Archive for July 2024

Revelation indeed

As regular readers know, I am absolutely not one to worry or even care if we are actually in the End Times, because:

A) Not even Jesus knows the hour of it so there is no point in me or anyone else speculating, and,

B) It makes no difference. Your attitude and daily life as a Catholic remains the same.

Nevertheless, the sheer amount of truth that’s been coming out from all the rotten woodwork is quite surprising. Even if some of us have known these things a long time, did you ever expect to see this as a headline in the mass media?

As the poster stated:

Looks like the old man (or is it Jill?) has more fight in him than anyone thought!

    The Hoe Math guy can’t do math

    Here is his whiny post.

    The boy obviously hasn’t got his numbers right in more than one way. So allow me to explain why he is wrong and voting is still something you should do.

    And keep in mind I am a life-long non-voter who only recently changed his mind on the subject, so no, I am not some boomer that ever believed in the system at any point in time, nor do I believe in it now, at all. Never have and unless I become Emperor of Earth I never will. And even then… underlings… you can’t trust them.

    Anyway, here is why you should vote:

    1. Not all is yet lost. Vote in everything you can and put yourself forward in everything you can. Yes the big game is unlikely to change but start at the PTA meeting, home owners association, local library, whatever you can get. And vote even in the big game. Not because you will win there but because it:

    2. Forces even MORE people to become aware of the reality of things.

    3. Make the other side work harder at the fraud and in some ways that breaks some of his slaves too.

    4. It increases your response-ability. It forces you to get just that little bit more involved in things. And morale matters.

    Yes, it’s likely true we will almost certainly not be able to vote our way out of this, but voting makes everyone more perfectly aware of who the real enemies are, and when the time comes, they will be first on the list of more people. And even the ones that get away need to be remembered and eventually hunted down. The destroyers need to be exposed and known and the more people are aware of exactly who they are and what they do, the better. There aren’t really that many of them.

      Your Culture is only Yours

      It does not apply to other people who are from different cultures and process life differently.

      Now, to be clear, I have travelled a lot and come into contact with many different cultures and I don’t begrudge anyone their culture except those cultures that have as a specific aim the extinction of mine.

      There are different levels of that animosity too.

      So, while potentially muslims want to make the whole world Islamic, and their culture and religion expressly lets them do so by the use of violent force, in that respect, I certainly don’t see them as friendly and am all for religious segregation of the highest form. They don’t permit Christian places of worship in their lands and that’s fine, as long as we too don’t permit mosques in our lands. And I’m happy to follow their rules if I visit their lands, and they need to be made to respect ours.

      It’s really a simple, fair, and just concept that every normal human being possessed of a normal, functioning brain can accept.

      Of course, convinced Muslims will believe it is not fair or right, since Islam must win. And there’s the rub. You see what is normal and fair to you and me, is not so to a vast number of people that would be happy to see you and me go extinct.

      So, despite all the fairness and justice in your and my way of seeing things, we also need to apply logic. And logic dictates that we should apply fairness and justice only to those people who also treat us fairly and justly. Against the unfair and the unjust, we are to give no quarter, no mercy, no compromise and we are to keep them far from us and anything we care about.

      Now please note that even supposedly esteemed and highly intellectual types of a specific culture, simply do not process things as you or I do.

      Let’s take an example:

      Say you see a member of your own ethnicity and let’s say even general acquaintance break into a total stranger’s car and stealing things from it or the car itself. Would you hesitate at all to call the police (assuming the police in this ideal and utopic example are decent guys who respond appropriately and not failed thugs that need government approval to be thugs)?

      If I would it’s only because my sense of civic duty is such I would be making a citizen’s arrest myself (not hyperbole, I have stopped a number of criminals without second thought, long before even thinking of contacting the police, which, in about half the cases were pointless anyway) but otherwise, the ethnicity or level of supposed acquaintance I have with them really doesn’t come into it at all.

      Note now, the position of this high intellectual instead:

      I could guess from the title alone that the writer was almost certain to either be Jewish or non-Caucasian. And on reading the name of the writer, I really had no need to google his image, but here it is for relevance.

      Now, as I said, I don’t begrudge the man his opinion. Not at all. But I would request that he immediately relocates himself to a country, nation, and people that think and believe as he does.

      His way of thinking is not the standard European way of thinking in the vast majority of cases and certainly not a Christian perspective. He is certainly entitled to live the way he prefers where people who have more melanin content can commit crimes without any fear of legal repercussions. And I am sure he would then not be ravaged by the guilt he is experiencing in living among a people, that like me, find his opinion and concerns at minimum bizarre and honestly quite absurd and dangerous.

      So, Kwame, please, feel free to move to say the Congo, or Some other African country that takes your approach to things. Perhaps Zimbabwe? Of course, you might end up being discriminated against for not having enough melanin in your skin, but it’s a small price to pay so as not to feel guilty, isn’t that the very philosophy you’re trying to foster on me and my people?

      So go on, buddy! Lead by example!

        The man is not wrong

        Which means the only way to overcome this state of affairs is as follows:

        1. Create an insular community that only allows members in it and absolutely excludes people who do not subscribe to the same baseline principles. Creating your own “cult” based on things you personally like is not going to work and will not create anything lasting in time. If you want to actually create something that has a history of having worked longer than any other organisation or ideology than any in known human history, the only contender in the ring is Catholicism. Nothing else comes even remotely close. And while, yes, the current state of Catholicism is much reduced and confined to Sedevacantism, it is also on the rise and it is the ONLY philosophy that rejects both the mechanisation of human beings as well as the religion and philosophies of all those who would enslave mankind. Catholicism has always excluded all its enemies and all other religions from its ranks.

        2. Grow that community by making many children.

        3. Make that community as insulated and self-sufficient as possible, and gradually change the demographics, policies, and politics of your local region. Fortify those local regions to be resistant to the larger “national” narrative that is invariably allied with the enemies of mankind.

        4. Defend yourself, your children and Catholic tradition and reality in every way at every attack, and be absolutely unrelenting.

        5. Repeat all of the above. Wherever your or your progeny goes and form alliances with other Sedevacantist Catholic groups.

        You may not like the above solution for any number of reasons, but it is objectively, factually, and absolutely, the very best chance European people will get.

          Trusting your Government

          Is really unhealthy.

          Alarming official government statistics have revealed that children who received Covid mRNA shots are at a massively elevated risk of dying. The shocking figures were revealed in a UK government report which quietly confirmed that the Covid injections have been killing children at an unprecedented rate. The admission was buried in an official report compiled using data from the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS).

          The data shows that children who received the shots are 4423%/ 45 x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children. Additionally, vaxxed children are 13,633%/ 137 x more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who didn’t receive an mRNA injection. The stunning figures were revealed in recently published ONS data regarding deaths by vaccination status in England. The latest dataset from the ONS is titled “Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022.”

          Note: I have not verified these numbers myself due to lack of time. If you do have some time and can do some basic checks, the data is publicly available. The latest dataset goes put to May 2023.

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