Archive for September 2024

The Best Book I Ever Read

As some regulars here know, I have read literally thousands of books. This is not an exaggeration or hyperbole. Throughout my teenage years I averaged something like 2-3 books a week. That’s not counting comic books, articles and so on. I spent my pre-teen years going to bed late and reading under my covers with a torch even after I was supposed to be asleep. By age the age of seven I was reading adult crime novels, young adults stuff and so on. Throughout my life I have without a doubt read more than one book a week for at least 40 years, and that is being conservative about it, which would be a minimum of 2,000 books.

I mention all this not to show off, but because it is relevant to the point I am about to make concerning which book I would pick as the absolute best oe in that mountain of reading.

I have many favourites, Go Rin No Sho (this translation by Victor Harris is the best) being just one of many. The Thin Red line is very good too, although I also really liked the film, and in the case of Cloud Atlas I found the film superior to the book, which is very rare. Classics like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (which became the film Blade Runner, but the book is in fact better) are in a sort of class of their own, like The Man in the High Castle (of which the story of how it was written and what Dick concluded about that process is arguably even more interesting than the book itself) because Philip K. Dick is a favourite SF author.

Various History books also have a certain pride of place, although they tend to be few, because over time, I became aware that the history we are taught is quite far from the truth, so finding history books that produce verifiable information has become somewhat of a chore. It takes a lot more effort than simply buying a book and reading it. You now need to try and see if you can actually verify anything in it as being even remotely accurate. The entire story of WWII for example, is so convoluted, full of lies, propaganda and nonsense from all sides that the truth of things may well be impossible to arrive at. What I am almost certain of so far however, is that Hitler almost certainly did not die by suicide in his bunker, but rather in South America somewhere, years later. The other curious fact is that even official Jewish Historians in Israel that work in the Holocaust memorial, today agree that the number of six million dead jews is fictitious. What the real number is, I doubt anyone will ever know. I have seen credible figures of anything from about 300,000 to 500,000 that may well be relatively accurate. What we do know is that the deaths of Jews in Auschwitz was officially reduced from 4 million originally to less than 1 million presently.

Of course, merely pointing these things out has an emotional reaction in some people, perhaps most people, who will think I am some kind of Nazi sympathiser. Which could not be further from the truth, what I am though is a person that prefers the actual truth, however unpalatable it might be, to a well-crafted lie.

So when it comes to history books, I think one needs to be extremely careful as to which ones to believe, as most of them are filled with lies. Lies that are often repeated from generation to generation. In this respect then, I think my own book, The Face on Mars, which deals with a lot more than just the Martian Structures, is actually really quite high on the list, as it brings to the fore a whole bunch of truths about humanity that are inescapable, and also, even nearly 30 years after I wrote it and ten years after I updated it, makes the most coherent argument for the ancient history of mankind that anyone has been able to piece together to date. In that respect then, I do think it deserves first place in the overview of human history category.

However, in terms of a book that may well have the most impact on anyone who reads it in terms of understanding not only some very important aspects of human history, but of humanity itself, as well of reality itself and the ultimate truths of our situation here on Earth, there is one book, that upon reflection, undoubtedly must rise above all others. It is

The Crusades: Iron Men and Saints by Harold Lamb. First printed in 1930, this is a masterful piece of historical fact, having been pieced together by having referred to documents of the times during which the Crusades actually took place.

Although it can be read as simply just a historical record of what took place, which it is, a reader with a little more intelligence would be able to consider the character of the people concerned and what drove them. And once you begin to consider these things, it becomes fairly obvious that despite the usual human motives that undoubtedly existed, there was also an undercurrent of real belief, faith, spiritual truth, that on some level absolutely must also have existed.

Even if you were to relegate that all to some kind of mass psychosis, even at that most atheistic of levels, it would still be an utterly fascinating aspect of humanity; too large and persistent to ignore for anyone that has a minimum of imagination.

And the repercussions of reading that one book, will resonate to some extent or other in the life of anyone who reads it.

