Archive for July 2024

Warriors and Farmers – Part II

I described earlier some of the similarities between Farmers and what for want of a better word —because unfortunately the woke mobs have somewhat reduced the term— I refer to as warriors.

There probably needs to be a short preamble on that word for later ease of understanding (and reference) so that those of you that become regular readers will gradually begin to “speak my language” as any good friends invariably end up doing when discussing philosophy and life; using even common words with a more specific and narrowly defined meaning.

So, then, here is my take on warriors as I see them.

Warriors: a definition

Warriors are NOT soldiers or police or generally speaking members of an organised army of a nation. Warriors can exist in those fields but are a rarity there and by (my) definition not part of such organisations by choice; precisely because soldiers, cops, etc. are merely the enforcing arm of politicians. A warrior has more of a functioning brain and code of ethics than to simply be a tool for some parasite to use for his own ends. Nevertheless, they can get drafted or occasionally end up in such places through one of the random paths life takes sometimes.

Warriors will tend to be far closer to old style hunters than soldiers. They may be professional fighters or private (freelance) security or mercenaries, but once again, generally not. You may find them working as bouncers, boxers, MMA enthusiasts, and so on, but they may also just be peaceful hikers that like hinting, weapons in general and want to simply be free to raise their families in peace.

Ultimately, a warrior will fight for principle over externally imposed “duty”. He will fight for those he loves and do so without hesitation but possibly care nothing for ideologies about this or that political side or even his supposed nation.

That last point though is a very recent development. A warrior did and should care about his nation. But Nations in the West have been destroyed, infiltrated, “diversified” and atomised, so people hardly even recognise them as such. Nations used to be relatives and people like you that thought and believed largely like you too, so it was natural to be willing to fight to protect them.

Having given the word “warrior” some “flesh”, I retune to the similarities and differences between them and farmers.

Farmers and Warriors

My friend came over again and we spent the last 8 hours non stop working on the farm. He on the tractor and me machete in hand. I am still recovering from a bout of weird sickness everyone else in our house had had but it hit me last, so I was not as efficient as I would have liked and had to work a couple or three of the hours in the shade. But despite feeling far from fit, neither nor my friend stopped for pretty much anything other than a drink of water.

He is the only other guy other than myself and my father, that I met, who has that kind of attitude towards work.

We talked little, only when clearing the radiator of dust or discussing a clearing area we wanted to create, and I noted how the farmer is just as patient, cautious and observant as the warrior/hunter, and just like them, the farmer will not hesitate to make a strong decision and run with it. The only appreciable difference I noticed is that the hunter is generally able to respond faster. Nature of the game, after all.

My friend has had all the same kind of experiences I had related to hunting, only they were related to farming.

At 13 he was tilling the earth with his dad’s tractor. At 13 I shot my first buffalo.

The other similarity I noticed is that neither type boasts. We can joke and play the fool or tease a silly man pretending to know more than he does. We may recount stories from our past, but at least half the time we are making fun of our own bad choices. But someone will almost never realise our level of competence at our talent, at least not unless they themselves become witnesses to the use of such talents.

Later in life, from our age on, we may discuss aspects of our knowledge in a general way, to share what we know with younger people, but it’s only by asking specifics that I find out what my farmer friend had to learn early on, or what kind of hardship he endured to learn it.

Neither of us had “easy” fathers, we were expected to use our reason and get things done regardless of our age. The whiny “but da-aaad” mentality simply does not exist in us and the first instinct we have when faced with a supposedly impossible problem or one requiring a supposed “expert” to solve, is to immediately try and figure out how to overcome the issue on our own terms.

My jury-rigging tends to be faster, his more durable. Working as a team there is a kind of synthesis that normally only appears between men that have worked together for years. But in our case it’s a bit like Russian Cosmonauts in Space; technically they have a ranked hierarchy, but practically, whoever knows more takes over the role of leader. It’s natural, does not require any talking and each one falls into the role of leader or attentive follower as required.

It really is a pleasure to work with the man, and despite our fathers having been pretty harsh, I think possibly the only other man that kind of synthesis of action worked with was my own father.

And today my boy came out to us of his own volition. He wanted me to have him ride the tractor with me again (I had done it a day or so earlier, barely able to walk still from my illness, but I has promised him I’d take him on it) and today after he rode the tractor with my friend and pulled a few levers and he was asked if he had fun he simply said a laconic: “Yup.”

