Archive for July 2024

Trump Assassination Continuing Update

Because the Narrative is already shifting and we have now entered a brand new level of bizarro world, I will keep the updates all in one place here, along with all my original 2c notes written shortly after the shooting. I have already changed my mind from:

“The SS was probably just the usual incompetent government work.”


“If they were not directly complicit, the level of incompetence is unquestionably already deeply into criminal territory.”

Mainly because of the size of the venue, the roof not being secured, the civilians spotting the shooter and calling it out and no reaction from police or SS, and the SS sniper literally looking at the shooter as the guy is taking a shot, as well as who/how/why the video of the SS sniper was being filmed, as well as that Vincent Fusca guy being there.

So, go to the link above where I will add relevant bits as they come in.

Because it’s not like the mainstream media is going to actually use the word ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT.

Yes this last image is unverified, but it sure reads like the rulebook they use.

    Andrew Torba’s Comment

    Although Gab took a sharp downturn in usage when Torba decided to fully monetise Gab, it’s still one of the few places where a certain liberty of speech, especially political speech was permitted to an extent that while not approaching the 1990s, came close.

    Today he advised people to not post anything even remotely hinting at a violent response in the face of the Trump assassination, which is about the limit any platform online simply cannot cross nowadays, but what I found interesting is that he made a comment that for the first time reflects what I have been doing and telling others to do for about two decades. And since two decades is about the time it takes for a lot of what I see as obvious to start to become accepted fact, I am hoping with some actual real hope for once, that the tide might actually be about to turn on the whole freakshow that is Clown World and their insane degeneracy, LGBTPedo agenda, “antifascism”, communist hive-think, nonsensical feminism, destruction of logic, knowledge of objective reality, demonisation of men in general and white, heterosexual males in particular.

    Here is his comment. I have a couple of comments on it and a TL;DR version in my own words at the bottom.

    After tonight’s events I have come to the realization that I no longer want any association whatsoever with any liberals. None. Not in the community, not at church, not anywhere. The reasons for this decision are rooted in the belief that being around these people poses a threat to our sanity, safety, and families. First and foremost, the constant bombardment of liberal ideologies and beliefs has become a source of mental and emotional exhaustion. The never-ending debates, the constant need to defend our values, and the relentless pressure to conform to their worldview have taken a toll on our mental well-being. These people are insane and in associating with them we allow their madness to infect us.  The safety of our families and communities is at risk when we associate with liberals. The liberal narrative often promotes a sense of victimhood, division, and chaos, which leads to violent protests, property destruction, and even physical harm to those who dare to oppose their views as we witnessed tonight. We must prioritize the safety and well-being of our loved ones by distancing ourselves from those who subscribe to such destructive ideologies. Get and stay far away from these people. 

    He’s right broadly speaking, and I understand his reticence to host any incitements to violence on his platform, but there are two points of actual objective, factual, observable reality he’s missing and a third even more important one without which nothing will change, and they are these:

    First: Retreating from these people is NOT the answer. It’s what the general population of not yet insane people have been doing for seven decades in a row. Enough. Fuck retreating. Make THEM retreat, and get back into whatever closet or rock they crawled out of. Be in their face. Stop tolerating their nonsense. No, homosexuality is not normal. No, it will not be taught to me or my children as being normal. It is unnatural, deviant, degenerate behaviour that carries extremely high health risks and is associate with extremely elevated incidence of child sexual abuse, rape and molestation. And I don’t give a flying solitary fuck if that upsets you. You can get upset about the sun rising in the East too and I don’t give a fuck about that upsetting you any more than the other facts I just stated. It’s how reality works. Deal with it. Your mental illness is not my problem and trying to make it so will not go well with you.

