A Question

I came up with this many years ago, due to my natural misanthropy.

The question goes like this:

If you could (or had to, for the reticent) push a button that disappears 3 types of humans, who would you pick?

Now you can define the category in any way you like, but it has to have hard lines. So for example, you can’t just say “The Chinese” as a category.

You need to define it clearly. Do you mean anyone with Chinese citizenship? Or anyone with Chinese DNA? What about dual citizenship or mixed race people with some Chinese DNA… you get the idea. So if you said “anyone recognised as a Chinese citizen by the Chinese government,” that would be a precise description.

It’s an uncomfortable question for many people to answer, especially in public, but it is an interesting one.

And to be clear, the defined groups just pop out of existence. No dead bodies or pain, etc. they just blink out of existence.

As an added twist, to prevent the virtue signallers from taking the moral high ground, you can’t select a category that is not easily or at least clearly identifiable. So you can’t say “all pedophiles” because there is no way to know who they all are. But you could say “anyone convicted of a sex crime with a minor,” as an example.

Let me know what your answers might be if you are brave enough.

    7 Responses to “A Question”

    1. Nate says:

      Have to think about it, but it immediately reminded me of the “I’ll have a coke” joke from Boondocks Saints.

    2. Tony says:

      I’ve never really thought of making any particular bunch of people disappear but of giving some resentful group their ‘world without’ whatever.

      I’d like to give the materialists their world without religion while the rest of us repair to an extra-dimensional sideline and watch it unfold. And unravel.

      If Stalin could have been put into a virtual reality realm a hundred years ago, stage-managed by the instigators, how would he react if the state actually withered away on his watch, even his henchmen vanishing into the woodwork— as well as the steel works, the gas works, the farms, mines, and factories as enthusiastic proletarians? A utopia where he has no power. Would he be content with the farmyard-style work and leisure routine of life? Or would he try to stir things up?

    3. Cooper says:

      Three with tight defenitions is tough but here goes nothing
      1.People who practice judaism
      2. people living in a nation of wich they are not a citizen ( vacations excluded)
      3. Politicians above the local level ( municipality passes, state and federal are gone)
      A few runner ups, but the defenition is a bit too vague, or consequences a bit too unpredictable
      People who have a jewish mother
      People in charge of any nations “federal” bank
      People living on the continent of africa
      Families in the trilionaire class (might switch this one with 2 or 3)
      Interesting thought experiment, thanks for getting me on a watch list

      • G says:

        Because this is interesting, I aim to poke holes in some of your choices.
        2. That would kill a LOT of people that are perfectly decent people, and cause no problems at all.
        your runner ups are also all rather personal and iffy. And this is not relevant at all, but you would also have exterminated a lot of my family. Heh.

        • Cooper says:

          Yeah, you’re right. I was aiming too large and trying to solve problems that don’t concern me, not to mention that it does not solve the legal immigration problem. So upon further consideration, I would change #2 to people living in quebec who have less than 25% of french DNA.

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