Archive for August 2024

The British Police against the British People

“John” of Postcards from Barsoom, posted a lengthy but interesting post, where he meanders from Rhodesia to South Africa, to Ireland and finally to the UK riots of “thugs” and “undocumented shoppers”.

It is a good and worthwhile read, especially if you are not aware of some of the realities concerned. I am, because I lived in Africa for 25 years, so none of this is news to me, and yet I found it well done, and in particular I found what I have sometimes taken to be a rather naive or theoretical view of John’s views as being essentially quite correct (if perhaps still a little “optimistic”).

In particular, he made some good points regarding Ireland (which being as they were ungovernable for decades, also gave me hope they may actually become Ireland again at some point, instead of just sinking below the browning waves of the pedophiles in charge) and England.

The English, and the Irish, and all of the other English-speaking colonies, along with all of the NATO vassals, have been subjected to barbarian invasions organized by their own governments, which governments simultaneously place the native populations in the position of helots relative to the new arrivals. This is a mutually beneficial relationship for both state and invader: the latter gets a large part of the loot, but as the state collects the taxes it absorbs by far the majority of what gets extracted; meanwhile, the mere presence of the invaders necessitates a hypertrophy of the state, which must care for and protect them just as it was originally designed to care for and protect the native population. Normally, the people would object to this theft, but the constant terror attacks and violent crime, which the natives are never allowed to respond to, take their emotional toll. Psychological pressure is further applied by the constant reminders to step aside, to make way, to mind your tongue, all of which are microaggressions in a much real sense than the the left use of the term, calculated insults to make you feel unsure of yourself, and small. There are other insults too: every white heroine in a drama paired with a black man, for example, while the only white heroes are gay, and all your favourite characters from novels, comic books, myths, and histories are blacked and browned in abundance.

In order to make sure that whites accept their status as helots, their own state subjects them to sadistic psychological abuse using every dirty trick from the torturer’s handbook, while allowing them to be terrorized by their occupying barbarians.

And it does this while insisting that it loves them.

Make no mistake.

They do not love you.

To the contrary: they hate you.

They are, in actual fact, your enemy. I don’t know what else to tell you; the facts are what they are, their behaviour is what it is. Our states have defected, and are now in effect wealthy proxies of the barbarian clients who prop them up. Morally, they are the government of the barbarians, and not of the Irish, British, or other native white peoples suffering under this globalist regime, all of whom are rather those states’ enslaved captives.

Right now, the ability of the government to keep the whole sick moral scam going is, well, moral. The native people they plunder must continue to believe that their governments truly represent them. This is so because, in most countries, the natives still far outnumber the invaders, though of course under present trajectories this will change rapidly as the century unfolds.

When people stop believing that and really process it, you get what’s been happening in Ireland, which the Irish government would characterize as lawlessness but which is more properly described as a growing fraction of the population withdrawing from their government the moral right to legislate at all. The heroes of the Irish uprising are not trying to break the law’s rule, but to restore it.

There is a lot more there and I will just post a further couple of snippets.

When the Irish snapped, I wondered if that might have consequences in other countries, via mimesis. If so, it would only be a matter of time before one of the regime’s saintly clients committed something conspicuously heinous – it is simply something that they predictably do – and another country’s population cooked off. All appearances are that this is exactly what has happened.

The response of the British state will undoubtedly be far harsher than that of the Irish, for the English are capable of quite extraordinary chaos when aroused – just ask continentals who have experienced the ravages of their soccer hooliganism, and now consider that hooliganism as decades of training in the art of no-holds-barred street fighting – while the English state is incomparably older, wealthier, and more cruel than Ireland’s has the heart or resources to be.

‘Two-Tiered Starmer’, as the Prime Minister is being referred to in recognition of his policing policy, has already announced that the police are simply going to redouble their efforts to silence online thought crime, while doing nothing whatsoever about the victimization of the people. Exactly as one would expect an occupying enemy force to behave. My British counterparts, I’ve noticed, have all become extremely circumspect lately, and I can’t help but sympathize because they’re all very likely in the crosshairs of that kind of infowar counterinsurgency campaign. This was apparent already a few days ago, which was why I was happy to post yesterday’s anonymous essay from a concerned Mother of British Children.