    The same applies to EVERY one of their bullshit agendas. I don’t want my country, culture, religion, nation or people to be overrun by foreigners that not only have a different culture, religion and nation, but who are demonstrably, statistically, a net threat to my people. No, I don’t need to “respect” your pedophile religion, and fake “gods” and fake “messiah”. Go believe that shit in your own place and don’t expect me to pretend your fake religion is “equivalent” to mine, when mine created the best situation humanity has ever seen on Earth and yours has done no such thing but in fact is demonstrably a net negative when compared to mine. And no, I don’t give a shit if you think that makes me “racist” or a “bigot”. In fact I am. I absolutely discriminate against people incapable of facing and loving the truth above their own personal opinions based in selfishness, ego, cowardice, and intentional evil. The colour of your skin matters very little to me, except I have had a tendency to find slightly cappuccino coloured pretty girls more sexually enticing, perhaps, on average, but then I am not exactly a “bigot” in that regard either, since I have appreciated all sorts of diversity in the females of the species. All of which are moot points now since I am happily married and Catholic. The point is that my “racism/bigotry” is reserved for the shitty nature of your inability to face reality as it is, your capacity or lack thereof to act as a civilised human being; not only when everything is good, but also when things are less than ideal; and your overall level of virtues I appreciate, like honesty, courage, directness, patience, loyalty and so on, and your personal philosophy and belief systems and/or religion. And if your religion says fucking kids is fine, then fuck you, and fuck your religion; and that means Judaism and Islam. It’s in your books so stop pretending it’s not.

    Feminism is toxic. The Patriarchy is good and what has built anything worthwhile on this Earth and Catholicism (not Novus Orcianism) is the one, true, holy religion on Earth. And while I will not hate you for not understanding that last point, as I missed it myself for most of my life, thanks to lies we are all raised under, and would have continued to miss it but for God’s Grace, I certainly understand the conviction of someone that thinks Catholicism is fake, gay and retarded. I was one of you. I can only suggest you read The Crusades, which is flawlessly historically accurate and now available easily in digital format here. I don’t think any man that is not, gay, fake and retarded can read what those men were like and what they did without getting an overwhelming sense of respect for them.

    The whole point of this first point is simply this: No. retreating is NOT the way. Pushing back, directly, unequivocally, loudly, and unambiguously and unapologetically is the way.

    Second: While I do not like or advocate for needless violence, I have always, and will always, advocate for self-defence. These people have been making you retreat psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and now physically, by violence and the threat of violence. I am supposed to let a predatory pedophile twerk in front of my toddler children but if I call you a fag, I can go to jail? Well, guess what: fuck you. I’ll call you a fag and physically remove you from anywhere near my children if I see you acting that way. And wake up: no one is voting these people out of the positions of power over you that they gained by subterfuge, bribery, fraud and murder. Do you really think the Clintons didn’t have a bunch of people killed? It was public knowledge in the early 1990s, now it’s “expected”. You think the war in Ukraine is not about money, power and control as well as intentional genocide? Or that the genocide in Gaza is not? Go see a few of the telegram channels that show you what the Jewish people and soldiers of Israel are doing to children in Palestine. And their mothers and fathers who have been labelled as a whole people as worthy of total elimination by standing politicians in Israel.

    You think your vote is going to stop Bill Gates and Soros and WEF Klaus Schwabs and the other billionaire mentally ill degenerates from pumping chemtrails, mRNA, nanobots and 5G towers all around you? You think the people who run and own the Bank for International Settlement will not use every trick in the book to enslave you, including mass murder on a global scale? Because if you still believe you live on a fair planet based on some fiction called “democracy” then you really are too stupid to convince you of anything meaningful.

    The only thing that will remove such people from the equation is force. The fact you have barely begun to understand how they have been intentionally poisoning you and your children for almost a century while destroying, infiltrating and corrupting anything that stood in their way (primarily the Catholic Church with its dogmas and nobility as its enforcing and defending arm), doesn’t mean they have not been attacking you. They have. You’re only starting to see it a bit now. When you realise 9/11 did not at all happen the way you have been told on TV, even when it literally did not play out as they are telling you in front of your own eyes, like announcing building seven too has collapsed while it’s still standing behind the live broadcaster, and hasn’t been hit by any plane at all. Or the entire Covid, genetic serums, and 5G genocidal scam. Or pretty much ALL vaccines, even the “real” ones, from the very start, being actually anything but good for you.