Later when it was just the two of us he opened up more and told me he liked riding the tractor a lot.

He’d sat with me watching me cut a few things branches and clearing stuff and reorganising a water line and electric line to better accommodate where the chicken coop will go.

And that morning at breakfast with just us two, as all his sisters and mother were still in bed he told me how he loves our home and how school is boring when you have to go every day.

Just hold on a bit longer son. If I can manage it you’ll be home schooled and be able to learn far more than they would try and indoctrinate into you. I just need his Italian to become fluent first. And a few more parents on the same page as us.

It may be slow, but it’s coming together.

Others called my project the Kurganate and I went along with it since they had given me the nickname already anyway, but the reality is I don’t much care what it’s called. As long as we can build a strong community that is self-sufficient and capable of retaining its independence no matter what, and hopefully do so before ai drop dead of old age, it will be worth it.

If you’re not doing something along these lines then you have my prayers and sadness. This is just the start of what will need to be done to protect your freedom to be a human being and not some half-cyborged slave-class property of some Satanic Oligarch.

One of the last things I said to my friend today:

“It’s funny how your life and mine seem to be parallels of each other, yours in farming, mine in hunting.”

His reply:

“It’s a good combination. Both will be needed.”

I told him whatever we manage to grow on my land we will share so his family too can benefit. It is my land, bought and paid for and it will hopefully go to my children after I pass, but if my plan works, others will buy land and property near us with the same mindset and the same religion; and proper Catholicism will rise again.

The next few posts will expose what you can expect in the coming years. This is how you prepare.

    French opening ceremony gayer and more Satanic than Milo

    It really is so pointless, but in discussing it very briefly with my wife the conclusion we came to is that neither of us is angered by this, instead we both laugh at the freaks.

    I point too.

    And except for the fact a poor innocent child was forced into this disgusting display of degeneracy, the whole thing can burn for all I care, and the sooner the better.

    Francesca Totolo seems to be on the same page, her comment reads:

    Reality has now surpassed the most dystopic fiction. Let the Hunger Games begin.

      From a comment

      On an Italian site. Translation below.

      Dall’area commenti, per riflettere:

      “Io faccio una vita da liberal: ho un dottorato, faccio un lavoro altamente specializzato e molto richiesto, negli ultimi quattro anni ho vissuto in quattro paesi diversi, non esiste una terra o un paese col quale abbia un vero legame, non ho affiliazioni religiose, e sono sempre con la valigia in mano. In un certo senso sono il cittadino europeo modello.

      E vi posso dire che è una vita schifosa. È una vita schifosa vedere famiglia e amici una volta all’anno. È una vita schifosa non avere radici, vivere in uno stato costante di limbo, ogni relazione umana temporanea, superficiale, impalpabile. È una vita schifosa non avere neanche più il conforto di una fede, una qualsiasi, guardare le stelle e provare solo freddo.

      Non passa giorno che non maledica il destino – ma anche gli innominabili responsabili – che non mi ha fatto nascere e crescere in una comunità vera, non un formicaio di impiegati distinti solo dal codice fiscale, ma un’entità organica fatta di tradizione, terra, e sangue, dove ogni volto ha un nome e ogni vita ha un senso.

      I sapientoni benpensanti pensano di curare il mal di vivere dell’uomo contemporaneo col welfare, con gli psicofarmaci, col “reddito base universale”, ma quello che manca davvero è la comunità, le radici, un sistema di riferimento tangibile entro il quale l’uomo possa orientarsi. Ma questo i sapientoni non possono accettarlo, perché significherebbe riconoscere che la somma delle stupidaggini che ripetono da una vita vale zero.”


      “I live a liberal life: I have a doctorate, I do a highly specialized and highly sought-after job, in the last four years I have lived in four different countries, there is no land or country with which I have a real connection, I have no religious affiliations, and I am always with a suitcase in my hand. In a sense, I am the model European citizen.

      And I can tell you that it’s a lousy life. It’s a crappy life to see family and friends once a year. It is a disgusting life not to have roots, to live in a constant state of limbo, every human relationship temporary, superficial, impalpable. It is a disgusting life not even to have the comfort of any faith, to look at the stars and feel only cold.

      Not a day goes by that I don’t curse fate – but also the unmentionable leaders – which did not make me born and grow up in a real community, not an anthill of employees distinguished only by the tax code, but an organic entity made up of tradition, land,and blood, where every face has a name and every life has a meaning.

