Archive for July 2024

Farmwork, Farmers, and Warriors

I’ve not blogged this weekend really, because, having broken the joint between the tractor and the trincia twice in a row, this weekend was spend doing work more to my station in life as far as farming is concerned:

Swinging a machete at brambles and various weeds and shoots at the base of my olive trees for 7 hours in a row while my good friend who is born to tractors the way I was born to guns, spent the same time making my almost jungle into a pristine field.

The man worked without a shirt or suntan lotion the whole time and the exhaust from the tractor had covered him in a fine layer of soot by the end of the day. Walking back to the house for some fish lunch/dinner my daughter had actually cooked, I said:

“Well, I was doing most of the slave-work, but looks like you’re the black one today.”

His reply: “What, this? No, this is suntan lotion.”

He’s a little guy but he’s tough, and even though we only met some three years ago, I knew right away the kind of guy he is. Very polite but will not hesitate to speak his mind, so after the first few times we met up with him and his wife and son and he started helping me here and there when he asked me something a few weeks after we met I told him: “Look. There is no point in all the politeness with me. I’m kind of a savage, so let’s just pretend we’ve known each other for 30 years and we can dispense with the formalities.”

He’s spent about 30 hours in the last three weekends helping me out, not to mention finding the tractor with attachments in the first place. He’d spent about a month or so visiting people over 100km away to see their tractors (in the rain in the final instance) because he knew I am about as ignorant as a goat about Tractors.

When I got the tractor and saw what I had, I realised it was literally worth twice what I paid for it, so I told him it wasn’t my tractor. It was ours. I put in cash, he put in the sweat and knowledge.

If I manage to make this farm economically viable, I plan to share whatever profits we can make with him.

And though it will be a much simpler task than what he’s been doing tractor-wise, when he eventually gets his rifle, I plan to take him to the range and help him with what I know.

Truly the friendships between men that are still men is a unique thing. And may a curse lie on all those freaks that try and make this kind of friendship as if it were in some way related to their own degenerate faggotry. Polluting everything from the Illiad to Ancient Rome with their revisionist fake news.

I commented to a friend that while I am just about useless as a farmer, because I come from hunters, soldiers, fighters, crusaders (literally), and warriors, I have always noticed that farmers and warriors, though being different, always have a deep respect for each other.

He commented that:

“Because reality has been a real bitch to both of them.”

And I said:

“Yet neither type resents it.”

And it’s true. I think we get on because you absolutely cannot be a farmer or a fighter or a hunter without accepting reality.

And the ways are kind of similar if applied differently.

Both need to be patient. The farmer to plan and do his work according to the weather and proper ways of nature. The hunter to track and stalk or wait for his prey, regardless of the weather.

When action is required it has to be decisive and swift but not emotional or impulsive.

A farmer and a warrior both must love and take care of their tools, yet not be so attached to them either, as ultimately they are a means to an end.

In all things, farming and warring with other men force you to deal with reality and nature, because, like food and water, like the weather, violence among men has always existed, and as long as we are on this Earth, always will.

It’s funny how both his name and mine are quite literally dedicated to God and His Love for us humans. He’s named after one of the few cool Popes and his surname literally means From God’s Place.

I’m named after Mary’s husband and my surname is from the Greek for Friend or Lover, as is my family motto on our shield: Love Conquers All.

God truly has a subtle and refined sense of humour. And life is good.

    Digging down on the Who

    …of the Trump whodunnit.

    First the moneymen…

    So… which firm…?

    From @AltSkull48 on Telegram:

    Austin Private Wealth is claiming their mass short of DJT stock the day before the assassination attempt was a “clerical error” lmao.

    Seeing as it closed $30.88 on July, this “clerical error” meant a potential $370,522,944 loss.

    “Oop guys!! Our bad!! We didn’t actually mean to place that bet coincidentally right before an assassination attempt on the President’s life.”

    Thankfully, they got it fixed so they weren’t on the hook for all that cash when the stock didn’t crash the next day. 👍🏻👍🏻 Whew!

