Giuseppe Filotto Cross

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Sponsor an Olive Tree in the Valley of the Saints

This is a sticky post that will remain here for some time or until all the first 50 trees are sponsored. CLICK HERE to see how you can sponsor a tree in order to help create a Catholic (sedevacantist) community faster.

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    Skipping the Asteroids?

    Regulars here will know of Carol Rosin and Werner Von Braun. The Nazi head of the Apollo programme explained how the cold war, the subsequent “nations of concern”, then asteroids and finally an alien invasion was all theatre for essentially doing the whole alternative three, which is basically getting a tiny section of humanity off planet on various bases in our solar system and perhaps further afield too.

    I cover these realities in my fiction trilogy currently available in full only as one volume called Nazi Moon (Amazon link is at the bottom of the description at that link if you prefer paper doorstoppers). That’s Carol Rosin in the video. She also testified before congress.

    But in case you thought that was not real…

    Here is just one of various predictive programming totally real news stories

    Things might not be looking too good for the Pedovores in charge if they are skipping the whole asteroids narrative.

    And if one asteroid just happens to land on my house and wipe me out… well… you’ll know it wasn’t really an asteroid.

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      The Real Zombie Apocalypse

      Even most people reading this will probably not appreciate the point of this post. But one does what one can, like a ham radio operator in a zombie apocalypse, you send out a voice into the Aether and hope it helps who it might.

      The overwhelming majority of humanity, especially in the so-called civilised world, has absolutely not even an inkling of an idea of how badly they have been manipulated. Really, quite literally none. You may think you are aware that 9/11 was done by Mossad, and consider yourself basically “aware” of the “deep state”. The increasingly common revelations about pedophiles and child traffickers and maybe even your awareness of organ trafficking and adrenochrome draining of children as a business, MAY have entered your conscious understanding that these things are real and happening.

      If so, you are already in a minority, but you are still not even half-awake yet.

      There are essential and “normalised” behaviours you accept as good and normal and civilised which are actually evil, abnormal and utterly Satanic.

      Some time ago, I made a really brief and far from conclusive or exhaustive list of things that if you believe pretty much any of them, it’s a good sign you really haven’t looked into it at all and/or may not be the brightest bulb in the box. Of course, it had my usual, signature kind and flattering title

      The point is that even my most loyal readers and friends, are quite likely to find at least one if not a few, items on that list that “offend” them. Especially in the Catholic/religious points, but the hard reality is that there is nothing on that list that hasn’t been concluded by the exact same direct and dialectic method of simply looking at the facts, regardless of how I personally may feel about them.

      And that list, as I said, is FAR from exhaustive.

      Let me put it this way. Say you agree with me on everything on that list 100%. Well, guess what, you’re still not free of the deceptions. And since I keep discovering more of them almost daily, neither am I.

      I however, have reached what I call Survivor Of (the current )Zombie Apocalypse level (SOZA).

      I ain’t gonna become a zombie. I may be droned by the people who gave us the current zombie apocalypse, I may be overrun by a zombie wave, sure, but I will never be an actual zombie myself.

      There are two important conditions you absolutely must have in order to be considered as being at the SOZA Level. They are probably not what you think. Here they are:

      1. An absolute, irreducible, total, acceptance of the fact that OBJECTIVE REALITY is a thing. It exists and is how the ENTIRE Universe, works. At all levels. This is not to be confused with the existence or otherwise of supernatural entities or pretty much anything else. What this means is that although we all know that unicorns do not exist, if there were to be found overwhelming EVIDENCE (which differs from proof) of unicorns, then one MUST postulate they at the very least they might be possible. At the same time, given that all the evidence we currently have is that Unicorns do NOT exist and are in fact a misinterpretation of what a rhinoceros is, we must postulate that they do not in fact exist. While the above sounds obvious, it actually is not. Most people under 50 have never even learnt how to think logically, or what logic is. My friend Tony graduated with a university degree in philosophy and was not even aware what logic was! He’s since corrected that very much, but the point is that you have probably been trained to believe truth is relative in more ways than you can count and that is the very root of all evil in many respects. Because once you accept that truth is relative, then nothing might be true and everything might be true, without you ever really being able to say that anything is one or the other with any certainty. This inability to take a firm and absolute position, means you are malleable. You have no solid beliefs. You will not die nor kill for pretty much anything. And that is NOT a good thing. Of course, the very mention of VIOLENCE in the last sentence is bound to make you think I am unhinged, because you have also been trained, as have we all, that only government should have the monopoly on force. Because governments throughout human history have always been such good guys, right? The fact tis that if you are unable to see objective reality is how things work, you are essentially unable to believe in anything or anyone. And an amorphous piece of flotsam that gets swayed by the emotions of the zombies around you…. well… guess what that makes you? Just another zombie in the crowd. And they don’t care if you are a zombie that goes left or right or just sits on his ass and preens his own navel. In any case you are not a threat. Just another zombie.