      The right-thinking pundits think they can cure the malaise of living of contemporary man with welfare, with psychotropic drugs, with the “universal basic income”, but what is really missing is the community, the roots, a tangible reference system within which man can orient himself. But the pundits cannot accept this, because it would mean recognizing that the sum of the stupidities they have been repeating for a lifetime is worth zero.”

        Challenge for the Naysayers

        Statement: Catholicism has been the best civilisation humanity has ever experienced.

        Go ahead and try and disprove that.

        Some baseline issues to consider:

        • Catholicism is considered to be the religion that started (depending on your view of things) sometime between the year 0 and 34 AD, since the life, death and resurrection of Christ is the pivotal and foundational aspect of Catholicism (Christianity).
        • All other versions of “Christianity”, be it any of the 40,000+ versions of Protestantism, Eastern “Orthodoxy”, and including all Novus Ordo “Catholicism” are mere perversions of actual Catholicism, which is the only Christianity that ever has existed or ever can exist, since God is not likely to produce thousands of false and dead ends.
        • Catholicism in its best exterior-known fashion was absolutely infiltrated over roughly two centuries and ultimately almost completely converged to active Satanism by 1958 when Angelo Roncalli became the first of the currently unbroken line of Antipopes. Effectively this means that the Catholic Church has been greatly reduced and has been living in an Interregnum (between royal realms) since 1958. A condition that happens every time a Pope dies before another valid Pope is elected. It is an unusual situation but not entirely unprecedented since there have been periods of up to 70 years where is was very difficult to know which Pope was the real Pope since up to three of them laid claim to the throne of Peter and resolving who were the antipopes happened generally after they were dead, and there has also been a period of at least two years without anyone at all on the See of Peter too. The conclusion of all this is that the only Catholicism left is that espoused by Sedevacantists (ie those Catholics left who recognise that Vatican II and all things related to it are anything but Catholic, and continue to follow Catholicism as it always was and has been encoded in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917).

        On that basis, I challenge anyone to find a civilisation in the entirety of human history that was superior for human beings than Catholicism.

        So far I have been presented with only two possible alternatives, both absurd.

        1. An unspecified antediluvian civilisation (Eg Atlantis, Lemuria, etc.) Considering I literally wrote The Face on Mars in which I essentially proved that such a civilisation not only existed, but likely was responsible for the destruction of certainly one, and possibly two planets in our solar system and then continued to have a war here, on our planet, the idea that such people were technologically more advanced certainly follows, but that they were a superior civilisation, is laughable. Certainly by the way I measure a civilisation anyway, which is not limited to mere technological capacity. And which should be obvious to anyone not mentally deficient: Destroying a couple of planets and then continuing a generational war between the few survivors on a third planet doesn’t exactly inspire one with confidence in such a people’s concepts of mercy, charity, humanity, and so on.
        1. An equally unspecified pre-Christian people. This smelt rather badly of some Pagan LARPing nonsense, since the “pre-christian” people in question were intentionally left unspecified. Possibly because I have been rather clear in making fun of people that pretend that their supposed Viking ancestors were “superior” in civilisation/religion/belief system to Catholics. Which is hilarious for a large number of reasons, but I’ll identify only three. First of all, the barbaric, vicious and rape-oriented “civilisation” of the Vikings was absolutely a fucking horror show that modern people barely have any concept of, and secondly, because that’s just based on the little that we have left about their practices we are absolutely sure of, because a bunch of the other things that they believed or engaged in remains lost to the fact that they never bothered to write any of it down, preserve it or even bother to continue perpetrating it. But personally, and most hilariously of all for me, is the fact that my own ancestors absolutely were from those genetic people. The Franks and Normans that formed overwhelmingly the largest part of the first Crusade (1095 AD) were the descendants of the very Vikings that up to a couple of centuries earlier (about 900 AD) raided and murdered many Catholic monasteries and monks. In order to stop this, the Catholics offered them lands and space to protect themselves from their raids, on the understanding that they would fight off their kinsmen who wanted to continue raiding. And over time, all of these people converted to Christianity, without losing their talent for battle. My own family line can directly be traced back to the returning Crusaders when the Outremer was essentially beginning to be overwhelmed after a couple of centuries of occupation with no help at all from the “Orthodox” Easterners who had asked for Catholic help to begin with, and with ever increasing costs borne by Catholic Europe alone, and increasing numbers of belligerent Muslims. The returning crusaders with my surname came to Italy via present day Albania, quashed a feud that had been ongoing for 200 years, then split into two branches, one that remained in the south; the Golden branch, since the King of Sicily had made them Marquis (as well as all future first-born sons), and a Silver one (wilder explorers) who went further north to Venice and took part in the war of Candia were they were again rewarded for military bravery and given a perpetual noble title of Patricians (the lowest of Nobles). So, if anyone at all knows anything about such people, it really is me, and no, the Vikings absolutely were NOT in any way, shape or form a superior “civilisation” to Catholicism. In fact it is questionable if one should even consider them a civilisation at all. And pretty much the same goes for any other ancient culture, Spartan, Athenian, Roman, all were far from pleasant societies than anyone alive today normally imagines. Nor can we say the Chinese dynasties, or the Imperial Japanese ones were superior civilisations. The Chinese were far more numerous sure, but in terms of conditions of life for the average Chinese? It’s laughable.