    Btw, here is a list of the groups that Austin Private Wealth donates to. Notice anything?


    ADL Austin

    Shalom Austin

    Jewish Community Center

    Camp Young Judaea

    Congregation Beth Israel

    Austin Jewish Academy


    h/t: Ashley Woods

    And then some of the more “involved” boots on the ground:

    Who is she?

    Well, it’s not the mainstream media I am getting this from, right, because we know ONLY they are telling the truth, right? But…

    I’m sure it’s just another coincidence though.

    And either they or her or her retarded ancestors (probably from the Italian south) spelt that surname wrong, it’s DiGiuseppe, not that misspelt abomination.

    There really are just SO MANY coincidences.

    Also, aren’t you glad the SEC is so so forgiving? I am sure if you or I made a 300 million dollar bet that didn’t pan out they would realise we “made a clerical error” too.

    Oh and the 20 year-old “lone shooter” who had zero social media presence happened to have not one, not two, but…

    And would you believe it… some dirty, dirty, anti-semites seem to think that…

    It’s just all too much isn’t it?

    Why, it’s enough to make you be “appalled”, maybe even to make you get to “can’t even” territory.

      InspeKtor Kord is live

      For a continuing (but set a couple of years earlier) story in the Overlords of Mars Series, you now have a serialised Nazis on the Moon Police Procedural. And it’s all free, though I will welcome any paid subscriptions, as although I love writing in this milieu, I only have so many hours in the day, so if I could receive a little contribution for my efforts, I can write more regularly and produce more of this stuff.

      Enjoy it here.

        Trump Assassination 100% Inside Job

        I will get to my summarised points below in more detail in turn, but here is the factor I deem most important:

        The blackpillers that say the whole think is fake and gay and a setup of Hollywood special effects are ultimately wrong about the assassination attempt being fake.

        And this is an important aspect of why humans are now all so apathetic. They have managed to make you ignore the things that happen in front of your very eyes so much that now the “nothing matters” mentality is so entrenched that they have effectively neutered what would otherwise be the normal male human response to action.

        The error of these black-pillers, who are ultimately the kind who are always “oh just so smart” to never believe anything, never commit fully to anything and thus never actually get involved in anything beyond their own, ego-driven, relentless superficial selfishness and consumerism, from my perspective, is the usual one that almost all human beings make constantly: conflation.

        It is a phenomenon I saw endlessly with respect to the details of Catholicism and Sedevacantism. Human beings seem to have either forgotten or just generally be terrible at separating issues and putting them in their proper perspective in a logical fashion. I am still seeing committed Catholics still making this error with respect to basic things like Papal infallibility or the length of Papal absence, or whatever. And no don’t worry this is not a post about Catholicism. I mention it here because this is one of the errors humans are most prone to, and humanity’s enemies are very much adept at using it in every deceit they do. The gatekeepers like Alex Jones have been doing it for decades to discredit valid theories. Mix antigravity technology with little green men from Mars or Flat Earth, and you have now successfully added sewage to ice cream and turned it all to sewage.

        This situation is the same (items in bold are most important):

        • The 20 year-old disposable wind-up toy they used is fake (in that he was not a lone gunman, obviously. He didn’t get where he got on his own, he was meant to not survive the attempt, etc. etc.)
        • But his being dead is very real.
        • The Secret Service (SS) leaving that roof unsecured by mistake is fake.
        • The shooter being killed by the sniper team on the roof above where trump was talking is fake (he was shot in the back of the head and at an angle that makes no sense from that location).
        • The photograph of trump fist raised with Amercian flag in the background absolutely looks staged and fake as many of the Moon landing pictures are (this is an important point and we’ll get to it in the details but it is not one of the two really pivotal points, as we’ll see).
        • The ex-security guard lesbian with Victoria Neuland resting face from Pepsi now being the HEAD of the SS is fake (she sure as shit didn’t get there by merit).
        • Ditto the lesbian-faced fattie who can’t find her holster by trump’s car after the shooting.
        • The cops not reacting to multiple bystanders saying “there is a guy with a rifle on that roof” is fake (cops are very incompetent as a rule, but not nearly 30 minute incompetent at that level in that circumstance) and we know its fake because we now know at least one cop went up on the roof. had the rifle pointed at him, so he retreated and shortly thereafter the shot at Trump was made.
        • It is absolutely fake that the now dead wind-up toy guy would have got into that position with a rifle because of just general “incompetence” alone Just like I believe it is absolutely fake that he had somehow procured “explosives” by himself and left them casually in his car at the rally.
        • The bullet that nearly killed Trump is real.

