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I have made several posts that are counter-current over the last few months and years.

In general almost everyone around us is either whining, telling us how bad it is, and how worse it’s all gonna get, or they are trying to sell you some of their special brand of grifting.

Now, that’s not to say things aren’t bad or that they might not get worse, and perhaps some people are selling genuinely useful stuff that you need, be it practical items or knowledge.

After all, I too have books (up there, on the left) which I think cover three important non fiction topics: Human history, martial systems, and the Catholic Church (spiritual essence). Plus some fiction books that I think are useful: The Zombies RPG game is designed to make the dark days we are experiencing a bit lighter. Laugh in the face of adversity while you have genuine fun with real life friends in a face to face environment. The Overlords of Mars series is more escapism with a twist as a lot of the sociological and technological premises, predictions and plot lines are spot on and may be illuminating, especially considering I saw these things all more than a decade ago. In fact, nearly two decades ago, from original concept.

Kurgan TV (on the left) is also designed to educate and help put things in perspective on a wide range of topics, some purely practical, others philosophical, and so on. is a platform where sedevacantists can find each other and connect digitally from anywhere in the world.

But as anyone that has been following my writing or Youtube channel for a while can tell, I am hardly pushing any of these things at you. They are there, and I hope you find them useful and use them, but the choice will always remain yours.

This post instead is about something else.

It’s about YOU being positive. About YOU making a difference. First of all to and for yourself, because if you can’t make your own mindset strong, pro-active and glorious in the face of adversity, you’re hardly going to help anyone else do so. And secondly, for your loved ones, and thirdly your friends and your tribe, and lastly, but always in mind too, the rest of the world. There are plenty of resources on this blog. If you need inspiration use the search me function and search for key words, like clown world, grifters, mindset, winning… you get the idea.

And begin.

Rime to spread the light boys and girls.

And remember, as I always say, and explained in BELIEVE! Sometimes, spreading light means setting fire to enemy encampments.

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