The pivotal point that I think almost catches the reality of the situation is this, however:

So long as they’re just dealing with angry yobs thowing bricks at cops, they can probably handle it, but actions like the Irish have been undertaking – wildcat arson of migrant facilities – are much more difficult to prevent. They don’t need many people to do a lot of damage, and catching the culprits isn’t always possible. One might well imagine more sophisticated forms of sabotage to follow. The bladerunners dismantling the ULEZ cameras in London set an interesting example; what if their principles were to be applied to other forms of infrastructure? Many of the components of the system the regime relies on for control are fragile, and easily destroyed. Understand that I advocate nothing specific, but merely observe very general possibilities. If the English rebels do not limit themselves to rioting, but expand their activities to playful mayhem, to pranking the regime by breaking its toys, the Troubles might grind on for a long time, frustrating the government’s every attempt to tamp them down.

And no sooner than I write that, than the English rebels set a police station on fire.

The more pointed issue is one I wrote several years ago and thought of many years ago, and it is a simple concept of basic math:

The total number of police officers in England and Wales, as of 23rd March 2024 is just under 148,000.

Taken from just as official government website on population statistics we have this:

  • according to the 2021 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 59.6 million, and 81.7% of the population was white
  • people from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (9.3%), followed by black (4.0%), mixed (2.9%) and other (2.1%) ethnic groups
  • out of the 19 ethnic groups, white British people made up the largest percentage of the population (74.4%), followed by people in the white ‘other’ (6.2%) and Indian (3.1%) ethnic groups
  • from 2011 to 2021, the percentage of people in the white British ethnic group went down from 80.5% to 74.4%
  • the percentage of people in the white ‘other’ ethnic group went up from 4.4% to 6.2% – the largest percentage point increase out of all ethnic groups
  • the number of people who identified as ‘any other ethnic background’ went up from 333,100 to 923,800

Let’s assume we are going to count only white British people as being potentially able to “riot” or want to throw off the shackles of their masters in government. that’s 74% of 59.6 million people, so that’s 44 million people. But not all of those will be able bodied men of say ages 20 to 44.

Only 49% of the population is male, so that already reduces the number to about 21.5 million, but in the age range of 22 to say 44, we are left with well over 10 million able bodied men.

But let’s say only 10% of them become violent towards the ruling government, that is still over 1 million able bodied men. Against 148,000 police, which I remind you, in the UK are mostly unarmed.

Let’s assume you also count the population that has EVER served in the military in England and Wales, this number is about 1.5 million but includes all ages from 16 up, so, if we were to take a similar percentage as the national population levels the number between 20 and 44 is likely to be only about 700,000 people. This however includes cooks, secretaries and women. And is not the ACTIVE members, just everyone who may have been at one time been part of the armed forces in any capacity whatsoever. And many of those guys are rather patriotic too, at least the ones I have met are. So hardly on the side of globohomo.

At any rate, even if you assumed say half of all those guys, some 350,000 are men and are willing to defend homoglobo to the death, the belligerent patriots would still outnumber them about 3 to 1. And you can bet that all those “armed forces and police” are not exactly fighting fit or even remotely capable in actual pitched battles with irate citizens.

The point is that if and when the citizens composed of able bodied men decide that their own government has to go, and go fast and hard, because voting is pointless and they are the enemy of the native population, it will be a quick, and brutal thing.

Not to mention the fact that deploying your armed forces to start shooting live rounds in the capital at the native population has historically simply NEVER resulted in a good outcome for the tyrannical regime.

The ultimate point is that IF or WHEN the natives actually do lose their shit, the violence will not stop at just a few isolated cases. By then the entire country will tend to be ethnically cleansed of anyone that is not visibly immediately recognisable as a native. And the puppets in power in government MIGHT hold out for a while in their ivory towers if they literally surround themselves with armed military, but as the Irish have proven in Ireland, and the Vietnamese in Vietnam, and the Afghanis in Afghanistan, and every other occupied majority around the world over time, the minority ruling class using force, will in time be disappeared from the nation by brute force.

It doesn’t matter what I want, or what you want, or what the evil pedophiles at the top are trying to make happen. Eventually, the outcome is binary:

Either, the Satanists win and the native European populations will disappear, or the Satanists, their allies and their foreign invading armies will cease to exist in whatever is left of Europe.

    Untold History

    Everything you think you know about America is wrong.

    Agent 13’s post on this is rather entertaining as well as typical of what you can expect from the same people that infiltrated and perverted the Catholic Church since the late 1700s. And that’s just one little facet of what these vampiric parasites pretending to be human beings were planning and are planning to this day.

