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Refuting Satanists, Heretics and…

So, once again, ignoring certainly the spirit of 1 Corinthians 14: 34-35 if perhaps not the letter, as well as Timothy 2:11-12, the writer of the pointless blog: THE FEMALES – THE TRUTH tries to “refute” Sedevacantism, by proxy, so as to claim plausible deniability, as females are wont to do, by using the video of some Freemasonic Satanist pretending to be Catholic Clergy.

Let me begin the evisceration then, point by point.

  • Heresies cannot come from the Catholic Church. That is true. And we must fight them. We agree with the sedevacantists on that.

Thanks. Since Vatican II is composed of 16 documents, 15 of which are filled with direct heresy, and the 16th, Inter Mirifica, with indirect heresy, since it states that the other 15 documents should be propagated throughout the Earth, we really need not go any further. Since the Catholic Church cannot, by divine protection, teach heresy, we then agree that the Novus Ordo “Church”, whatever it is, is not, and cannot be Catholic. Thanks. Done and done.

But since you then insist on making a whole bunch of other lies, and me being me, we will hang, draw, and quarter, every one of them.

  • Sedevacantists quote theologians from the past who expressed a “school study” on the possibility of a heretical pope which had not happened. They tried to reach solutions which are difficult in practice.

Absolute lie. Here the deceiving Satanist is passively aggressively referring to the perennial papal encyclical Cum Ex Apostolato Officio, put in place by Pope Paul the IV, precisely because before him there had already been 42 antipopes. That’s right. 42. Yeah like the number from Douglas Adams. So the fake priest is LYING. Bold facedly. And Cum Ex Apostolato Officio was so successful, and so absolutely clear, that it prevented any more antipopes from getting to the chair of Peter until October 28th 1958. And we have had nothing but antipopes, never-were even Catholics for “Popes” since.

  • Sedevacantists fail to see the consequences of their opinions. According to the sedevacantists today, we are lacking all the hierarchy. All of the bishops with original jurisdiction, all of those who accepted the new Mass, etc. – “They all fell from their positions.” A very problematic situation. How does the Church continue?

The FACT that certain facts are unpleasant does not in any way invalidate them. catholicism is not a popularity contest. It started with 11 scared men in hiding and 4 women after all. Aside from the fact that the Church CONTINUES to exist today and will continue to do so until the second coming, which the liar is conveniently trying to pretend it does not.

  • [N.B. Definition of jurisdiction from Fr. Hardon’s dictionary: “In ecclesiastical law, the right to exercise official and public authority in some capacity. Thus a bishop has jurisdiction in his diocese, a pastor in his parish, priests in the administration of the sacraments….” Jurisdiction flows from Christ, the Head of the Church, through the papacy, to the hierarchy. Where do sedevacantists derive jurisdiction since they have dammed the channel through which jurisdiction flows by denying the pope and the bishops in union with him.]

Another filthy LIE. During an interregnum, (the period between Popes, when one dies and another needs to be elected, which, note: has no prescribed or maximum length of duration) no Bishop, no priest has ANY jurisdiction. They ALL retain the right to perform sacraments and bishops retain the right to ordain other bishops with assumed positive acceptance by whoever the next VALID Pope will be, whenever one is elected. So there is no issue here. All clergy has carried on performing the sacraments without a Pope in place for years long before the current 65 year long interregnum. The lack of worldly jurisdiction is no impediment to the continuity of the Church.

  • When a pope dies and the chair is empty the Church continues through the hierarchy and their “ordinary jurisdiction” until a new pope is elected. The pope’s authority disappears, but the ordinary jurisdiction of the bishops continues within the Church protecting her until a new pope is elected.

More lies, nonsense, conflation and obfuscation. The PRESUMED jurisdiction is only that, presumed. It is not, and cannot be acted upon. So there is zero difference between a Sedevacantist bishop today and any bishop throughout the history of the church that lived through an interregnum.

  • They have the jurisdiction they received from Christ, through the papacy. “Jurisdiction is the power governing the Church.”

Lie. They do NOT have jurisdiction when there is no Pope.