        So… just on the summarised list above, there is a LOT of fake stuff, but here is what I am pretty certain is NOT fake:

        • The 20 year-old “lone shooter” being dead
        • The bullet that whizzed past Trump’s ear

        And if I am correct about those 2 things, and I am very much sure I am, then, despite all the other things absolutely being fake, certain conclusions the blackpillers, and everyone else, may be coming to are simply no longer possibilities.

        Especially the bullet being real but this still all being fake. That single data point is the most important and as the blogger of Uncle John’s Band once stated, my ability to draw conclusions from single data-point pattern recognition often stumps people, makes them think I am arrogant, or just “get lucky” on some of the things I tend to predict up to a few decades in advance.

        But it’s not magic. It’s just math, logic, science and experience. So I am now going to walk you through a few things in order that are about as obvious as the sun in a cloudless sky but that I need to point out as such so that everyone is on the same page (because people conflate things and then get confused and come to bad conclusions). In order then they are:

        1. Why it’s an inside job.

        2. Who exactly is doing the inside job?

        3. What this means for you specifically.

        4. What you can do about it.

        here we go:

        1. Why it’s an inside job

        All we need for this is the two data points we have above, BUT, I am relying on years of personal experience in private close protection, working with and in some cases training armed police, special ops guys and military, which may not be obvious to the average normal person but are like breathing to anyone in that field who is not a complete clown.

        And while there ARE a LOT of clowns in “security” in general, the level of “incompetence” demonstrated, the response to the event and everything around it absolutely screams that this was not just “negligence” but that this had to include internal elements of the deep state and that the Secret Service on some level was complicit. Does this mean every single SS agent is a sell-out that wants Trump dead? No. I would say probably not. But are there elements within it that are corrupt as well as elements that are completely incompetent? Absolutely. And some will also be both corrupt and incompetent. How can I tell all this by the fact the bullet was real and the 20-year old guy is dead?

        Very simple. I do not believe there is a single honest close protection individual on the planet that is of just adequate competence that would have left that single roof unguarded at 130 metres from Trump. Literally not one. And here are just a couple of guys from that industry that see it exactly the same way.

        I agree 100% with him and although I can’t afford to do it for free because I have a bunch of kids that like to eat daily and a wife that also loves me more alive than dead, I’ll happily do it for a LOT of money and a guaranteed life insurance that goes to my family if I die. So, Donald, if you ever read this, let me know. You’d not be the first world-known billionaire I do close protection for, and I’m fairly sure just me and that guy above and the guy below, left to our own devices with some minimal funds to hire who we know and trust would probably do a better job than the SS that actually want to keep you alive, never mind the DIE-hires that look very up to date on the latest news in Lesbians-r-us. Or the Pepsi-swiller that runs them.

        Here is gentleman #2

        So on the basis of the most basic operational standards it is simply NOT possible this mere incompetence. A child given the problem would do a better job of securing the area.

        Then there are the things we now know thanks to multiple video evidence that has now been timelined. Police and SS were alerted to the guy on the roof about 30 minutes before he started shooting. Once again, assuming they did nothing due to mere incompetence is unlikely, although, having dealt with security “professionals” at all levels for a number of years, I can tell you I do NOT exclude this possibility entirely. People are scared, most cops are cowardly bullies, and many if not perhaps most “hard men” in “security” related fields are SWAT team types (Sit, Wait, Act, Tough). There is a report of ONE cop being shunted up by another to see what was going on on the rooftop and the shooter apparently pointed the rifle at him, which made him retreat and shortly thereafter he fired at Trump. Still a few minutes passed. And the cop did not immediately sound the alarm, find a way to shoot the guy after initially retreating and so on. I believe this was probably a “good” cop, but as you can see, his reaction was far from adequate for his position.