    They have been trying to cripple, enslave, and murder you for generations. Self-defence is just fine. Which of course means identifying the real culprits and perpetrators as well as defending yourself in the immediate situation you may find yourself in. Violence to defend yourself from violence is fine. So learn to protect yourself and put things in their proper perspective.

    Third: And this is really the key point. While you must, absolutely, push back on every level, vote in local elections, put yourself forward as a candidate, change things from the people you associate with to the local PTA or Home Owners Association board, all the way to the local council, professors in academia and so on, as well as absolutely defend yourself and your loved ones from any physical or violent attacks of force against you, you should not get bogged down in this so much that you lose sight of the real enemy. And while you may not be able to get to the real puppet masters directly, you can certainly get to their fifth puppets a few times removed.

    Replace that woke teacher. Get a new sane mayor. Stop tolerating that degenerate freak that is a friend of a friend or even a family member. It’s simply time for you to make a choice. Reality or lies. Truth or fake. No, there is no way, ever, that a man can get “preganant”. Yes, there are ONLY two sexes. No, “gender” does not define the “sexuality” or rather sexual preference, of any living thing, it’s a word used in grammar to differentiate words, in romantic languages for example, that have feminine or masculine gender. Like il gatto (the cat) is masculine but la gatta (the [female] cat) is feminine. But also la tavola (the table) and la macchina (the car) are feminine, so it’s not limited to the sex of an animal. Again, this follows from point one and two above: push back in all the dimensions required, but never lose sight of who, specifically, both collectively and individually down to the specific person, has pushed for, financed, and legislated for, the current level of insanity; and who they have oppressed, murdered, cancelled, ruined emotionally, financially and physically. And as soon as you are able to, remove them from their positions and bring them to account for their crimes against humanity.

    Succinctly then, the TL;DR is this:

    1. Push back

    2. Violence in self-defence is just fine

    3. Know with specificity and precision who the masterminds are when it comes to your enemies.

    None of these three points are controversial or difficult to understand, so stop being, or pretending to be, shocked. Man up and carry on.

      Trump is fine

      UPDATE on Shooter and SS incompetence/involvement with video below.

      Clipped ear, but he is fine and managed to pump his fist before leaving with what looked like a “fight” or maybe “fuck you” a few times.

      Shooter is dead

      What makes me think this is very real is the fact some random guy saw the shooter with the rifle and tried to call to the cops and SS to bring their attention to the guy with a rifle on the roof and none of them did anything until after the man shot at Trump.

      It certainly matches my experience of the “security” abilities of top American operatives.

      My 2c for posterity:

      The shot was NOT a .22. My bet is most likely a 5.56mm / .223. The hole in Trump’s ear marches that sort of size as far as I can see, and the unlucky guy that got hit in the head left brain matter in the stands, all of which is consistent with the 5.56mm round as it’s small, light, and fast and being as it is designed to make a nasty wound* if it doesn’t hit a vital spot, it tends to fragment and make a mess of whatever it hits.

      I don’t think the SS was in on it, my money is on standard operational incompetence based on my personal experience with supposedly “top” American security personnel. And not just Americans, just in general, these “operators” are not like you have been told they are in the films.

      UPDATE: Ok, maybe they were in on it. This level of incompetence is definitely into the criminal level of “negligence”.

      And it looks as if they were literally aiming at the guy just before he fired. Plus, the place really is NOT that big, as the man interviewed by the BBC stated. Why would they have “not seen” the guy on that roof and not covered that location as the most obvious of all?

      Also… why/how/by whom was this video taken? I found it on Gab but no attribution by the poster.

      And people were definitely seeing the shooter before he fired. The woman screaming “John get over here, John!” Makes it a bit difficult to make out but they are clearly agitated and seeing the guy before shots are fired. Update: Ok this is weird. I originally heard the woman in the video below screaming “John,” now it sounds like “Crooks” except on the second scream which sounds like a long “Jooooohn” and why would she call him by surname? My wife says she also hears someone say “put the gun down” and I can make it out too a bit after she said it. This is a longer clip than the original and has a still image of the shooter still alive and in position, and wearing the same clothes as the still image of him dead further below. There are also people saying he was in a Blackrock commercial a while back. And he certainly has the look of someone of about 85 IQ that could be the usual wind-up FBI/CIA puppet, probably being told he is Jason Bourne or something. Despite this update, for me the most suspicious of all is the blood-flow I analysed below.