    Freemasons and Satanists essentially. And np, voting will not get rid of them, though you should still vote. But in time, the only solution will be the one that has resolved every single dispute in human history. For good or evil, violence is inevitable.

      Indian Scammer

      I got this lovely email from a literal wanker, calling himself Zander Hobbs. I assume is from India, but I could be wrong. He might be Brazilian.

      I am a hаckеr who has аccess to your operating system.
      I also have full аccess to your account.

      I’ve been wаtching you for a few months now.
      The fact is that you were infected with malwаre through an аdult site that you visited.

      If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
      Trojаn Virus gives me full аccess and control over a computer or other device.
      This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

      I also have аccess to all your contacts and all your correspondence.

      Why your аntivirus did not detect mаlwаre?

      Answеr: My mаlwаre uses the driver, I update its signatures every 5 hours so that your аntivirus is silent.

      I made a vidеo showing how you sаtisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
      With one click of the mouse, I can send this vidеo to all your emаils and contacts on social networks.
      I can also post access to all your e-mail corrеspondence and mеssengers that you use.

      If you want to prevent this,
      trаnsfer the аmount of 1300 USD (US dollаrs) to my bitcоin аddress (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: “Buy Bitcоin”).
      My bitcоin address (ВТС Wallet) is:


      After receiving the pаyment, I will delеte the vidеo and you will never hear me again.
      I give you 52 hоurs (more than 2 days) to pаy.
      I have a notice reading this lеtter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.

      Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitсоin аddrеss.
      I do not make any mistakes.

      If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immеdiately distributed.

      Best regards!

      Hello Zander!

      Please go ahead and post the video right away! I can’t wait to see the faces on all my contacts when they see the pleasure I get from reading about obscure aspects of physics, keeping (mildly) up with the ongoing WWIII, and posting about scammers like yourself.

      You see “Zander”, not all of us pass our days glued to a computer with one hand on the mouse and the other on your junk, to self-pleasure what no woman in her right mind would ever do for you.

      Enjoy the continued loneliness and tragic life that has brought you to this low point, I sincerely hope that it continues to degrade and become so utterly miserable you either remove yourself from society as a whole or decide to get a real job and become a more useful human being.

        Skynet could become real

        One of the best descriptors of advanced AI I have found was in Dan Simmons’ Hyperion series.

        He also wrote the excellent Ilium and Olympos, but in the Hyperion series the AI he ultimately presented was the most realistic. In fact, the only “plot hole” is that he made it considerably less deadly than it should be.

        This short video gets you up to speed on some of the latest technologies and how they are starting to be implemented in war scenarios, which is where things can quickly begin to spiral out of at least some level of human control.

        I’m not sure what the answer is yet, short of building vast underground cities from which pretty much all computers are banned on pain of death and from which humanity may emerge a few hundred years hence like albino moles, hoping the elements have reduced the robots to rust instead of them having created a whole new civilisation without humans.

        Philip K. Dick, of course, one of my favourite authors, (almost everything he wrote is very, very, good) had a rather darker view of AI and he died in the early 1980s, but then he was a true genius and artist with respect to SF.

        His short stories on the subject have been made into rather good B class films too. The collection of short stories titled The Father Thing had at least one such story in it from memory, which I will not spoil for you. And Blade Runner really was the foreshadowing of Japanese sex dolls/robots.

        As I said, I am not sure what the answer is yet. And walling myself off from civilisation would be the equivalent of the Red Indians hoping the white man will just leave them alone in some arbitrary part of the country. What I believe on the strength of my faith is that there is a way.

        Even if it may be simply limited to the Second Coming of Christ, and the three days of darkness that kills on contact of Catholic prophecy might just be a gigantic swarm of murderous nanobots.

        Time will tell.

          Farmer Game

          [INT] kitchen after lunch.

          Children running around as the table is being cleared, and two of them say they want to drive the new(ish) tractor.

          Wife hugs and kisses husband lovingly.

          H: Do you want a ride on the tractor, babe?

          W: (Looks at H as if he’s suddenly retarded)

          H: Farmer Game, baby!

          W: But I don’t have the fat farmer ankles.

          H: Give it time babe, give it time.

          W: I also need to get the walk. (Impersonates a penguin style wobble) with the sunken neck and bent spine. Don’t worry though, it’s coming along!

          H: (Nods proudly) That’s the way!

          I think it’s fair to say we have a unique sense of foreplay.

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