A very interesting post

Read it in full.

Especially the definition of the various Mother*uckers he discusses.

Now, between the hippies and nuclear apocalypse, I may take my chances with radioactive nuclear fire, generally speaking, but there is a lot of truth in that post.

America is indeed the devil of the world, as Manson says in one of the short videos. And that is an absolute fact. Because it was designed to be that from inception. The USA was founded by, for, and with the intention of being, the first country predicated on wholly Freemason “principles”.

It’s not the common American that is the problem, per se. I mean, sure, the majority of them have been poisoned, brainwashed, psyopped, lied to and kept as ignorant as possible and digesting toxins from birth, so a lot of them are not exactly prime human material, but in the main their are the victims of their overlords.

Another true aspect is that given the current dystopia we are in, the only real motherfuckers are going to be outlaws by definition.

And the original philosophers were indeed all real motherfuckers. I also note he too includes Myamoto Mushashi as one, which I always did, and in fact consider him far superior to Sun Tzu. Precisely because Musashi walked the walk. Ditto people like Socrates and Aristotle.

In fact, I had this view of philosophy from an early age, as anyone that has read the “about the author” blurb at the back of The Face on Mars can attest to. It was written in 1995, and my perspective on philosophy hasn’t changed. Which is why I never rated Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kant, and most of the so-called modern or “recent” philosophers at all. As for the actual people pretending to be philosophers today, most of them should be shot for the crime of such defamatory impersonation.

Real philosophers (or real motherfuckers, as the post calls them) are not men to be trifled with. It’s the soul of the rebel seeking justice that animates us, and while you might kill us, you will never change our spirit. It’s not a boast either. It’s just how it is. The sun rises in the East, and some of us would rather die fighting and standing than live on our knees. And certain astronomical events, hypothetically at least, can change the position of the sun relative to our Earth. But nothing will change our souls.

It is also my belief, that such a spear-tip of souls is always going to exist as long as the human race exists, and they influence and affect far more than is ever understood. Imperceptibly, but relentlessly, somehow, without needing to be media “influencers”, they change the people around them and then, at some future point, the tipping point is reached and a mass change happens. Such people usually get none of the glory, in fact their work tends to be plagiarised and perverted, and their name trampled, but in some aspect, something of their nature survives, and it nudges the zeitgeist a tiny step closer to actual justice. Even if we are many light years from any kind of justice yet.

In any case, only two types of people really matter:

Evil motherfuckers, and Real motherfuckers.

Everyone else is just an NPC motherfucker and will blow whichever way, like a faggot leaf in the wind. Yes, that’s a pun.

And I agree with the poster of the article, the profanity is a tad irritating, but it is really the least of your worries, and it does clarify things well. Even so… I will now go compose a few Haiku, to return to balance.

    2 Responses to “A very interesting post”

    1. Daniel F says:

      “And the original philosophers were indeed all real motherfuckers. … Precisely because [they] walked the walk.”

      We can draw an analogy here as well to a major difference between Catholics / Orthodox and Protestants. For Protestants, holding a purely intellectual proposition in one’s head is to be saved: No spiritual struggle, growth or attainment is considered a part of this in any way, indeed such attainment is essentially deemed to be impossible. For Catholics and Orthodox, propositions must be combined with actual spiritual growth, theosis. Yes, Protestants pay lip service to “sanctification”, but when you dig deeper, “sanctification” is really little more than deepening one’s knowledge of said intellectual propositions and involvement in (worldly) pastoral affairs (no pun intended).

      Case in point: Calvinist pastor of 40+ years Steve Lawson just underwent a spectacular fall from “grace” when it was revealed he (age 73) had been carrying on a 5-year-long affair with a 25-year old. People in that world are voicing their surprise that such a “Godly man”, “mature Christian” and “elder of the church” could have engaged in such long term sin. But it is not surprising at all. Nothing he has done in his 40+ years of preaching has involved actual spiritual struggle, growth or attainment. Reading the Bible, expounding doctrine and engaging in apologetics are, on their own, purely secular, worldly activities. He is, in brief, a philosopher who does not walk the walk.

      (And this is not to say that a spiritually attained person in the Catholic or Orthodox church cannot have a spectacular fall, but the point is that within Protestantism, there is simply no reason why a 70 year old man will be, spiritually, any different, from anyone else. Likewise, not everyone’s journey in Catholicism or Orthodoxy involves serious spiritual struggle, but it remains a very real possibility.)

      • G says:

        I would disagree that the Prottie adulterer was ever anything other than a liar. He certainly does not merit the title of philosopher under any guise.

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