      2. The ability to observe, research, evaluate, test, verify, pretty much any and all information that you receive. Every narrative, every news item, every historical piece of information and so on. And also how to contextualise it with other observations. This too is almost a dead art. Perhaps even more so than the belief in an objective reality.

      Almost everything you think you know is a lie. Almost every pharmaceutical and medical concept of drug use is a distortion of the truth not designed to heal you but to at best treat symptoms while enriching the manufacturers of that drug. Best case. Because in many case it’s the intent of causing you harm with one thing so they can sell you another to fix the issue they created in the first place.

      Almost every narrative of history is almost the reverse of what you have been taught to believe.

      Almost every reality of genetics; race; IQ; history; ancient technology; current technology; energy creation, transmission, and possible use; health information; food information; the things they are doing to you with food, microwaves, medicines and pretty much everything else, is a lie.

      Once you realise this, even if, like me, you begin to instantly glaze over when people start trying to tell you what food is ok and what is not, you will begin to realise that actually, not only it matters, but when you get rid of sugar and white flour and gluten from your diet completely, and reduce processed milk to zero or near to it too and other little things like drinking a little bit of absolutely pure olive oil (which you can’t get in shops, just like you can’t get honey there either) and a finger or two of actually properly made wine (ditto) with your meals, your health actually improves dramatically in only a few weeks, and then you see what they want to feed your kids in school, and what they are trying to prevent you from eating… well… you eyes don’t glaze over anymore.

      So… if you have reached that level of awareness too, and you look around, you will find you tend to be an island in a sea of zombies. they might be beautiful zombies, friendly zombies, related to you by blood zombies, but they are zombies nonetheless.

      And that’s only half the equation.

      You know what the other half of the equation is? The supposed “freedom” part? Well, guess what, you cannot in any way have any freedom if you can’t actually protect it with force. Any freedom you have (or, increasingly, IMAGINE you have) is only an illusion. If you cannot defend yourself from force being applied to you to make you do this or that or the other, you are simply not free at all. The savages of Sentinel Island may be stone-age primitives, but despite their absolute low-tech, they have managed to carve out a place for themselves away from the rest of the world. Within the confines of their island and their society’s rules, they are absolutely more free than you or I.

      And this is the second very important part to understand, which also has two components:

      1. The only freedom you have is that which you can protect by force
      2. Because the only way to do 1. is with a large enough community that also understands 1. even then, your freedom is limited to the rules that such a community shares. The loser and fuzzier the rules are, the more you will be deluded into thinking you are free, while instead you will be increasingly prey in direct proportion to the “looseness” of the communal rules.

      The conclusion is inescapable that the only (and the most) freedom you can have is exactly like the one envisioned in any number of dytopic zombie apocalypse scenarios; and that is in a situation where:

      1. You are in a community of people that ALL understand you are in a zombie apocalypse.
      2. They understand enough about reality and the objective universe to know that in order to be able to continue existing as non-zombies you need to have the means, ability and willingness to use as much force as needed to protect yourself and your entire community.
      3. That community has to have rules and the more direct, simple and INVIOLABLE and INVARIABLE the rules are, the safest the community is, the more you have of both safety as well as freedom, paradoxical as it sounds.

      There is a step 4. A very important one. You do’t need to re-invent the wheel. The set of rules that works best is already in existence. It has the best track record of any other system and lasted the longest, and even if it has greatly been reduced in the last 70 years or so, it still exists.

      Proper Catholicism. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not. If you are one of the vanishingly small number of people able to simply observe the facts and make your decisions based on reason and logic, it is inescapable.

      Catholicism (today only exhibited by Sedevacantist Catholics) has had the longest run of ANY human organisation, empire, or religion save one: Satanism. Satanism is certainly older, but no other religion comes even remotely close to comparing to the 2,000 years of Catholicism when you consider the good deeds and genuinely positive things it produced in the overall human condition over its two millennia.

