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6 Hours of Sleep?

I did not know this, and I am not sure who this guy is or where the data comes from, but if true, he is saying it’s less than 0.5% of humans.

In which case… I guess I am in that category.

I can literally go weeks with about 4 hours sleep even now. About ten years ago I did it for a couple of months or three at a time.

There is impairment and over time it adds up, but if I got 6 hours of decent sleep a night I am considering myself very lucky. I always have been a terrible sleeper unless I am out in the bush like an animal, getting up with the sun and camping out, whatever the weather. Even then, I almost never sleep more than 8 hours unless especially exhausted.

I can definitely go months with only 6 hours sleep. After that I usually do need a day or two of down time, but even then I am not really sleeping more than maybe 8 or ten hours max, but split into different times during the 24 hours, and generally just chilling and vegging out with a TV programme, or a book, or just staring at clouds and contemplating life.

If anyone has decent data sets on this I’d be interested to take a look.

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