      We know Biden has been reducing the SS level to Trump too, and it was (((early lifer))) Mayorkas, which we recently saw try to avoid impeachment for his full co-operation with the organised invasion of the USA by claiming it was all anti-semitism.

      But there are several more odd things.

      The shooter. There is a picture of him taken apparently at the venue from above and behind, and then the image of him being dead seems as if he was literally shot in the back of the head, or possibly on his left side. Now, it’s true that shooting is odd, and weird things happen when you shoot living things sometimes, and maybe he was already trying to leave and run away or whatever, but the blood streaks on his face indicate at the very least he was face down and facing either directly down with a hole in the back of his head and blood draining down maybe both sides of his face or looking to his left with blood draining down from the back of his head.

      See images below.

      Now, say he was turning or whatever, why was his body still facing Trump? A headshot would have dropped him instantly. And if he did get shot on the left side of his head, to get those dried streaks of blood on his face the blood must still have come from the back of his head since there is no visible exit wound on the right side of his face that we can see. Except possibly his mouth, which looks like it is missing his front teeth and has one broken one left in it. Which again is much more consistent with a shot (or more) to the back of the head. And there is also the hint of a part of his head being caved in just below the ear, again, indicating he was shot in the back of the head.

      And given the speed with which we hear ALL the shots take place, I doubt he had a chance to move around much before being dropped. And in case you’re not aware, the blood flow on the dried one is definitely from the back of his head towards his nose, not from his nose to the backs of the head. Same with the streaks on his forehead. So to me, right now, this is the most suspect part of this whole thing. But I’ll update as I get new info.

      Odds and end: The video of the SS sniper on Gab was posted by a decidedly Nazi-adjacent/white supremacist poster. The T-shirt of the shooter apparently has some youtube gun channel logo on it which may all be part of a plan to blame “white supremacists”.

      And then there is this which could be completely fake but should be relatively easy enough to verify if true. Hopefully before the officer dies of suddenly.

      Then there is this:

      Trump’s reaction is perfectly consistent with a guy who just had his ear clipped, when his hand goes up to it, and later too when he tells the SS to “Wait! Wait!” Before fist pumping and saying “Fight!” “Fight!” (I’m still thinking a “Fuck” was in there too somewhere).

      Trump has always been an outstanding showman and never been afraid of using that skill masterfully and aggressively. And the SS by now had got word the shooter is down and to move him, which he would know, so the risk, though certainly not nil, was calculated, and it fits with his personality.

      Good luck to him, and if he stays alive and gets in again I hope this experience galvanises him to do all the things he failed to do last time, which primarily is to utterly drain the swamp. Starting with disbanding the FBI and CIA and a few other things like the IRS and most of the NSA. For a start.

      Then making an executive order to ban anyone with dual citizenship from taking part in any government job and disbanding AIPAC as a foreign agent organisation. And making sure he has none of the (((tribe))) as his advisors, regardless of how related to them he might be.

      That would be my week 1 anyway, if I became President of the USA. Hey don’t laugh, if a gay Kenyan Muslim “married” to a Tranny could do it, anything is possible!

      See how far my 2c goes?

      But now… to lighten the mood, an unrelated meme.


        When being cancelled means nothing and you can finally just say it exactly like you feel it.

        I guess I know which way he would have voted in the poll.

          Experimental Substack for Fiction

          So, I am trying to see if this will work, and since it’s free fiction involving Moon Nazis (but not only) I figure readers here might enjoy subscribing since it’s, like I said, free. If there are enough subscribers, and you spread the word to others too, I will definitely make it a regular thing I update. And for those of you that have read all the OOM books, well, you should probably enjoy this too.

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