My only addition to this recommendation is that if you want to be better able to follow the contextual aspect of the history described in The Crusades, you would probably be better off reading God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusades by Rodney Stark (who is also a very rare creature, an honest historian!) alongside it, as back in 1930, most people had some idea of the main aspects of the Crusades, something that very few have any reference for today (by design).

    Kurgan Mail

    An honest man wrote to let me know how Protestantism works. I have added a link to the stream in question, and redacted his name and a few lines to make identifying him impossible, since his family is still deep into Protestantism, with several of his relatives being “pastors”.

    I’m emailing you to thank you for your work, in my struggle to wake.
    In exchange, I’d like to add to David The Good’s answer to your question on your old stream, regarding about what Protestants think was going on for the first 1500 years of the Church. I’m speaking from personal experience, [redacted] I dare not attach my name publicly for fear of insulting otherwise fine and rational people:

    First, you need to understand that as per the infinite love of God and the infinite wisdom of John Calvin (PBUH), not only is predestination real, but everyone is predestinated for salvation. Don’t think about the metaphysical implications of this too deeply.

    Second, the germ of the real Church laid dormant for 1500 years, so that for the next 400 years we could rediscover all of the wisdom that was suppressed, and then in the 75 years that followed we could discard all of that wisdom and return to paganism. Again, don’t think about the implications of this.

    Third, do not challenge base assumptions, no matter how tempting it is. Even if you went from something as innocent as evangelizing to slaves in one century, to jumping to the front of the line to bless sodomy in the next. Respectability is paramount, don’t be labelled a crazy. We’re all being saved anyway, so I’m sure God will understand.

    It is quite revealing how deep the cognitive dissonance goes, and how blatant and obvious it is when spelt out in very simple and honest terms.

    God bless this man, and I hope he finds his way to the real Church soon if he has not done so already. Ultimately the truth will set you free indeed. You just have to want to actually know the truth first.

      Once more on Adam

      An interesting post by Adam again was this one, for which he apparently received some pushback.

      Having read it, I would say he only made the window-dressing error of the title he chose, and this singular phrase:

      You treat your daughters as property that must be protected 

      It is the natural poisoning of the mind that occurs in the predominantly Protestant zeitgeist of English-speaking countries, to reduce things to a simplified (and usually binary) mode of thinking. And such thinking is almost always a mistake. Few things in life are so black and white and when you apply an oversimplification to a complex situation, you are invariably in error to some degree or other.

      Sometimes needs must: If I have only 2 weeks to train a battalion for war, some trainees will likely die in training, but the others will have a better chance to live through the war. But in matters of social engineering, it is worth taking careful observation of reality rather than play fast and loose with broad definitions that are going to fall short of the mark.

      Adam’s piece is otherwise completely right, but those two unfortunate uses of the word “property” when applied to women in general, are an error.

      In fairness to Adam, I think he quickly realised this and he wrote a follow-up that expanded on his thoughts.

      I it he tries to better explain what he means by stating that “women are property” or should be treated as property, but the sneaky thread of sulphurous protestantism remains even in his expanded explanation. And this is important to note, because this is precisely how evil works. It infiltrates as tendril of mildly erroneous wordings or concepts and inevitably expands into a cancer on life in general.

      Even in his expanded explanation, whether because of persistence in his error or perhaps some hint of pride in not wanting to admit it, Adam continues in his insistence of stating women as property. This is absolutely not a Catholic belief, but rather a purely Protestant one, and, tellingly, a Pagan one too.

      Before I go on to correct the error and hence better represent Catholicism as it is, instead of how Protestants insist on trying to present it as (falsely, obviously) let me be clear that I am not taking shots at Adam. He is a friend, and a good man, (yes, even though he is Australian, proving we Catholics truly understand forgiveness!) and the point here is not to bash his good intent, or even his error, rather, I would say, the intent on my part is of iron sharpening iron. Adam is a good exponent of Catholicism in general and the more accurate he can become, the better the influence he will have on others who may be ignorant, fooled by the lies or confused in general.

      Now back to the topic at hand.