      The only other empire that comes even slightly close is the Roman Empire, at some 800 years, and believe me when I say that living under a Catholic City state or nation, is far, far, far, less brutal, more pleasant, and good than living under one that is modelled on Ancient Rome.

      The British Empire comes in at a very, very, distant third place; and then mostly would be limited to at least Anglo-Saxon people, and a version of them whose culture, like the Romans of long ago, has mostly disappeared from the present day.

      Catholicism remains the only one of these versions that still exists.

      It doesn’t even matter what your theological beliefs or disagreements with Catholicism may be. What is clear is that this is the factual reality on the ground. This is literally what objective reality shows.

      Only Catholics have been able to hold at bay, survive, and grow from ashes to continue fighting the eternal Enemy of Man.

      So, I hope you will see this and check for yourself what is written here. My book BELIEVE! Is a short read of maybe a couple of hours at most, filled with references, and that I think introduces the concept of Catholicism fairly and simply while comparing it to all other main perspectives. You don’t HAVE to buy my book, you can verify all this stuff by yourself, but if you want to take a shortcut and see some references and conclusions you can then try to poke holes into instead (which makes things easier than discovering it all from scratch in the first place) you might wand to spend the roughly 15 dollars or so to read it in digital or paper format, as you prefer.

      But feel free to also just try and prove me wrong. Really have a good go at it. Trying to do so will inevitably lead you into discovering some truths you are not aware of.

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        Lost Control

        Overheard conversation between Piglet (3) and her brother Little Viking (5).

        P: you know when i bashed my nose on the door and I was lying in bed watching telly?

        V: yes

        P: well auntie Z came up there and switched of the telly. I got so angry! I wanted to punch her!

        V: But (Piglet) you could have just said “Auntie Z, I was watching that, can you switch it back on please?”

        P: Oh no, I couldn’t. I couldn’t speak. I was so mad I lost control of my mind.

        V: (with a deep, knowing understanding tone) Oh, yes.

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          In Preparation for TMOS Part 6

          I strongly suggest that, women especially, look at this 15 minute video from a woman that has interviewed 1000 women.

          Pay attention especially between minutes 5 and 12 or so.

          I found it interesting that she said people want other people to convert to their religion (after minute 10). I think she is mostly right. And I also think that the perspective for Sedevacantist is slightly different.

          Yes we do want people to see the truth, but I personally do NOT want random people becoming Catholic. I am not aware of any Sede that does either. And when I say Sede I always mean actual Catholics. Because as a matter of dogmatic principle, Catholicism makes it absolutely clear that the only conversion to Catholicism that is valid is one that is entirely voluntary.

          Specifically, in order to go from whatever one was, to proper Catholic, inevitably tends to mean a process of rather in-depth study of the history of the Church, the various dogmas of Catholicism when compared to reality as we find it and other beliefs we may have had and so on.

          Her final conclusion that marriage only has about a 10% chance of working out is not something I looked into, and she may well be right, nevertheless, I still think that marriage is worth doing. I do agree that women used to stay in marriage in the past due to mostly external factors, and if we take that as the method of measurement then 10% may be optimistically high. But then, I have been saying women need to catch up and evolve some rationality, logic and emotional self-discipline for decades. Those who manage it, and who go on to get married and create numerous families, will be the ones that —along with the men who also evolved beyond mere brute force as the way to control their surrounding— create the next generation of worthwhile humans.

          Aside from simply the fact it is the highest form of absolute truth I have yet encountered in human affairs, viewed from an autistic level of objectivity, because I did not start out with any kind of dog in the fight, this is also why real Catholicism makes so much sense. It is based on objective reason that absolutely reflects objective reality, regardless of how we feel about it, and the women in it are amongst the most capable, intelligent and rational I have ever met in my over half-century on this Earth.

          And we Catholics certainly don’t shy away from the whole making a bunch of children and sticking with your wife/husband for life while you raise them, and beyond it too.

          So, no, I don’t want people to become Catholic for any reason other than the real one: Because it makes sense and model reality accurately and they see and experience that in their own lives.

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            On the other hand…

            Update: Someone sent me this video of a prototype from 11 years ago. So… might be real.


            I have no idea if this is real, an advert, or the trailer to a film, as I don’t speak Chinese, but given robot dogs appeared in New York to caution people, I have no doubt it’s a future our would-be masters are salivating over.

            Personally i would think a spray paint can would be sufficient to deal with it if it was not weaponised. Balloons filled with paint or maybe paintball guns from a bit further out.

            The later iterations would be increasingly difficult though.

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