        In conclusion, the only “attacks” that will be forthcoming will be from:

        Boomer tier ‘Muricans saying “We went to the Moon!” No, you didn’t the Nazis did it for you, and no, you didn’t really go anywhere near the way you think you did. And in any case, Protestantism has only and purely been the secularisation of Christianity (Catholicism) which has got us to where it is today, with their transgender Bishops, 40,000 plus “demon-nimations” and one rule to rule them all: “Interpreth as thou will!”. The rampant Clown World face of the West currently is Protestantism writ large. It is the “acceptance” and “tolerance” for the demonic, which is, of course, the very intent of the founders of America, since it was financed and created by Freemasons with funds from the French Revolution and the same Freemasonic Mottos of Equality, Fraternity (brotherhood of man) and Liberty, which all translate ultimately to “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. And since Protestants are absolutely ignorant of anything even remotely Christian, let me spell out that that law is literally the one Satanic Law, as espoused by Alistair Crowley.

        Ignorant Eastern “Orthodox”, who will claim they are the true keepers of the faith, while trying to avoid the fact they are as split as the Protestants, with no visible head, their Churches segregated by nationality, but the final nail in their coffin being that they neither spread, the gospel anywhere close to how much the Catholics did, but rather, they stagnated, and secondly, their achievements in terms of humane evolution remained similarly stagnant, as did their art and philosophy. They didn’t create the scientific method, abolish slavery or change much of anything for the better. Catholics did.

        Randoms. These can range from people who will try to pretend they are knowledgeable of Japanese civilisation, or Tibetan ones say, while missing the main point that even if we accepted the premise that Shintoism and the Samurai age was superior to Catholicism (it was not, but it certainly has a level of aesthetic appeal), or that Tibetan monasteries were the pinnacle of civilisation (they were and are not, and anyway the Chinks have taken them out) it remains a tiny fraction of the level and number of effects that Catholicism created on Earth when compared to these alternatives. The random brainwashed Protestants left bleating in the dark really have nothing meaningful to say. The so-called “Protestant work ethic” together with the Industrial Revolution, which can be placed under Protestant “achievements” is merely a mechanisation of human beings and ultimately does not actually produce the best quality of work, though it does produce large quantity of it while mostly dehumanising the people in it, reducing them to cogs in the giant machine dedicated to “profit”. And obviously all the evils that Protestantism has allowed to become “normal” by “tolerating” them remain too. Finally, pedophilic religions like Islam or Judaism are clearly inferior religions and systems of belief, one essentially still relegated to little more than desert nomads in terms of technology, ability and discovery, since all they have is taken or paid for and produced by Westerners, and the other hyper-focussed on enslaving the rest of humanity while turning a profit, in case their proclivities for raping children wasn’t enough.

        I would certainly welcome anyone cogent, and dealing solely in dialectic, that would be willing to debate the fact that Catholicism is without question the best system for human beings that humanity has ever come up with, but so far the only two people that I thought might make a reasoned argument have either declined outright (Andrew Wilson – Eastern Orthodox), or stated that they may at some distant future date, possibly engage the topic with me (Vox Day – Protestant). And so far, I haven’t really come across anyone, on or offline that might have the intellectual capacity to hold up their end in an honest intellectual debate. Perhaps I should try to get a hold of William Lane Craig.

        Commenters feel free to have a go, but respect the blog rules.

          Genocide for thee…

          …but apparently not for me…

          So sing the Israelis.

          Time will tell if they are right, or if at some point, for no reason at all, funny moustache man 2.0 through to 6,000,000.1 will rise up and wipe them out.

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