      In Catholic thought, women are not, and never have been, “property”, other than in (somewhat) one specific, and by the way equal, way: in marriage, they do not have authority over their body, their husbands do, and equally, the husband has no authority over his body, the wife does (1 Corinthians 7:4). And it is very much the case that this passage in the Bible refers pretty much only to the sexual congress that occurs between husband and wife. In other words, marriage constitutes a perpetual sexual access to your body by your spouse. Even then, this is not a mechanistic “sex doll” clause, as the immediately following passage in the same section makes clear (1 Corinthians 7:5).

      Even then, the wife (or husband’s) body is not treated as “property” but rather as the spouse having authority over it. That is rights. Not ownership as such, but authority to use it sexually; a subtle but important difference.

      In fact, Catholicism was precisely the very religion that freed women (and children) from being thought of as actual property.

      Now, all that said, let me also be clear that Catholicism is also not the other side of the Protestant coin: the pedastilisation of women, where they can do no wrong, are spiritual saint purely by virtue of being female etcetera, etcetera. No. As always, Catholicism simply describes reality as it is, and recognises that women are the more fragile sex when it comes to dealing with the world. As such, they are to be protected from it and from their own, mostly unwise responses to it. Just as it is a parent’s duty to protect a child from his own unwise responses to a fallen and dangerous world.

      The complainers that this “negates the agency of women” are retards bleating in the wind of their own ineptitude. The simple reality is that yes, generally speaking, children have less agency than adult women, and adult women generally have less agency than adult men. This is simply reality. Just like the sky is mostly blue in daytime, or black at night-time. Neither state is rigidly absolute, but only a complete moron would argue against these facts as being the obvious reflection of reality that it is.

      So, while it is absolutely correct that as a father of four daughters it is my duty to educate, protect and love them, it is not true that I ever have, or ever will, treat them as property. And ultimately, while it absolutely is my duty to instruct and teach them and do my absolute best to see they are prepared to deal with the hellscape of the world we find ourselves in, at some point, I will be dead, and they will need to rely on themselves to navigate the world well if they have not yet found a worthy husband.

      While I am alive, I will certainly help them evaluate any prospective suitors, but while that is a fundamental part of being a father and parent, ultimately, as is also clear in Catholic dogma, marriage has to be a freely chosen sacrament by all parties involved. In short, a better analogy is that while you can teach someone to drive, you can never be actually controlling their every move by some remote system of control. They may crash. They may die or run someone over. All I can do is teach them all I know as best I can. After that, it’s up to them, the choices they make, hopefully the good husbands they pick, and finally, the Grace of God.

      In Catholic belief, all things are ultimately subject to God’s Will. Which is not to say we sit on our arses like Hindus or Muslims because in any case, the wheel of reincarnation will evolve us or Allah will do whatever he wants anyway so why bother. No. Catholic belief is that you absolutely must get off your arse and work tirelessly and to the bone to be the best you can be, and even then that is only to TRY to secure a place in Purgatory, which is by no means guaranteed, so that you might, eventually get to Heaven, instead of Hell, where the path to it is “wide and well-travelled”.

      In short, if and when you do work your arse right off, then, God, invariably does bestow His Grace upon you.

      One of the filthiest of the many lies Protestants created about their fake Churchianity, is that no one is “saved by works”. A twisted half-truth designed to leads untold millions to Hell.

      While it is true that a lot of busywork without any faith achieves not Heaven, it is equally true that a faith that does nothing practical is also just as fake, sterile, and useless. Teaching people that all you need to do to be saved is “accept to at Jesus Christ is King” is literally telling people to have the same “Christian” standards that Demons have.

      Demons too know very well that Christ is King.

      And that is really the only “prescribed” rule of Protestantism, not can it be any other way once you teach people that they are all entitled to interpret the Bible (and everything else) as they choose. Which is literally a Satanic law (the only Law is that there is no Law, so you can do whatever you want is entirely Satanic, and Protestantism can be absolutely defined as “interpreth as thou will”, just another version of the Satanic law “do as thou will”).

