And we now have a society a little more civilised, a little more dignified, a little more in decorum than before.

That is all it takes for these freaks and destructors of all that is good and holy, and pure, to return to their corner with their pants full of their own shit, where they should always remain. It really is a small price to pay. Think about it. A couple of judicious slaps and civilisation is back on track to making humanity go to the stars. It sounds like a joke, but I assure you, it is not.

The degradation of humanity is always a gradual and incremental path. So is its ascendance towards the divine.

    2 Responses to “About Violence…”

    1. Nara 9174 says:

      I notice the security guys don’t just jump on him without waiting for an explanation. What if he had been a serious threat? I wonder what your take is, as a former security man yourself.
      Or are they sorta on the pugilist’s side? Like, “Yeah, he’s got a point. Let him have his say!” Or the vibe of his righteous anger somehow crossed the aether and penetrated their subconscious.

      • G says:

        1. I would never do security for the creature that was on stage. I did security for some bad people before, and as soon as I found out what they were about I stopped. This guy would not get a foot in the door with me.

        2. Security at a small comedy club venue are not exactly the top-tier guys in the security industry.

        3. The guy was right.
        That’s really all.

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