        Then there is the response from Butch Pepsi Xe, which honestly boggles the mind.

        Yes. This is the official response as to why there was no SS or police, or anyone else present on that roof. It’s a health and safety issue, you see.

        Possibly this pathetic ruminating cow also believes soldiers should not go to war if there is a risk of a hangnail or split-ends in their man-buns.

        Look, I am not a fan of hiring Lesbian-faced, dog-looking cretins that are all about DIE hiring more of their clones, but do they fish them out of the absolute retard pool?

        These “people” (amoebic alien life forms? Plant-based woke parasites?) are really just living memes and can best be explained by memes.

        Then there is yet another point, which, however, falls a little further out in terms of relation to security matters, but informs a LOT about the WHO is responsible.

        I have my doubts these people will actually “soon be unmasked” at all, but at any rate, we can certainly narrow the suspect pool just on the basis of this single data point.

        Which brings us to…

        2. Who is Doing the Inside Job?

        Well, at a minimum we must assume that at least some elements within the Secret Service are complicit, and certainly the elements involved in the financial things mentioned directly above. Looking at a wider pattern, we already have known that the CIA was an absolutely terrorist organisation involved in everything from child trafficking, to arms and drugs, and we have known this for at least 40 years. The FBI has demonstrated itself to be absolutely corrupt and filled with both criminal level incompetence and actual criminals who left the Hunter Biden laptop achieve nothing and who have been implicated in trying to entrap, and literally fabricate evidence (of child pornography no less) against people that go against the Globohomo narrative, so, again, the actual people eon the ground that must have been involved at a minimum includes the SS but may well extent to the local police force, and any other three letter agencies that may have provided further logistics. For example, why were there no drones operating?

        But ultimately the puppet masters are financial masters. And this, ultimately, leads to places like the Bank for International Settlement.

        3. What it means for you specifically.

        If you have been reading this blog and acting accordingly for at least 4 years, hopefully all this means very, very, little to you specifically; as it means very little to me. I’m just far more concerned with my tractor and learning not to keep breaking the joint between it and the trincia, which I have now done twice, like a damned mouth-breathing retard.

        If on the other hand you’re in some USA metropolis like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC etc, you may want to really hurry up and get yourself at least a bolt-hole and a go-bag for somewhere out of the city, because come November, maybe nothing will happen, but maybe between now and then, Civil War 2.0 definitely has a non-zero chance of happening (even if I still put it at a rather low percentage, like say no more than maybe 5-10% tops).

        Far more importantly, you should be deep into making sure you have healthy and clean water and food security and general security for your location too. I think the economic crash is going to impact most people far more than the potential hot war “happening”, and you should prepare accordingly. Other than that, your day to day life probably has not changed at all since the assassination attempt unless you are one of the people directly affects by it.

        4. What you can do about it.

        As I said: Carry on and keep trying to work toward having a bolt-hole at least in a rural area, have weapons for self-defence, try to be as off-grid as possible and have some way to generate, hunt, fish, or trade for food and clean water in the event of fiat money just plain disappearing overnight.

        The other thing you all absolutely need to STOP doing is pandering to the mentally ill self-destructing Zogbots and Homo-Globo Pushers. Push back. Tell them to fuck off and get back in their closets and mental asylums where they belong. Vote. Get involved in local elections. Use mass reporting tactics to cancel the freaks, give them no quarter, expel them from their position using whatever tactics work. Defund any business that is still trying to push woke agendas. Let placed like Bud Light beer die of starvation.

        And absolutely build your community. Build it. Make friends, get involved. Get off-line and into real life. That is the real answer.

          The Memes Must Flow

          Some of the memes of the SS incompetence and DIEversity hires the head of the SS is on record as wanting to increase to 30% are truly hilarious because so apt.

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