  • According to the sedevacantists, we can continue forever without the papacy and the jurisdiction of the hierarchy.

Lie. All jurisdiction is suspended when there is no Pope. ALL of it. And the Church has existed that way for years before the current LONG interregnum. But there is no limit on the length of an Interregnum. And Revelation and prophecy make it clear that there will come a bad rime when Satan will sit on the throne of Peter and almost all will love their faith except a remnant… oh, look… just like we have today…

  • “It’s nonsense for a Catholic…they [the sedevacantists] are saying the Church can exist without the papacy forever.” The sedevacantists make the papacy and the jurisdiction that flows from it superfluous to the Church.

Lie. Sedevacantists, that is, CATHOLICS, know that there is no jurisdiction without a Pope and that is a serious problem, but it is NOT the end of the Church. And we also know that the Church has come back from very bad times indeed, such as the French Revolution, thenArian heresy and so on. And she will survive this too in due course.

  • If we can get along without the pope and hierarchical jurisdiction for 50-60 years, why not forever? [The sedevacantist position seems very Protestant to me.]

It will not be forever, because at some point, either it will be resolved, enough nominal Catholics will realise Bergoglio and his Satanists are not Catholic at all, but rather the enemies of God, and thus eventually turn on the impostors and restore the church, or, Jesus will return. Either way we win in the end.

  • How do the Sedevacantists address this? Some say they receive jurisdiction from Christ Himself without the papacy. But all jurisdiction on the earth comes through the papacy. You need the keys of St. Peter.

More lies. No Sedevacantist is claiming “jurisdiction” over anything. Because there is no Pope, so there isn’t any. Pretending Sedevacantist clergy or laypeople are somehow self-professing jurisdiction, is a flat out lie.

  • The sedevacantist position destroys the institutional Church.

No. It destroys your fake, Satanic, impostor Church.

  • A question that must be asked is, “Can churchmen act in a way that is outside their authority while they still retain that authority?”

More nonsensical rubbish. And conflation and obfuscation. Catholics never speak this way. Catholics use words precisely and correctly. What does he mean by “churchmen”? Clergy? Laymen? Both? People who work in a Church? It’s a manipulation technique. While your brain is busy hunting for that answer, they hit you with the lie they want you to believe:

  • Isn’t the answer obvious? When your pastor treats you unjustly, does he retain his authority as the pastor? We saw that frequently during COVID when bishops and priests forbade Communion on the tongue and mandated Communion in the hand. They did not have the authority to do it. Here’s what Fr. Tranquillo says: “A better solution than the sedevacantist solution is both simpler and more logical — we do not deny the possession of authority of the pope, bishops, etc. We deny that he used the authority properly when he said certain things. And this position does not destroy the hierarchy/existence of the Church.”

Note what he is trying to sneak into your brain there: even if a (fake) priest acts like a heretic (or never was Catholic) you still have to say he’s a good guy, a priest or that just didn’t use his Catholicism properly. What utter nonsense! If a (theoretically valid to begin with) clergy acts like a public, notorious heretic, then, as per Canon 188.4 he is no longer part of the Church and he should not be treated as if he were Catholic, never mind a priest.

  • There is a juridical process to remove a “heretic” from office. Just holding the opinion doesn’t make it so. Who among the sedevacantists has the authority to exercise the juridical process against the pope?

Absolutely a LIE. Canon 188.4 is perfectly clear: a heretic vacates his office upon the fact of his public and notorious heresy by the law itself without any pronouncement, judgement, ratification or anything else, required, by anyone. There is NO juridical process required whatsoever. His own defection from the Faith convicts him, judges, and executes him.

She then goes on to add her completely irrelevant opinion to the screed of lies laid out above.

She really just needs to focus on learning to make sandwiches. Theology is definitely not anything she can grasp, nor is she even supposed to try to on her own. Focus on the sandwich-making dear. You do a good job there and a kind man will explain a few things to you, see? Good, good, run along now… kitchen… bread… yup… sandwiches.

Update: comments on her blog are closed. I wonder why that would be…

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