      The squeals of Protestants to the contrary —sounding so much like the noises made by demon-infested pigs as they run towards the sea— the reality is that no two Protestants can even agree on what the definition of a Christian can or should be. Which is why they have reduced it to meaningless nonsense like “accepting Jesus in your heart”, “being a Jesus follower”, “knowing and accepting Christ is King” or “having a personal relationship with Jesus”.

      All complete generalities with less consistency than a thin fart in a high tornado. Ask them to define with precision what the rules for being a Christian are, and they become babbling gibbering mouthers, more prone to speaking in tongues than make a coherent argument, much less a united one.

      The situation is, of course, entirely different if you ask any two Catholics how to define what a Christian is, they will tell you the Credo for a start; and all that is implied in it can be found in the Code of Canon Law of 1917, plus the Papal encyclicals and documents referred to therein, as well as those produced between 1917 and up to 9th October 1958, when the last valid Pope died. That is it and can often be quickly received in summary format by the guidance of a good priest or Bishop, of which there are only a few left, but they do exist, and will continue to do so, as they have through all the dark times the Church has navigated through.

      Returning to the errors of Protestant infused thinking with regard to women, their level of agency, and the duty of men to protect them from the world and their own emotionally driven unwise choices, once again, the Catholic perspective is based in reality and as such infinitely superior to all other attempts at “controlling” or even merely understanding women.

      Women are less capable in the practical navigation of the fallen world we inhabit, and as such need to be protected, cherished and helped through it by men who correctly see the world as it is, and inevitably, the best of such men can only be properly Catholic (i.e. Sedevacantist) because Catholicism is the best method we have ever had of seeing reality as it is, with logic, reason, and Divine Grace all working in perfect unity.

        Vigano demonstrated to be just another fake Catholic

        As I have been saying officially since 2020 and the publication of my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Vigano is not, and never has been, anything other than at best a knowing heretic, and more likely, simply just another Satanic gatekeeper in place to merely “net” (catch) those that might otherwise stray into the truth of Sedevacantism.

        As I have repeatedly explained the point is that Vigano, having a PhD in Canon Law of 1917, cannot in ANY way be excused for “not knowing” about the heresies of Vatican II. Which logically means he is a KNOWING perpetrator of the Satanic and impostor cult of the Novus Ordo. Which means he never was a Catholic to begin with. But even if you want to be brain-damaged and pretend he ever was, his “Catholicism” was immediately and permanently forfeited the moment he accepted heresy instead of truth and his continued promulgation of Vatican II for more than 50 years makes him in any case, a public, pertinacious and public heretic, as per Canon 188 part 4.

        This was NEVER in any doubt, and despite all the rah-rah about Vigano being a true traditionalist, the reality always was the one I pointed out by the very simple expedient method of merely following Catholic dogma as pointed out in Canon Law. Vigano is a heretic. Always was, and continues to be.

        I therefore have not been paying any attention whatsoever to whatever he has been up to, but Adam Piggott, ever the optimist when it comes to these Satanists, has, and having recently caught up with his blog, lo and behold, here is the ultimate proof of my point:

        Vigano being interviewed by that other fake Catholic grifter-dwarf, Tay-Tay Marshall.

        I suppose Emo Jones will be the next to “interview” him. They may skip Michelle Voris however since he has once more revealed himself to be what he always was, a Satanic, flaming homosexual pretending to be a Catholic under the banner of his fake and un-Catholic “ministry” of Church Militant.

        I have laid out the whole grifting structure of these impostors before, as well as how easy it is to know who is or is not an actual Catholic.

        It really is NOT difficult to know who is a fake, impostor, Satanist, pretending to be Catholic, who is a potentially well-meaning but lazy and ignorant layman that has been fooled into error, who is PRETENDING to be one, in order to lead more souls into confusion and Hell, and who is actually a Catholic.

        And once you have understood the details, it really is impossible to be fooled any longer.

          Real Catholicism is Inevitable

          Several years before I became Catholic (Sedevacantist) I had already identified two concepts that would be fundamental in the eventual rebuilding of civilisation. By 2014 I had voiced this clearly in a stream by Vox Day, stating that both Christianity as well as City States would become pivotal parts of the future.

