Archive for July 2024

Hello my fellow Americans

    Pedophile Survey Report

    It’s early days as it was only up yesterday, but the initial replies certainly seem to back up my theory, which is simply this: Most normal men want the death penalty for anyone who rapes little kids. And yet, the death penalty has been universally banned in Western countries except the USA and even then, the rules for it are from even remotely good.

    Note that only slightly more than half of the respondents have children.

    And a few added clarifying notes, which was interesting because it once again showed Avery important point, which was not so much that the punishment was to exact revenge, as much as it was to civilise and absolutely force a message of what raping a child would result in.

    As one man put it:

    Which clearly is a civilising statement, not one of sadistically enjoying the slow broiling of pedophiles.

    At the other end of the spectrum was an equally reasonable statement:

    To my way of thinking both men have valid points. And certainly doing that kind of work on a daily basis would likely have an effect on the executioner, certainly unless he had an uncommonly strong mind and deep faith.

    I also suspect the second commenter is unlikely to be Catholic, since the reason for burning such people at the stake was to give them sufficient time to contemplate Hell eternally and thus hopefully have them truly repent before god and as such, in time, after rPurgatory, perhaps also be allowed to enter heaven.

    One man went a step too far I think, because when you make an execution become entertainment, is when you allow the perverse to “take part” so to speak and in this respect I would definitely not agree, although I can understand the comment might be made at least partially in jest:

    Anyway, the point is that the absolute overwhelming majority of men (more than 95%) would prescribe the death penalty for pedophiles. If you actually lived in a democracy, this would absolutely happen. But we do not, so it does not. The interesting thing is that over 50% of them would prefer the pedophile she burnt at the stake in the public square. Once again, denoting very clearly that the intent would be to very strongly ensure absolutely everyone knew what awaited the if they could not contain themselves.

    So… where is the democracy then?

    And if this is how a very serious topic gets handled, what do you think the health/justice shape of things on other matters is?

    It is high time, we started to change the existing laws and make the new ones be far more representative of the will of the common people.

      Germany has fallen

      What do you think is the message they are sending you?

        Poll to See How Men See Pedos

        I have a theory concerning “democracy” and this is a small test, the results of which I will provide in a follow up post.

        The questions below are exclusively for men (sorry ladies, I will be sure to do a poll just for women afterwards) and ideally you guys will help spread this survey around, because to a certain extent, the people who read here are a self-selecting group, so I hope, Western Rifle Shooters Association, Synlogos and many others will help put this on Facebook, or wherever you have a presence. You can just use the share button at the bottom and say something noncommittal such as: Guys what do you think of this poll?

        Please know that: Polls are completely anonymous, I have no way to track them or identify anyone who answers. Your honesty and help in getting as many people to vote here is much appreciated. this is just a social experiment I am doing out of curiosity and to test my own theories.

        Thanks for your help. If you take the poll, please answer all 3 questions below.

        Do you have children?

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        Assume a man is unquestionably guilty of violating a child of say age 9 or less, amongst the option below, which would you pick to become a global law?

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        Would the punishment you would prescribe for someone else's child be the same as the one you would prescribe if your own child was the victim?

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          Galloping Dementia Redux

          Joepedo literally can’t form a single coherent sentence anymore.

          And that’s not a one off. It’s like that whenever he tries to say anything. Some think this is as bad as it gets…

          Personally, I think this is just the beginning and we’re going to see a whole lot worse yet to come in every shape and form.

          Just doing my GenX thing here, getting popcorn ready while I watch it all burn from my porch with plenty of ammo to spare in case it all gets too close to me.

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