          Vox noted with interest that this comment was being made by someone who was not, and never had been, any kind of Christian.

          Since my becoming baptised on 25th May 2017, I have also clearly stated that:

          * only Catholicism is actual Christianity, and,

          * currently, the only Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantists.

          Eventually, there will be only three sides to the conflict, from a spiritual perspective:

          * Intentional and Conscious Satanists

          * Erroneous Heretics/Pagans/Heathens/Atheists/Agnostics (i.e. all those not necessarily outright evil, but following false religions to appease their own egos and demons).

          * Actual Believers (i.e. 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics)

          And we already know that in the end only a tiny remnant of believers will be left before our Lord returns. Sedevacantists do seem to fit all the criteria:

          * There are not many of us,

          * We are thorough zealots with an unflinching faith the likes of which I have never seen in any other positive context, only viciously negative one that have abandoned reason (which is a foundational principle of Catholicism) and become essentially either demonic cults of personality or of some demonic entity.

          * Our religion is the only Christianity that has ever existed, which put together the Bible, which ad the traditional Mass and Popes even before the Bible was put together, which educated the world and so on. All other heretic offshoots are laughably inadequate as contenders, and this is easily demonstrable to any objective and impartial observer.

          Bit there is a worldwide trend, a pattern that is becoming more and more distinct, even as its resolution gradually refines from the chaotic fog of the darkness trying to swallow all of us whole.

          Convinced Protestants and their churches are crumbling. Lifelong Protestants are converting to Catholicism in sudden and unexpected ways, such as how David the Good has done.

          And even those who continue to try to deny the absolute truth that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, inadvertently give themselves away by praising things like the majesty of ancient Catholic cathedrals, the like of which none of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism has ever built or will ever build.

          Or subtly implying that the crusades and the crusaders were cool. They were, and they were also exclusively Catholic. Or saying “Christian Nationalism” must rise, when the very point of Catholicism was that it ruled men’s beastly passions to the point that kings and emperors followed its dogma and created the most humane and human-beneficial society ever created on Earth so far. And the only National Christianity that has ever been truly meaningful is, again, the one that ruled Catholic Nations for centuries.

          Torba of Gab talking about a generic “Churchianity” so ill-defined it makes it clear he is not any kind of Christian at all, but just your NPC Churchian. In the end, you can dance around the truth only so long, but eventually, the truth will inevitably come out and be inescapable.

          Like math, and more certain than the Sun rising in the East, you can hate the reality of it, you can rage against its “misogyny” or how “rude” it is for excluding the colour purple from trigonometry, or how “racist” it is for excluding absolutely everyone who is not a proper Catholic from being a Christian. Or how you want to call out how the spiritual battle invariably leads you to conclude it’s Satanists vs Catholics and always has been, without referring to Catholicism, which is the very religion that explained it all to begin with and did so alone for over a thousand years before schismatics hungry of Earthly power and human intrigue split off, followed by the Satanist inspired rebellion against God spearheaded by a fake monk that was probably Jewish and certainly connected to other Satanic people in power who wanted to diminish the Church. Or want to refer to “scripture alone” —like a bunch of brain damaged chimps— while trying to deny that scripture itself was put together by the very traditions and people you rage against and that very scripture you “believe in” has had 7 books ripped out of it by a maid-raping pervert.

          Despite the human tendency to egotism and absolute levels of cognitive dissonance in order to protect that abysmally erroneous ego, there is a trend happening.

          The fake religions are becoming more and more brittle and vacuous, the heretics are wavering like mirages in the sun, and Sedevacantist numbers keep increasing, both by new converts joining and by the continued adherence to Catholic principles and the production of many new babies.

          The only Christianity that will make it through the dark times is the real one. The same one that the Apostles had, that the saints and martyrs had, that the crusaders and the knights of Malta had.

          The only Christianity that ever existed. And not even the false usurping impostors of it currently squatting in the Vatican like malignant larvae can stop the truth of actual Catholicism.

          Nothing can stop it at all.

          It is, in fact, inevitable.

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